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It's been almost over half a century since the bearers of the elements of harmony defeated nightmare moon. Since then, times have changed. Age has snuck in, for all six ponies.
No, all five ponies.
Being the alicorn ruler of Equestria, Twilight has watched her friends grow old whilst she stays youthful.
Today, the last one of her friends was buried, and Twilight has had enough.
Prequel to https://www.fimfiction.net/story/482796/hello-again

Chapters (1)

The Main 6 live their Immortal lives, doing all they can to make their Dragon friends last few years as happy as they can.

Featured August, 22nd, 23rd, 24th 2020
Edited by - Lightstruck

This story has a Sequal - Reincarnation

If you like this story and would like to support me feel free to buy me a Ko-fi

Chapters (6)

I got featured again!!!! June 19th 2021 - June 22nd 2021 :heart:


Luna has spent untold lifetimes in the dream world with other ponies, and on a cold winter night, she settles in for another- with a colt who has just one hour to live. Luna's spent incredible amounts of time in the dream world, and while her body doesn't reflect it, she is much, much older than her "older" sister.

Hickory is a teenaged colt, an orphan, living in Canterlot. He's spent more of his life being sick than being well, and he's very familiar with "his" hospital room by now. One night, for some reason, the doctors wheeled his machines out of the room, letting him go to sleep in silence for once. The room, usually filled with the whirring of the machines, was actually quiet enough for him to dream.

And on that night, Luna happened to be drifting through the dream world...


Chinese translation by gezhehuohu can be found here: https://fimtale.com/en/t/25240 :heart:

Chapters (1)

Celestia hopes to convince the parliament to ban duels, but it's an unpopular proposal. The last thing she needs is Luna stirring up trouble at the gala, so of course that's what happens.

Thanks to Daedalus Aegle for feedback on this story.

Chapters (1)

A king serves his country in many ways. He must care for his subjects’ needs, set roles of conduct, cooperate with leaders of other lands to ensure peace; he must live up to his subjects’ hopes and expectations and be a role model to inspire those around him. But there is one more duty a king must fulfill: to ensure there is someone to pass the torch to, should he not live forever.

If only it were so easy...

Written for the Pride and Positivity 2021 event. Help out by donating to one of the charities they’re contributing to this year!

-Transgender Law Center
-Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
-Sewa International (An Indian charity collecting funds for COVID relief)

Chapters (5)

Shining Armor goes to sleep one night and wakes up in the future, having been resurrected by his wife Princess Cadance for the fourth time. All of his memories of the past century are missing, and his kingdom is nearly unrecognizable.

As Shining struggles to make sense of the new world around him, he begins to suspect there's more to the story he isn't being told...

Written for The Writeoff Association's "All the Time in the World" contest.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia, Regent of the Sun, has long guided the ponies of Equestria with a gentle and caring hoof. Never once did she allow herself to be swayed by thoughts of power, nor did she turn away from her subjects in their times of need. A ruler rightfully adored, she has helped an uncountable amount of ponies with their lives, finding their dreams, and fulfilling their destinies.

But comes the day she had long dreaded, but never feared.

Twilight Sparkle, her dutiful and precious student, has fulfilled her destiny and has become a new princess for Equestria. With her new role comes many responsibilities, but for a curious mare such as herself, so to come the questions. What does it mean to be an alicorn? What does it meant to be a princess? But more importantly than anything else, why is Princess Celestia an immortal, but Twilight Sparkle not?

It is a question the Princess of the Sun must now answer. Her last secret to be told to her greatest student.

Chapters (5)

Thirty years ago, after laying her and Torch's first and only egg, Ember's mother Glazier gathered up her entire hoard and flew off, vanishing without a trace. Torch has constantly refused to talk about the whole affair, and Ember's been torn ever since becoming Dragon Lord: should she use the Bloodstone Scepter to force some answers out of him?

But then she learns where a piece of her mother's hoard might be hidden, and investigating it points her toward zebra shamans on the other side of the world.

Except...didn't Spike mention a zebra shaman when he was telling his whole story about going through the molt? And Ponyville's a lot closer than Zebrabwe...

Inspired by Charlie_K's request, I started this story as an entry for the Original Pairing group's May 2021 Contest, but I couldn't finish by the deadline. So here it is now!

Chapters (1)

A pony wakes up in an empty void and discovers that it is infinitely malleable to her whims and desires.

A loving tribute to pretentious, incomprehensible mind screws.

  • Many thanks to AquaGalaxy for the cover art! (Click the image to see it larger.)
  • Once you've finished this story, I recommend reading "Applied Starlight: Explained".
  • The genre tags are not correct. I'm not really sure what genre this story is, but if I could choose anything I wanted I'd probably go with [Ominous], [Puzzle], and [Parody].
  • Featured by Equestria Daily and The Royal Guard.
Chapters (20)

Princess Celestia is weak, ill, and older than her appearance would suggest, so she calls up Princess Twilight to discuss some matters that have arisen from the situation.

Nothing is forever, after all.

Chapters (1)