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Sunset Shimmer is many things. Powerful, intelligent, arrogant. That last one got her banished from everything she ever wanted and cared for. In defiance, she vanished into a magic mirror that showed her destiny, traveling to a new world where she was certain she'd find the power she sought.

But this world is nothing like Equestria. Monsters prowl the lands searching for unready travelers, a Goddess of Light seeks to exterminate the unclean menace, and strange beings called 'humans' are caught in the middle. Now, after ten years of surviving, Sunset finds herself traveling with a boy-turned-hero named Luka and a strange lamia named Alice to end the dark threat that seeks to plunge the world in destruction (or just snack on everything that looks tasty).

Sunset Shimmer is many things. Is 'Hero' really one of them?

Alternate Universe: What if Sunset Shimmer had ended up in a much different world than Canterlot High?

*Monster Girl Quest and Paradox are owned by Torotoro Resistance (with credit to Rogue Translator for translating the VN from Japanese to English).*

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Administrative Angel

Discord is having a gloriously unlucky day. First he accidentally got sucked into a human high-school version of Equestria. Then he got stuck there after blowing up the portal home. His life hasn't been this chaotic in ages!

But a burst of reverse future memory is about to convince him to destroy this new world — and the power of Harmony seems to be on his side. Against those odds, it will take the full wit, courage, and magic of Celestia and Luna to save the day.

No, not the Princesses.  That would have been simple.

Rated 'Why Haven't You Read This Yet?' by PaulAsaran! "I can’t stress enough how good this was in all aspects, from the narrative voice to the characterizations to the creativity underlining it all, to say nothing for how much fun it is. ... I greatly enjoyed this and think most people will too, be you a casual reader just wanting to enjoy Discord, a more technically minded one looking to see Discord done right, or someone who just wants a worthy follow up of Administrative Angel."

Recommended by Present Perfect! "The same strong writing and the same authorly voice as the original ... it's thrilling watching a world-ending threat through the villain's eyes."

Silver medalist in the January 2019 "Reversal of Fortune" Writeoff! Significantly expanded and edited for FIMFiction!

Praise for the Writeoff version:
"There are clever stories that make you feel smart, and clever stories that make you feel dumb, and I'm finding this very much in the first category." –Chris
"Things just don't stop moving." –Xepher

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to A Noble Death

For the former Spartan Noble Six, life after death no longer holds any mysteries. Finding herself in the aftermath of a war against the changelings that she had brutally finished, Six has to contend with one of the greatest challenges a soldier can face: walking away from war.

Only a month after the Changeling-Pony War ended, another changeling monarch appears in Canterlot. King Phasmatodea of the Fifth Hive, a complete unknown to pony and changeling alike. Battleworn and rich with mysteries, knowledge, and artifacts, King Phasma catches the eye of both the Princesses of Equestria and Six. To the Princesses, he is the ticket to preventing a future war with the changelings. To Six, this King Phasma seems to be more important than any native she has met, for he claims to be something that Six swore she would never see again: another human.

Cover art by Frazy#1225
Written in collaboration with K.K. Slider
Warning this story contains spoilers for the two stories A Noble Death and Changing Expectations
Edited by AlwaysTired and UnamusedWaffle

Chapters (4)

When Sunset realises that none of her human friends ever really apologised to her after the Anon-A-Miss incident, she leaves CHS to find better friends who wouldn't leave her at the drop of a hat. She eventually decides to go back to school, but is tripped on her way in and sent flying through the portal.

Instead of going to Equestria, however, it transports her to just outside of Camp Half-Blood.

Adventure and shenanigans ensue, as Sunset finds new friends and family at Camp.

Based off Percy Jackson, as well as all interrelated series, (Heroes of Olympus, Magnus Chase, Kane Chronicles etc.)

Set just after The Last Olympian.

I highly recommend you read the Percy Jackson books first so you know what you are getting into.

Chapters (5)

With the recent victory at the Black Garden, Guardians in the Sol system celebrate. The Traveler is beginning to communicate with the Speaker and the Ghosts once more. And now there is a new desire from the Traveler: take the fight to the Darkness. With a squad of Ghosts chosen, they are sent to the outer reaches of the Sol system. None of them expected to find what they did.
(Crossover: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic + Destiny (Year 1 and hints of Year 2 content))

Chapters (30)

Hello there! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m guessing you’re here because you want me to tell you about… well, about how all this happened.

You know. This whole, ‘turned into a fictional pony and smashed full-speed ahead into the plot of said piece of fiction’ thing.

I know, I know. Kind of cliche, really. But let me just tell you, it doesn’t feel cliche when it’s your life.

So as I was saying, it’s nice to meet you! My name is Sunset Shimmer, and this is the story of how I got transported to Equestria through this huge portal, turned into a pony that isn’t even the most like me and loved it, and helped save Equestria and the world along the way.

Yay, me?

An attempt at a semi-realistic TF/Self-Insert, with a few twists.

Chapters (1)

Sunny Starscout being evasive? Sprout now unerringly obedient to her every ask? Izzy Moonbow being... well, Izzy?

Something weird is ahoof, and Sherrif Hitch will investigate.

Pray (for his poor little cherub-like sanity) he never finds out what it is.

This is my2nd place entry for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting group's G5 Shipping contest. Thanks to AuroraDawn, Snow Quill and BandyBrony for reviewing/pre-reading!

Chapters (1)

Ever since she's made the trip to an alternate Equestria multiple times, twilight has begun to think heavily about the portal. Is it just a connection between the two dimensions or are there more connection to more worlds that can be made. After a long time of theorizing and discussing it with Sunset Shimmer she decided to set up an experiment to test her hypothesis. In the presence of her friends, her brother, Discord, and fellow princesses she begins the experiment which in the end has dazzling and explosive results. In the aftermath they discover that beings have made their way through the portal and that they are just a bit different from the norm that they know. They're a bit more defensive, more fight-y, more...quirky? With the portal being in need of repair they can't immediately send them back and so hopefully the new arrivals will be able to wait patiently while it's being fixed. And maybe in that time they can show Equestria just exactly who they are and what they stand for while they watch over and protect creatures of a world not their own from a dangerous force using something they might recognize

Written because like many other people i ahven't gotten into the damned awesome Overwatch BETA ...plz blizzard?

the games out now i'll be fine....


Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Queen Chrysalis, Relationship Counselor

Queen Chrysalis’ business is blossoming, but is something else as well? Join the queen as she furthers her role as a relationship advisor, while also dealing with new emotions within herself that will test her mental limit.

NOTE: This is not a sequel, but is a continuation of my editor ‘s fanfic that he gave me his blessings to soldier on with (link above so you can catch up, reading that is required to understand the set up for this). Whereas he wrote the original before Season 6, I’m updating it to current canon by introducing Sunburst and Thorax as mentions.

Chapters (7)

For a long time, Twilight could feel it; a sense of emptiness she couldn't explain. Now that she's a princess, that feeling is stronger than ever. She finally decides to bring the matter up with Celestia. In response, Celestia gives her an old book.

The contents of that book will change her perspective of the world... and her beloved mentor. Just accepting the truth is a challenge. And after that?

She has to make a decision.

If you’re not watching PaulAsaran, let this convince you to.PresentPerfect

An immeasurably well crafted, highly intense read.Ghost Mike

First place winner of Rage Reviews! seventh F*** THIS PROMPT contest! So awesome.

Pre-read by JawJoe.

Cover art by Famosity.

Chapters (1)