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Noticing her Princess' plight, the kitchen mare helpfully offers some of Luna's "special brew" to jumpstart Celestia's day. Chaos ensues when an overly percolated princess can't handle her caffeine!

(Rated "Teen" for the single use of one naughty word.)

Daybreak's story is told here in Sometimes It Takes a Double Shot!

(Many thanks to CaptainBron3y for this live reading!)

Don't miss the unofficial sequel "A Princess Needs her Coffee", a lovely story by my wonderful friend Broman.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has never used her full power.


But that might be about to change. Chrysalis has contacted her and requested a meeting out in the middle of nowhere. Celestia expects a trap. In fact, she's hoping for it.

Featured: Because you guys are way too nice to me. Thank you all!

Now with a Spanish translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-mundo-de-fosforos-923171362

Chapters (1)

The portal between Equestria and Sunset Shimmer’s world has closed unexpectedly. Despite Twilight and Sunset’s best efforts, the girls have been unable to come up with a solution. Running low on pages to talk across the dimensional rift, Twilight reads what might be Sunset’s final message to her. However much to Twilight’s surprise, there’s also another message to a different pony.

Inspired by a conversation with Tired Old Man and the story The Last Page, with apologies to Holy.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Consequences of Good Intentions

In which a certain draconaquus discovers that there is, indeed, a point at which it is possible to take chaos too far.

August 8, 2018 - FEATURED!!! Thank you, you love me, you really love me!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is just trying to have a nice dinner with her friends when it is RUINED by an uninvited guest with an affinity for black goo. She knows what it is, she knows who is responsible, and she is very VERY unhappy with him. And she wants to let him know.


Rated T for exactly one instance of harsh profanity.

I did not expect this to get as popular as it did but I am very glad that people enjoyed it. Thank you all so much for getting featured, 100+ likes, and countless additions to favorites lists! 💜

Chapters (1)

in the wake of a terrible accident claiming Velvet and Night light, Celestia takes in Twilight, Shining, and Spike to raise them alongside Cadence in Canterlot Castle. I present an alternate take on Friendsip is magic where Twilight never leaves Canterlot to go Ponyville, and instead relies on her new family to protect Equestria. I give you, the House of Sun.

Please go easy on me with criticism, I havent written a fic in a looonnggg time. Also Im not quite sure how long this gonna be, I'll at least write up to Nightmare Moon's appearance.

Chapters (66)

The lilim Celestia has presided over her personal monster realm of Equestria for generations- an oddity among her kind, ruling with an even hand and a will to let her subjects preserve their humanity, should they choose. Even her prized student, Twilight Sparkle, was for the longest time a mere human with incredible arcane potential.

But as her student soon discovers, life in Equestria is in grave danger. Gathering a ragtag group of warriors and monster girls, can she save her home- and maybe even the world while she's at it?

Warning: Considering the source material (the Monster Girl Encyclopedia), expect at the very least some crude humor and a little language. Most likely no outright smut, however.

Chapters (9)

Twilight knows that Rarity is a hopeless romantic, experienced through countless romance novels.
Twilight knows that Rarity has had some bad experiences with romance and courtship.
Twilight knows that Rarity still dreams of somepony to properly sweep her off her hooves.
Twilight has no idea how Rarity keeps missing the hints she keeps dropping.

Written for Monochromatic's Raritwi contest.

Cover art generously offered to all contestants and provided by the skilled Multiversecruise.

Top of the Feature Box on 05/05/17 and then for 72 hours straight: A huge thanks to everyone who liked or commented on this story.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia adopts Cater Pillar, a filly who just lost her parents. As she grows she becomes the first pony ever to ascend, to become a princess, equal to her teacher in poiltical power, responsibility, and benevolence. There is only one problem... she is an earth pony, which means she cannot become an Alicorn. This upsets the ruling unicorn nobles of Canterlot, so they propose a test, a test to verify whether or not she can do everything a princess needs to without magic. A test that she fails and runs away from.

Years later, she returns as Queen Chrysalis, leader of the changeling hive, and is victorious against those who had once looked down apon her. Yet Equestria as she know is no more. Will she rule over this land as a tyrant, or a savior? Will she become a beacon of hope and freedom for the downtrodden of Equestria, or a catastrophic fault that will tear the nation to pieces?

cover art by Vladimir-Olegovich on Deviantart. (Used with permission) [url=https://www.deviantart.com/vladimir-olegovych/art/crizalis-810147655

EDIT: Wow this theme conveys my Chrysalis so well... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyfV0GBe18w&list=WL&index=67&t=0s

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Oversaturation


Famous sex idol.

Local community leader.

Strangely supportive ex-girlfriend.

Professor of biology and social sciences.

And with the Saturation, a deity in a suddenly magical world.

Part of The Oversaturated World. Coverart is a clodgework of an image by Vertizontal, an online desktop image, and a few minutes in GIMP. Rated Teen for lots of foul language and frank discussions of sex.

Chapters (7)