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It's Nightmare Night and the gang is trying to have a spooky time, but the villains led by Smaug takes over the place, changing it into the House of Chaos. It's up to Twilight and her friends to get their club back.

Fanmake of the House of Mouse Movie, Mickey's House of Villains: null. All the songs belong to the moviel and the shorts in this story are inspired by the ones in the same one.

The fanart cover that is put is made by a pal of mine: http://nigel5469.deviantart.com/art/House-of-Chaos-422302766

Chapters (11)

It's Ben Mare's first day in Ponyville but can he adapt to it as well as his new love Twilight Sparkle? And what happens when the Earth pony reveals some new powers of his?

Chapters (5)

Applejack tells the story of her cousin Tough Apple, whose mean temper makes him hard to adjust to Ponyville but who ends up taking a shine to Fluttershy via friendship, Feathermay and defends his cousin Apple Bloom.

Chapters (7)

With word of Lorcan released to the public, all Tartarus breaks loose as he plans on releasing an ancient army to wipe out the ponies. Who is Lorcan and why is he so interested in Spike?

The fanart cover is made by a pal of mine: http://nigel5469.deviantart.com/art/Lorcan-s-Wrath-423227685

Chapters (19)

It is now Nightmare Night but it turns really terrifying when an old enemy from Equestria's past returns, possessing Nyx! Princess Luna, Megan and the ponies has to rescue her before Nyx is lost and eternal night reigns!

Chapters (6)

It's Nyx's birthday and her parents and their friends want to throw the most special party for the little alicorn. Ben also goes looking for a gift for his daughter as well.

The cover art is a fanart courtesy of sgtgarand. http://sgtgarand.deviantart.com/art/Nyx-s-Birthday-257308809

Chapters (5)

On a dare by Luna, Celestia cast a love spell on Equestria, causing some crazy yet interesting pairings...of course, the princesses became affected themselves, falling in love with a certain student of hers and a speeding pony.
Pairings: Applejack x Rarity, Rainbow Dash x Princess Luna, Twilight x Celestia, Pinkie Pie x Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle x Scootaloo, Apple Bloom x Diamond Tiara

The fanart is made by this author: http://bri-sta.deviantart.com/art/My-Beloved-Student-coloured-212783958

Chapters (5)

Slight AU ending to "Friendship Is Magic" part 2. What if, immediately following the defeat of Nightmare Moon, the Mane Six's new connection to the reactivated Elements of Harmony triggered a transformation in the six heroines, causing them all to be upgraded to alicorn status? Can they learn to master their new alicorn powers? And how will Equestria act in general to the emergence of these six new alicorns?

Cover art by parfywarfy

Chapters (7)

After the events of F.A.T.E, peace has been restored back to equestira and on earth. Night shadows terror has been put to rest, the mane 12 have now become legendary heroes.

But all of that changes now...

Now after 16 years have passed, night shadow's army of alicorns have been trying desspertly to bring back there dark master for over one year. This has caught the mane 12's attention and they are ready to put a stop to it, but little do they know that there is a new breed of villains that want to take more than just revenge on our heroes.

Chapters (15)

Cadance has always loved Twilight, from the very moment the younger pony had entered her life. Lately, however, that love has evolved and blossomed into something altogether more. Will Cadance have the strength to confess her feelings to the oblivious Twilight? With two meddling aunts, she may not have a choice in the matter.

Cadance/Twilight. Twidance. Whatever you want to call it.

Shining Armour and Cadance have never been more than best friends. Set mid season 4. The Changeling invasion and Crystal Empire arc both happened, just differently. May flesh those out in a future oneshot.

Chapters (2)