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Shortly after becoming an Alicorn, Twilight asks the princesses about her new body. She doesn't get the answers she expected. Instead she gets a series of secrets known only to the other Alicorns, as well as a revelation which might change Equestria forever.

Chapters (1)

During an attack on Ponyville in the middle of the Summer Sun Festival, Princess Twilight Sparkle evacuates the town by teleporting the entire population to safety in Manehattan. It turns out that her idea of safety needs some work. As well as her aim. And spelling.

Meanwhile, on a hot summer day outside of Manhattan, Kansas, Jonagold Bruener had a fairly successful life with few complications. Until while out mowing hay, he had a very strange visitor fall from the sky. And then another. And another. And another....

Editors: Tek, TheMaskedFerret, Peter, BluePaladin42, Edward Becerra

Picture credit: Manhattan Water Tower

Chapters (38)

pluperfect, n. the past perfect verb tense.

pluperfect, adj. more than perfect; excessively precise or complete.

A weekend with all her friends away, a shelf full of books, and Haycartes' Method- the spell that lets a pony see a book from the inside. It seemed like a perfect relaxing weekend for Twilight Sparkle- with a little tweak to the spell, that is.

Then she woke up inside the story... as the main character... with the main character's memories... and the main character's thoughts trying to override her own...

... and she can't remember how to get back out.

Another daily-writing attempt combined with reading new books.

Chapters (49)

Theodor Pichler knew joining the Barrow Observatory's winter crew would be a difficult position. He thought he knew the danger--freezing temperatures, gale-force winds, and terribly spotty broadband coverage. What he didn't expect was for an experimental new telescope array to interact with an unusual storm and send him screaming helplessly into the sky.

Instead of falling to his death, Theo landed in an alien world, populated by colorful horses he can't understand. What's worse: the body he landed in isn't his own, and he's not sure anything is where it should be. Having wings might be cool if he didn't have to be naked all the time...

With limited supplies and no help from the Observatory, Theo has to somehow navigate this new land, making new friends and encountering terrible dangers along the way. It will take all his cleverness, and a healthy dose of luck, if he's ever to be human again.

This book has a Hardcover! If you want to pick it up, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story was a commission for Lucky Ray on my Patreon. Feel free to PM me if you'd like one of your own. It was edited by Two Bit and Sparktail. Coverart by FoxHatArt. Where chapters have art, it was done by Jasper.

Zutcha was here too.

Chapters (53)

Torn from his laid-back life as an intel operative, Vertex had resigned himself to stand before his queen, to learn of the hive's latest invasion, and the role he would play in it. Instead, he returns to witness the collapse of Chrysalis's empire, along with what it meant to be a changeling. Misplaced and frustrated, Vertex must turn to the hive's new leader for answers, but he may receive more than a mere recollection for his troubles.

A direct continuation off the events of the season 6 finale.

* Featured 4/9/19!
* A commission for Vertex, my very first one ever! :rainbowkiss:
* Cover art & story art by the amazing 28GoodDays!
* Vertex the Changeling is (C) to Vertex & Golden Beam is (C) to Hywther!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hello, This is Not a Scammer, I Promise

Several months after his failed attempt to scam several ponies in Equestria, Hard Head gets a call from a scammer himself. He traces the call and finds a real scammer call center.

He doesn't know how to handle it.

Chapters (5)

Luna has some rather strong opinions regarding punishment inside Equestria. These come to a head when Tempest Shadow's fate is to be decided.

My Little Pony: The Movie spoilers

Thanks to Tired Old Man for his input and Nova Quill/Firimil for her input and edits!

Luna vector by speedox12.

Chapters (1)

Injured, broken, and nearly powerless after Luna learned to accept her own mistakes, the Tantabus was presumed long gone. But the truth is that it lives on, trying to lead a normal life under 'her' adoptave father, Jake. Stranger still is that not everypony can see her, and she feels oddly weak when nopony else is around...

Chapters (5)

It has been several years since Chrysalis’ defeat during the Canterlot invasion. Since then, the fortunes of her changelings and kingdom have rapidly declined. With mass starvation, ponies capturing more of her spies and love collectors every day, and her own powers diminished to the point of being a complete non-threat to her enemies, she fears that it may soon be over for both herself and her entire race.

As Chrysalis reminisces about past failures, a pony named Time Keeper crashes a large metal box into her bedchambers. He claims to not only be a time traveller but also to have accidentally killed Twilight Sparkle on the day she was supposed to go to Ponyville to defeat Nightmare Moon.

In an effort to avoid the prospect of the universe tearing itself apart at the seams from the ensuing paradox, Chrysalis agrees to go back in time and live out a facsimile of Twilight’s life herself, and if time allows, she'll work on her own little project: shaping the future more to her own liking.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to You Can Go With This

Much to her surprise, Twilight receives an invitation to the Dragon Lands.

As it turns out, she is brought there under false pretences. A monster has moved in recently, and despite the best efforts of the locals they haven't been able to shift it. Could Twilight, being as how she has monster experience, have a look?

She has a sneaking suspicion it may be a 'monster' she's familiar with.

Chapters (1)