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Displeased with her tutelage under the princess of the sun, Sunset Shimmer leaves through a mirror deep within the vaults of Canterlot. With her trusty companion Philomena by her side, Sunset steps into a new world. But not the one the book said it would be. A small calibration error will leave two worlds of magic irrevocably changed.

A crossover with the Harry Potter books and a Sunset in Hogwarts story.

Now with editing courtesy of Rainbow Sparkle

Chapters (73)

This story is a sequel to Courtesans

Princess Cadence adopted a changeling, and now little Cheval is Flurry Heart's younger sister. As old enemies resurface, their sisterly love may be all that can save the Crystal Empire.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to The Third Wheel

Double Time is a changeling. Years ago, she fought the Crystal Empire in the war in the north. Now she's Cadence's prisoner.

Together, they'll learn something new about life, and rulership, and what it means to love.

Chapters (6)

Twilight and Shining Armor have a little sister named Light Step. Everypony tells Light Step how lucky she is to be related to such great heroes.

Light Step wishes she could smother them both.

Chapters (6)

Twilight is looking to hire guards for her castle. Derpy is looking for a new job. Lightning Dust is trying to find a way forward after her falling out with the Wonderbolts, and Flare Warden is just trying to get a position far far away from her brother.

Immense thanks to Fylifa for countless hours of editing and proofreading.
Cover art by Anchorxx

Chapters (7)

Life's a game full of decisions, and most of us don't have the power to change the rules. All we can do, is make our choice, and hope it was the right one, because in the end, no matter what anyone else says or does, we choose our own destiny. I don't know an awful lot about life, how to cheat at it, for instance, has always eluded me, but I do know that what I say is true.

If I've truly learned anything worth knowing, leading the life I do, it's that all are equal in death. The legacies we each leave behind, that is what truly determines the worth of someone.

So with that in mind, I've got just under 70 cycles to carve my name into history, 'fore I bite it that is.

Time's a wastin', let's get crackin'.

When a House of Winter Fallen dropship is reduced to a smoldering wreck of twisted metal by a Vex Cyclops, Skell-Rook, a dreg who's reluctant to accept his lot in life as a pirate, does all he can to survive the encounter with the murderous Vex.

He makes a decision that will forever change the course of his life.

Join Skell-Rook the Fallen dreg in his last-ditch effort to survive, an endeavor that will take him to a place he never imagined possible, free of the myriad of warring species he once knew all too well. A place where no one knows what a "Fallen" is, where no one judges him for what he is. A place where he can start over.

A place, called Equis.

A big thanks to all my pre-readers who helped me refine and shape this story into a tale that is worth your time.

Santa Shaxx
That One Hunter

Author's Note: Eliksni = Fallen, its the proper name for Skell-Rook's species.

Chapters (4)

A large corporation in Manehattan hires you to fulfill the Diversity and Inclusion goals and reach the target numbers on the key metrics such as the absence of gender and racial bias. They specialize in customized spell solutions, distributed enchantment systems and cloud mana storage: three things that you, a human, didn't know even exist.

To their surprise, you are not entirely useless.

This is an RGRE (Reversed Gender Roles Equestria) story. You were warned.

Huge thanks to Vayne Hellslinger and SirReal for helping me to make this stuff more readable.

Chapters (4)

Spike realises there's a pretty noticeable gap in Twilight's otherwise encyclopaedic knowledge - and tries to fill her in. Confusion and embarrassment ensues (of course - this is Twilight we're talking about!).

(Teen rating and sex tag for discussion about sex and pony genitalia, no actual sex.)

EDIT: Featured on 19/3/19 to 23/3/19 - a huge thank you to you all! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (4)

Astrid never expected any of this to happen, nor did she ever want it to happen, especially not to her. Lost in a world that is not her own, trapped in the body of a creature that is not her own, Astrid wants nothing more than to go home.

However, going home may not be an option.

Edited by the fantastic Babroniedadand ShimmerLeaf!

A Displaced Story featuring Legend of Zelda
Conflicting tags: Adventure/Slice of Life
Tags may be added or even changed as the story progresses
Currently not accepting crossovers

Featured on 5/12/17, the very first day! Thanks!

Chapters (9)