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"No, Sombra. You don't have everything. Rather, you have nothing...nothing but grains of ashes of the creatures you've slaughtered, directly or indirectly. You say having absolute power is all? Well I say that's bullshit. Strength is only a matter of choice. Fighting like hell to protect whatever it is you hold dear. You possess nothing of that sort. That is why you also have no real strength. And that is also why...your demise is inevitable, no matter how you look at it. Perhaps, that is your reason for still fighting. Your reason for declaring destruction upon existence itself. The one who rules with fear, is always plagued by it."

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Noble Death

Known as the Angel of Las Pegasus to the ponies and the Demon to the changelings, Lieutenant Sierra-B312 Callsign ‘Noble Six’ has certainly made a name for herself.

From the streets of Canterlot to the tunnels of the Grand Hive of the Empress, Six brought the war between pony and changeling-kind to its conclusion. But now that peace reigns, what is a Spartan to do? Is she more than a living weapon? And what would happen to her should her newest family meet the same fate as her old one?

And with the recent return of the Crystal Empire after months of ever-growing restlessness, the answers she has been looking for may finally become clear.

But with every light, a shadow is cast, and one last question will become clear:

Is she afraid of what waits in the dark?

Coverart made by Crimsonwolf360

Tags will be added as the story progresses to prevent spoilers.

And I dedicate this story to you Frazy, whenever people see Six they will be thinking of the design you brought to life, may your retirement from drawing be filled with fuzzy ferret love.

Chapters (9)

Made in honor of the ‘Whispers of the Old Gods’ set leaving Hearthstone’s Standard Mode. Goodbye, C’Thun, you were essential for a newbie like me claming so many wins.

Our heroines try, and fail, to stop a cult named Twilight’s Hammer from resurrecting an unfathomably powerful creature from beneath the very earth. With anypony that could stop them captured and defeated they can only watch helplessly as it rises from its sleep to bring doom to all...

Turns out, it really just wants a snooze button.

This stupid thing got featured!? HOW!? And on Friday the 13th, no less...

Chapters (1)

Soul Writer moves to a new town with his mom while his dad is still in service in the old town they were in and becomes part of the Canterlot High family. He'll be able to make new friends and have the fondest of memories. But right now he faces his biggest challenge: Does he have a crush on Sunset?
Yes, yes he does.

Follow Soul and Sunset as they begin to have feelings for one another while they face life together.

Inspired by three wonderful authors and their stories.

The Pie of my Eye by Azure_Shadow

Amor Fati by BRyeMC

And Come Out of Your Shell by CogWing

Their OC characters are part of the story and they respectively belong to their individual creators.

Cover made by kiriche

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to The Sun of My Heart

It's now summer time for Soul Writer as he and his friends are having the time of their lives right now. His favorite girl in the world right now, Sunset Shimmer is his girlfriend and he loves her with all of his his heart. Once again, join Soul, Sunset and many of their friends in their adventures through life, fun and happiness as they make memories on their summer vacation and they soon would enter their senior year of school!

I want to thank my fellow authors and friends for letting me use their characters in this awesome sequel!

Amor Fati by BRyeMC
Come Out of Your Shell by CogWing
Pie of My Eye by Azure_Shadow
Chasing a Dream by KillerRobotQuote
Twilight to a New Dawn by Zeroxdoom

Cover Art made by kiriche

Chapters (34)

3/14/24 Still Alive Edition

There's only one pony in Ponyville that the Mane Six have never met. Pinkie Pie has never thrown him a party, Applejack has never sold him a mug of cider, and Twilight has never seen him check out any books. And as far as that unicorn, Lapis Print, is concerned, that's exactly how it should be.

Lapis can't risk them knowing where he lives, what he does for a living, or even what his name is - if he gets his way, the Mane Six won't even know he exists, and nopony in Ponyville will miss him once he's gone.

It should be a piece of cake - after all, it's not like the biggest magical power in Equestria is about making sure everypony looks out for each other, right?

(Rated Teen for language - mental cursing mostly.)

Chapters (19)

Love is shared, Thorax and the changelings are freed, Chrysalis is defeated, and alls well that ends well. But Twilight isn't Celestia. An escaping villain should be chased down. In pursuit of chrysalis however, Twilight is surprised to uncover the truth of who the queen really is, and learns a little of the truth of politics in the process.

A personal twist on the season 6 finale, inspired by watching said finale, listening to my brother complain about it, and pondering how I would have structured the story differently. Less a "Fix" and more a "what would I do if I ran the zoo?"

Chapters (1)

Long ago, I was impressed into serving the Dark Emperor Grogar. When he was defeated, I was punished for my servitude with imprisonment in Tartarus. Chained to a tower and left to my own devices for a period of time I had long since forgotten, I was certain I would never get out.

But as fate would have it, Cerberus, the eternal guard dog of Tartarus, would abandon his post, leaving the gates open for anyone who wished to escape. Taking the opportunity, I now found myself free to roam the world once again, along with the chance to start my life anew.

That is, if everything goes smoothly.

This story is a reimagining of one of my previous works, Havoc. You can read that too if you want.

Criticism is allowed, so don't be afraid to say negative things about this story.

Chapters (6)

As the elements were unleashed, the Nightmare knew it was over. But it would not let it's fun end. No, it would not be left behind. It would find another world to bring to ruin. As for the poor sap that was left in It's place? He was going to get blasted, what did it matter what he ended up getting from It?

Cover Image by NetherWalker

Realized there was no link, so I'm adding two, one here and one in the chapter. After the events of Don't Underestimate the Power of a Bored Mare , the juicy bits that I cant put in a T fic: Defining Love

Edit: I swear, half of you are uncultured heathens. The thing in the image with the Nightmare's hair is a substitute doll

Chapters (107)

So, we've all heard of the displaced right? People who are usually cosplaying as characters while at a convention, who then are sent to Equstria by a creepy merchant who sells them something for free that matches with their cosplay? Turned into his/her cosplay powers and all? Yeah I'm one of them. This is my story. NOT THE STORY OF A HYDRA DANG IT!

Okami and MLP belongs to their respected owners.
A displaced story.

Chapters (4)