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This story is a sequel to Scary Monsters

Following on from his jailbreak the local human finds himself in something of a rut, and decides that this is due to his nagging feeling that the previous matter had not been resolved to his satisfaction.

He decides the best way of rectifying this is to break into at least two castles, get locked up again and disappoint just about every single entity he happens to encounter.

Often while naked.

Chapters (1)

The local human, finding himself possessed of strength beyond measure in this strange world, decides to be a brutish nuisance. You know, running around half-naked, stealing cider and that sort of thing.

When his behaviour lands him in jail he casually breaks out and - more on a whim than anything else - breaks out the other jailbird too. Because that's mischief, and she had to have done something wrong, right?

They then run from Twilight, sit around a fire and sleep in a cave.


Ahahaha I got featured and I don't even have a picture what even is this.

Chapters (1)

Celestia thought she knew her sister. She was sure that nothing could surprise her anymore. She was certain that there was nothing more that Luna could possibly be hiding from her.
One attempt to identify a changeling presence in the royal guard later, she was coming to terms with how reality had decided to prove her wrong.

Audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna announce their retirement and their plans to turn the throne and power over Equestria to the mane 6. Unfortunately, this is the last straw for Twilight, and she goes off on a rant about why this isn't a good idea.

Chapters (1)

One day Spike answers the door and the bailiffs are there. . . turns out, Twilight forgot to pay the rent. For about five years.

Chapters (1)

The Sphinx catches a stallion trying to enter her lair without permission. He has an offer for her.

Chapters (1)

What if you had the ability to control time? So much so that you're basically able to do anything? My answer, is make some friends! Now if only everypony wasn't afraid of me.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Best Hell Ever

Once upon a time, Twilight went to hell. It wasn’t that bad. It was pretty great, actually. It had a library! A big one. Like, bigger-than-the-universe big. But then Twilight went and got herself kicked out of hell, and now she’s depressed.

There’s only one logical solution: with Starlight’s reluctant help, Twilight is going to break into hell and invade its library. Oh, it’ll be tricky — trying to find one specific location in an infinite dimension tends to be a bit hard — but the infinite knowledge it’ll provide is too good to pass up. Twilight will find that library if it kills her (which, since this is hell, isn’t the worst thing ever in the grand scheme of things).

There is absolutely no way this can possibly go wrong.

Chapters (7)

Applejack and Fluttershy are going out on a date to celebrate the anniversary of them being a couple. This surprises Twilight Sparkle greatly. Not because she can't believe it's already been a year since such a clearly important event in the life of two of her best friends, but by the fact that she didn't even know they were dating to begin with. How could she have missed that? Surely her other friends will have the answer, right?

Chapters (1)

Death learns that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be retiring after nearly a thousand years as rulers of Equestria and he couldn't be more happy about it.

A bit of a spoilers based on the Trailer shown recently. A simple one shot that I was inspired to make because of it. - Rated Pontstar.

Pre-Read and Edited by B_25

Chapters (2)