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Dammit, now I feel kinda obligated to continue.

Is joke, I plan to return you to your regularly scheduled program shortly.

. . . . .

Trixie Lulamoon was many things. Great and powerful? Yep. Honest and caring? You know it. Braggart? Of course.

And... dead? Well, she is now.

Nothing short of a heart attack could kill Trixie. Granted, that's exactly what does her in. After seeing an Ursa Minor for the first time—up close and personal—and assuming it's a Major variant, she just abruptly dies. This wasn't how she was supposed to go; a finale spectacular was to be her destined end.

However, not anymore.

Thankfully, the Daedric Gods, a few steps above the Princesses of the realm, deem her worthy of a complete restart—while accidentally adding a bit of self-awareness in this new life of hers. It invokes a new sense. Something very few have heard of.

The Gamer.

Blame Sheogorath, he's the one always putting that particular seasoning right next to the salt.

. . . . .

Multiple crossovers? Unadulterated idiocy? Flashbacks from Vietnam? Yep, you've stumbled upon Tact's take on "The Gamer" trope. Hopefully, it isn't too bad.

:twilightsmile: Enjoy! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Imagine being an ordinary citizen going about your day with no idea that the Wakanda battle to protect the Mind Stone is even happening. And then suddenly, your friend, your family members or even you begin disintegrating into dust. You have no idea what it is, what's causing it and you can't stop it.

That's exactly what the ponies of Equestria felt when Thanos snapped his fingers.

Click here for the complete list of who lived and who died in this story.

Featured 26th April 2019 (thanks, guys!)

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo needs to talk about sex. Unfortunately, she goes to Twilight for help, and gets a lecture, instead.

(Possible unequivocal spoilers in comments)

And with a YouTube audio reading, apparently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUBgt876x8Y
They really nail the panic in Scootaloo's voice! I love it!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer isn't like the other Freshman in Canterlot High School. While so many others explain away the strange things that happen in their town, she knows better. There's an entire world out there, a world of magic and incredible creatures, one that she's determined to reach.

Careful study and preparation brings her to the portal in front of her school, at the last moment of its opening. Sunset doesn't have a clue what might be waiting on the other side, but she's sure it will lead her to the magic she's always wanted.

No matter what it costs.

Updates Tuesdays.

This story was sponsored by my glorious enablers Bitera and Sparktail, who also did the editing. I know I don't deserve it. Want one of your own? Drop me a PM. Cover by Zutcha.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to A Foreign Education

Twilight was sixteen when she became an alicorn. She hasn't aged a day since. Some ponies ask her what it's like, not being able to grow up.

Twilight can't really say. She's never known anything else.

Chapters (7)

All my life, they ignored or insulted me. To them I was a dupe, a pawn, an object of mockery. They thought I could always be exploited.

Now judgment comes. I will destroy them all.

* * *

Audiobook by Scribbler Productions.
Edited by GaryOak and Reia Hope.
Written for Scribbler's Bronycon 2018 Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

All her life, Twilight Sparkle has tried to be good, hard-working, and well-behaved. She's been told that's what she should strive to be, but what if she's missing out on the secret delights of being a rebel? A punk? A bad girl?

Following this train of thought, she concludes there's only one thing to do: an experiment.

And since she knows very little about rebelling, she'll need to find an expert to learn from...

Story idea pitched by Hopeful_Ink_Hoof in the Uncommon Dazzling Ships group.
Cover picture by rileyav
Proofread by NaiadSagaIotaOar

Chapters (7)

When Twilight fulfills her destiny and ascends to the throne of Canterlot, everything goes black. Turns out her life is a game, and she won. Now follow Twilight Sparkle as she experiences the shiny appeal of New Game+.

4/16: It was only approved yesterday, and already this story is featured and hot? You guys are the best!

4/17: Second day and still featured! Moved to the top featured spot too! Awesome!

4/18: Still in the top spot? I think people like my story.

4/19: Left the top spot but still featured. It feels amazing to feel so appreciated!

Chapters (4)

A Cutie Mark amplifies potential. It makes a pony formidable — but it makes a human a god.

When humans started visiting Equestria and returning with Cutie Marks on their hips, Earth changed overnight. Now a young man with an unwritten future is about to discover the true consequences of that change … and his choice of Marks will forever alter the fate of two worlds.

** CONTENT WARNING: Offscreen rape, mind control.** Earns its Dark tag.

* * *

Highly Recommended by Present Perfect! "Completely memorable ... I've never read anything like it. Also perfectly terrifying."

"It went on my Favorites shelf, and I really don't do dark."iisaw

Third-place winner in the September 2014 Writeoff Association competition! Newly edited for FIMFiction!

Praise for the Writeoff version:
"What in the hell. … This is a really remarkable and surprising piece, one of the best HiE’s I’ve ever read, and the best Friendship Is Optimal-style sci-fi I’ve read since FiO itself." –Present Perfect

"F**k you for writing an HiE that I actually thoroughly enjoyed. Just f**k you." –Golden Vision

Chapters (4)

A situation with the Dursley family gets Harry sent off to America to live with his mother's cousins, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna. Of course this brings a whole new set of problems to both the world of wizards and the girls of Canterlot High School.

Chapters (16)