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Three tenno find themselves stranded on a small planet on the outermost region of the origin system after a sabotage mission on a Grineer Famorian results in faliure. They quickly find out that the planet is inhabited by intelligent life forms, and that said life forms are the new target of the Grineer and their twin queens.

Can the tenno neutralize the grineer threat or will the planet and it's inhabitants be utterly destroyed?

Warframe is owned by DE (Digital Extremes)

Chapters (16)

SPOILER!: This contains lore and what the Warframes really are. If you haven't played the Second Dream quest and don't want to be spoilt, do not read until you complete it.

My name is Karn, it's been over one-thousand years since I became a Tenno.

I've faced all sorts of horrors and challenges.
The grineer, a race of clones, seeking out others to stabilize their own DNA and hating anything or anyone not like them.
The corpus, a conglomeration of commercial and industrial interests, they acquire Orokin technologies and warframes to trade and sell using any means necessary.
The Infested, an ancient plague created by the Orokin to combat the 'Sentients' but has spread throughout the system.

Me and the new Tenno Greavus who uses the new Nekros warframe were sent to assassinate a grineer general, but Greavus struck a deal with the grineer and left me within the ship while the grineer tried to take my warframe for experimenting. Long story short, they failed.

I barely managed to escape to the void in an attempt to take down Greavus, but my Orbiter and Liset are damaged during flight.

My Orbiter exits the void right above a bright planet. With its engines down, the ship crashes right into a city on a mountain during an invasion.

I arm myself and leave the Orbiter, but for the first time in centuries, I'm not prepared for what greeted me... Small colourful equines.

Warframe/MLP crossover, image is my rhino warframe and the one used in the story.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Cadance and the Wedding Crashers

(A Warframe Fanfic... Duh.)

The shock-wave from decimating an entire army of shapeshifters ripples across Equis, leaders shut their doors, panic grows amidst the fear and uncertainty, chaos spreads...

All the while twisted things stir in the shadows, plotting, preparing... growing...

Chapters (2)

(featured as of Aug 30th... how?)
(MLP + Warframe crossover.)
(Technically HiE but more focus is given on the Warframe angle.)
(probably goes without saying but, will have major SPOILERS FOR SECOND DREAM/WAR WITHIN! go play those quests before reading anything warframe related ever again!)

After being left to die in the crystal caverns beneath Canterlot by Chrysalis and her minions, Cadence had almost given up hope completely. Until she found something... something in the dark. Something that just might save them all.

Chapters (5)

I was on my way to Tennocon in Quebec, dressed as my personal Tenno from the game Warframe. I saw a costume shop with a perfect looking Amp, and stepped inside to buy it, and upon putting it on my arm found myself in Equestria. I was turned to stone by Celestia because of a misunderstanding about my powers, and now I do my own thing in Equestria, occasionally helping at Celestia's behest.

A Displaced story, will be doing crossovers if approached for them. However, I won't do a crossover if there is no reason to.

Chapters (7)

My name is Aileen, and I am Tenno.

Now now, I wasn't always one, in fact I lived on earth and played Warframe, or watched My Little Pony. I lived a not so happy life but looking back, it could have been a hell of a lot worse than it was. Anyways, one day I was trying to sleep when I swear I heard the Lotus say the line from the Second Dream quest. When I awoke gone was my old 16 self, and hello a life of void powers, Adventure, torture and EQG.

one of these things is not like the other!

(Warning: This Story does contain spoilers for all Warframe lore that is out/to come. It will be updated and edited as more info is leaked out.)
(Note: This story might tie into my other story, but that is to be determined.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle never was a Unicorn and she didn't even know it.
What happens when her true heritage comes to light? Will she willingly embrace it? Or will she be forced to?

Beware of spoilers in the comments!

Edited by uTTerAbsurdity, Zervziel, Stormwatch and Gwenio

Cover art by the talented Cartoonlion and colored by the equally talented Stormwatch, original can be found here

Click here for the Tvtropes page

Chapters (28)

When Adagio is caught wearing a rather unusual piece of clothing, Aria and Sonata can not help but ask questions about it.

(:rainbowderp: featured on October 26, 2018. Was not expecting that :pinkiehappy:)

Chapters (4)

Like most, I used to be a regular guy going about day-to-day life. Now? I'm stuck in a world of anthropomorphic ponies, deemed the most dangerous thing to ever grace the lands alongside a mismatched trickster, dark magic emo twat, lying (though admittedly sexy and hot) bug queen and a power stealing hybrid cunt.

Worst part though? I've been turned into a Nuckelavee from RWBY.


So yeah, I've decided to do a displaced story where a guy gets turned into a grimm from RWBY, specifically the Nuckelavee. Maybe within the first five chapters I'll get some crossovers with other stories/writers going, who knows.

Any who, this has been Redsummer, and I hope you enjoy.

P.s: this is inspired by Equestria's White Fang by Garnet Naturea

P.p.s: I do not own either MLP, RWBY nor the cover art. So do not assume I do.

Chapters (4)

Spartan-B312 A.K.A Noble six. The unsung hero and the only other Soldier designated as 'Hyper-lethal' of the Human-Covenant War. Were it not for her actions on Reach, the events that lead to victory over the Covenant and Flood would never have happened.

But that victory had a cost heavy price with Noble team dead and Six left on Reach as the Pillar of Autumn made for orbit.

Alone against the Covenant she was doomed. But she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

For three whole days, she fought. For three whole nights, she struggled against the full might of the Covenant on Reach. And on the third and final day, she fell.

Exhausted, battered, and beaten she was finally overwhelmed and presumably killed from what the helmet cam footage shows, the only thing remaining of the Spartan after the glassing of Reach was a broken helmet. But even after that, there is one constant that is never broken.

Spartans never die...They just go missing in action.

Now armed with a new equine body and armor to boot in a barren wasteland resembling the one she had just left behind, Six's Journey hasn't ended yet.

Cover art by the wonderful: Panini you can find them here
Holy wow Featured within the first 6 hours
I-I have no words to express how happy this makes me

Halo: Reach Crossover (And yes my Noble Six is female)

Character tags shall be added as the story progresses

Chapters (50)