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It's been a month since her coronation, and things are already going south...fast.
Queen Chrysalis has launched numerous attacks on Canterlot, and ponies are on edge.
Desperately trying to calm them, she organizes a presentation in Ponyville on how to determine who is a Changeling and who isn't. The Reveal Spell backfires, and soon Twilight is running for her life. Read on to discover why!

Based off Solitary Locust by the parasprite

Note: This story briefly introduces Princess Rarity, Princess Ella, and the Darklight Incident, which take place in A New Ruler.

Chapters (8)

Fate hated her miserable life. She could barely pay the rent of her apartment, and had little time for much else.
Worse, she couldn't remember the first ten years of her life clearly, as the memories were fragmented.
Little did she know that fate was about to take a very nasty turn of events..

...that would finally take her home.

Note: This story is the intro for the Changeling Queen Fate and Canterlot Royal Guard Elegance White.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash is pretty confident that her test will be a piece of cake. Twilight, who is unsure about all of this, decides to help the rainbow maned pegasus with studying.
Rainbow is immediately okay with having Twilight help her study. However, studying is not the reason Rainbow accepted the help so quickly. If it wasn't, then what was?
Perhaps she was a little too quick with agreeing to this...

Based off the episode: Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3. I saw the episode the day it came out, and immediately thought of TwiDash while watching it. And then I thought, I should make a Fan Fiction about it! And that's what I did. I certainly hope you people enjoy it!

Also contains spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Cover art by v-invidia on deviantart

Twilight left for an official trip with Princess Celestia, leaving Rainbow Dash at home, utterly heartbroken. She said she would be gone for a full month, and all that she left for her pegasus was a magical stone, tied to the end of short, golden chain. It is an amethyst pendant, created specifically for her use, and its spell can only be used when the time is right.

Sex tag: Implied only (nothing explicit)
I'd like to thank my "family" for helping me with this. (below)
Editor: LightningBass94
Proofers:Bassline and Melody, Twidashforever
Prereaders:SolongStarbird, Timelord358, deli73, FrozenInTime, Tidal

Chapters (1)

FANFIC READING BY DR. WOLF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNGGIruwlHw

Five of the Mane Six wake up one day, and find the world has changed completely, and has become alien and wrong from the world they've known their whole lives, and why is their friend Twilight acting so guilty?

Each of them tell their stories of how they earned their destiny, and when their destiny seems to suddenly turn on them. Fate is what you make it.

My Little Pony Season 3 Finale (and originally planned as the series finale). Magical Mystery Cure.

This is not part of the pony pov series. I wrote in my own personal response to seeing the finale.

Kendell2 helped me with this. He is NOT however involving himself with the Pony POV Series! He's still my friend and willing to help me with other stuff. But NOT with the Pony POV Series!

MLP FIM: Copyright hasbro.

Image by Empyu http://empyu.deviantart.com/art/Embrace-Your-New-Destiny-362711465

Chapters (1)

Such a powerful word with such a simple meaning. A word most ponies never hear in their life...
"Twilight Sparkle,"
A simple word meaning to be sent away as a form of punishment...
"You have been proven guilty,"
But I haven't done anything wrong, have I? Anything to deserve to be punished? Being framed? Is that a crime?
"You are banished from Equestria,"
Why would they all just give up on me? I know the truth, but they refuse to hear it. Why won't they just listen?
"You are required to leave at once."
Just listen.
Before war overtakes us all.

Featured-- 3/5/14
Give cover art respect where it is due, meaning this guy.

Chapters (2)

It is the first court session that three alicorns of Equestria will be holding together but Celestia has other plans for this court session that are less diplomatic and bit more scandalous.

This is my entry fer the TwiLestia contest, I hope you enjoy.

The pic is from MissMagicalWolf on DA.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is looking for a special ingredient to regrow Applejack's crops after an incident prevents them from growing again. But to do that, she, Ben, Spike, Nyx and their group must go to the end of Equestria to get them.

Cover fanart made by nigel5469

Chapters (19)

Princess. The highest and most important title that can be given to a pony in Equestria. Here princesses are the final word in the country's leadership. Their decisions affect the lives of all who live within the borders of the nation. For the past year, the four rulers have gathered in the unassuming town of Ponyville for meetings of the highest secrecy and order.

If the ponies of Equestria knew what really happened behind these doors, they would probably switch to democracy.

Chapters (1)