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This story is a sequel to Mistakes We Make

The mirror showed a reflection, sure, but it was almost like looking at… a stranger.

Applejack struggles with an identity issue and finds solace in someone close. Although, things don't go quite as expected when the truth is revealed. Everything is fine, though. It has to be. Does it really count as lying if it’s to yourself?

Part of my Transverse AU!

Written as part of Quill’s and Sofas Speedwriting’s T is for Trans contest! Thanks to everyone who read the original version of this and left awesome comments on it. Here they are: applezombi, themoontonite, Undome Tinwe, The Red Parade, Silvermint, Bicyclette, wishcometrue, The Hat Man, Vis-A-Viscera, and Atom Smash.

Consider donating to Point of Pride (A charity for Trans People!)

Chapters (1)

Twilight seeks out Sombra's horn after his defeat to study it but quickly finds herself studying with him once she finds the horn. Despite Sombra safely residing inside his own horn, Twilight learns that he is slowly dying.

How will Twilight behave once she learned of Sombra's fate?

The original cover art was done by a friend of mine, Ablaze Emblemier.

The redone cover art was drawn and colored by, Elu.

Thank you both Ablaze and Elu.

This story is a submission to the Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord writing contest.

Chapters (1)

Starlight loses her sight in a near deadly accident. Her life changes significantly.

To Casketbase77, who proofread, Nitro Indigo, who has waited quite a long time for this to finally be finished, Supermarine Spitfire, who I'm relatively certain also wanted to see this when it was done although I am unsure, and Amit, whose stories I heavily based the structure and cover image of this one off of. We miss you, dude. You're quite possibly the best etymologist I've ever met.

God damn, I write too many sad stories. My next one will be funnier, I promise.

A (belatedly informed) entry into the My Little Pony Renaissance Contest. I promise it was! I just forgot to enter it!

Chapters (1)

Over the past few centuries, one of the only constants in Princess Twilight Sparkle's life is her friendship with Discord. There is absolutely no way their relationship will ever change.

This story was written as a Hearth's Warming gift for Snow Quill.

Thanks to Posh for prereading/feedback and Red for editing.

Cover art by Slushshe.

Now with a sequel!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to With The Thought Of Us by wishcometrue.

Time passes, and ponies change. But Twilight Sparkle knows that love persists, even as it changes as well.

Third-place finalist in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Expanded Universe 2 Contest.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Persistence of Love

Twilight, Cadance, and Discord go fishing in order to remember their loved ones.

Second-place finalist in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Bi Pride contest.

An entry into the Pride and Positivity event. Please consider donating to help those in need:

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was a royal couple who ruled together and created harmony for all the land...

A thousand years after banishing her beloved to the moon, Princess Twilight Sparkle will have to face the sins of her past as her student fights for their future.

Expanded version of the third-place finalist in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Lesbian Pride contest.

An entry into the Pride and Positivity event. Please consider donating to help those in need:

An entry into the Reunions Roleswap Contest.

An entry into the The My Little Pony Renaissance Contest.

Thanks to wishcometrue for editing and to Shaslan for the cover art and for the name of Rarity's evil form.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has failed at getting the Crystal Heart in time, letting the former king, who enslaved the entire kingdom over a thousand years before, return to take over the Empire.

Now, with the Crystal Heart permanently gone, Twilight is now bound to King Sombra for all eternity...

Because of this, it even left the only pony who can save her, her loved ones, and the empire, powerless against him.

Inspired by THIS image!!!!

Cover art by SapsDrow

Now with Dramatic Reading by ME!!!

Chapters (1)

Glistening Spear is caught in a storm, only to be saved by a breed of dragon thought to be long extinct, wiped out by a historical plague. In return, she is asked to deliver an item of high importance to safety.

Preread by FamousLastWords and Adda le Blue

Proof read by Sky_Wolf

Chapters (1)