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Pinkamena just wants to stay in her own lane. If Pinkie has a problem that needs yelled at, kicked at, or jeeringly tolerated until it goes away, she can handle it. But what’s a sourfaced split personality to do when her agreeable half vanishes overnight like a fart in the wind?

Pinkamena is not a sleuth. Nor a convincing actress. But she’ll need to be both to guise as Pinkie and solve the mystery of where her better half went.

What a pain in the flank.

(Teen rating for Pinkamena’s crassness and comically short temper.)

Its National Novel Writing Month! I'm breaking my regular short story conventions for a multi-chapter tale of fumbling comedy, uneasy mystery, and (most frightful of all) first-person narration.

Chapters (6)

Tossed through a portal as the last act by Twilight; Chrysalis is all that is left, the sole survivor of a fallen realm. Now she finds herself in a completely mechanized version of Equus, against an enemy with an all too familiar face; her own. Nothing is as it seems, and as more is revealed, Chrysalis finds herself questioning how she ended up like this. The real question is can she handle the answers she unconvers?

Chapters (35)

New Cover Art! See the full image here: https://www.deviantart.com/harwicks-art/art/Commission-What-My-Destiny-is-Telling-Me-969614816

Sunset Shimmer was a pony that always had her destiny in her control… but that was before. Now, trapped for months in a world where she no longer has magic, no longer has a plan and no longer even has her own body, she's lost. She found an unexpected lifeline, however, when she showed up at the Crumbles/Flanks residence, desperate for help, and formed a close bond with a human around her own age, Rarity.

Having lived together for several months, Rarity has grown to consider Sunset a sister, even as Sunset feels hesitant about the moniker. Shortly before the start of the school year, Rarity brings Sunset along on an annual camping trip, hosted by Applejack and Big Mac, hoping to better acquaint Sunset with her friends. But one morning, Rarity awakes to find Sunset, sleepless and distraught, struggling with concerns and fears she doesn't understand... as the specter of destiny continues to loom large in the former unicorn's mind.

And it's up to Rarity to provide some much-needed comfort.

Set in an alternate universe in which the timeline diverges after Sunset leaves Equestria. This story also deviates from the depiction of Sunset's past as portrayed in the comic The Fall of Sunset Shimmer. Chronologically, it takes place after the events of The Final Conversation, though reading that story is not a requirement.

Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder and Ninjadeadbeard. Cover art by Harwick. Originally written for the Bean's Writing Group prompt "Let's Go Camping".

Featured on 8/23/22–8/26/22!

Minor Note: My stories generally treat Canterlot High School as a 7-12 school to justify the Cutie Mark Crusaders/Canterlot Movie Club being there in the main films. Keep that in mind if you notice some odd-looking age math in there; at the time of the story, Rarity and Sunset are about to start 9th grade (freshman year).

Chapters (1)

After a night out drinking, Sunset Shimmer wakes up in an unfamiliar bed. It takes some time and help from the woman next to her to reconstruct the events that had led her there.

1st Place Winner of the "Sunset Shimmer x Villains Unseen" Contest

Credit to Cover Art belongs to Maren/Marenlicious

EDIT: My first story to be featured on the front page! 🎶

Chapters (1)

After spending a few years away from Ponyville, Jake returns to visit the first seven friends he had made in Equestria. When he arrives, he finds much has changed, including that Twilight now has a castle and a personal student. After bonding with said student, he also learns of a deep secret of Twilight’s he had never expected.

Thanks to ThePinkedWonder for proofreading this story

EDIT: Featured 7/4/18! Alright, first story featured!

Chapters (10)

This story is a prequel to Romantic Meetings

Life had never been fair to Jake Taylor, not since he lost his parents thanks to his negligence. So, it’s pretty safe to say he wasn’t exactly the most friendly person around.

Unfortunately, a freak accident causes him to wake up in a forest...in another world full of ponies who value friendship. Jake, not being one for friends, magic, or well, ponies, freaks out. Too bad one pony in particular won’t let him leave

Here it is, the long awaited prequel to Romantic Meetings. I hope you all enjoy

Chapters (7)

Baked Bean is but one of the thousands of tourists in Canterlot, and he's looking for some inspiration to help launch his writing career. To this end, he pays a visit to the Royal Gardens, but while there he quickly and quite accidentally invokes a long-forgotten law that will completely upend his life and thrust him into the spotlight...

As Celestia's husband.

And all this because of noses.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

With an audio reading by Fire Hearth Studios!

Cover art graciously provided by the Right Most Awesome Backlash91!
Original cover art provided the Right Most Awesome Sipioc!

Proofreading and prereading services provided by Georg, Sipioc, and Moon Fire!

Fan Art for this story can be found right here!

A most worthy review by Cyonix!

Chapters (32)

Sunset is bitten by a bat that appears to just not exist in the human realm when she researches it. After the bite she's starting to experience some weird after symptoms, and has completely lost her appetite, but has a weird craving.

For the sex tag, there's no explicit sex just some suggestive scenes, and talk of it.

Insipred by one of my favourite stories on here, Sunlight by The Albinocorn. 100% check it out https://www.fimfiction.net/story/286605/sunlight

Chapters (3)

It's been a hundred years since the Immolation Incident, and once again, Princess Twilight Sparkle goes to visit Pariah Celestia, the former leader of Equestria.

Tears fall, flames burn, and words are exchanged.

But it's all just another day.

A day that Celestia fought to make last forever.

*rated for tears and shouts, one-shot*
*it's a shame there's not a 'feels' tag, does the 'slice of life' tag cover 'feels'? If so, then I'll add it*

Chapters (1)

(This is a fic based off of the game, Warframe. I highly recommend and accept critiques, as this is my first crossover. Said crossover will contain ONE main character from the game, and all will be told in third person. I will be adding in some elements or taking away some that were in the game. Put the OC and Other tags because I'm using my preferable load out for the main character. And yes, the ponies are anthros. Enjoy, and don't forget to rate!)

Tenno. Warriors from old, resurrected with new missions, new purpose. These Tenno pilot Warframes, advanced suits with extraordinary abilities. But what happens, when an Orokin artifact sends one of these Tenno, to a world he nor any other Tenno has ever discovered? Time to find out...

Chapters (3)