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Rainbow Dash never understood love. She just didn't get it- until Twilight Sparkle. Now, with an upcoming trip to Canterlot, Dash has decided that she has one week to make our newest princess fall in love with her, too.

Chapters (8)

What if in "Equestria Girls Remake", Sunset decided to return home. Will she be forgiven for her actions? And what of Flash Sentry?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash unleashes a masterful prank upon Princess Twilight Sparkle.
She takes it very well.
Too well, in fact.

Chapters (1)

What is the meaning of life? How did it begin? And why? After one hundred years since her ascension, Twilight Sparkle is sent on a long journey that will change her perspectives and understandings on life forever, as she learns of her world’s earliest history before ponies ever walked the wondrous land of Equestria.

Chapters (3)

We all have to accept the consequences of our actions. Sunset Shimmer learns this when she decides to return to Equestria with Twilight Sparkle and face Princess Celestia's judgement. Knowing full well that she did something wrong, she expects to be punished. However, sometimes our punishments are not what we expect.

A what-if scenario for the ending of Equestria Girls

Cover art provided by: MLPegasis4898
Art used with permission

Chapters (1)

After Twilight, her friends and family restored Tree of Harmony, they questioned themselves whether they made the right decision of sending their Elements of Harmony to its origin, what box they are about to find out and how will they face their enemies without the use of Elements of Harmony? It's up to Mystic Tao and his family to give a good valuable advice, lessons and reminders about their true journey, strengths and powers. Question: is it true that Discord's plants really penetrated and damaged the Tree of Harmony, or is it someone else did since the 'Elements Prophecy' began?

Chapters (1)

Studious, bookworm, and researcher.

These are the words that do not describe Twilight's daughter, Starburst.

The two rarely see eye to eye, and tensions between them are high. But when Twilight takes in one of her daughter's friends, Anthea, as her own student, it leaves the pegasus feeling like her own mom has abandoned her. With tensions already running high, will this sudden change in Star's life cause her to go over the edge and destroy the relationship she has with her mom?

Set in the kilala97 universe, whose art I recommend you check out, these next generation ponies are based off the pairings she ships, and who their kids are. A special thanks to TheMyth for some assistance, Kilala97 herself for taking a look at it, and my friends on Skype for giving their suggestions as well.

EDIT: Featured on 4/5/2014! Wow! Didn't think it'd get there, but thanks!

Chapters (2)

Though Twilight Sparkle managed to pass Discord's friendship test, he still remains unconvinced of their friendship.

Fortunately, he's come up with the perfect idea for a new test...

Set after Three's a Crowd.

Chapters (2)

Twilight and her friends complete their greatest journey yet, and gain the amazing Rainbow Power in the process.

But all is not what it seems. Something is about to go horribly wrong. And when it's over...

Who will pay the price?

Written prior to the title of Twilight's Kingdom being announced, let alone the episode being aired.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight discovers that Diamond Tiara's tiara is an evil magical artifact that turns the wearer evil, she promptly has it destroyed, curing Diamond Tiara of her cruel ways. Now, confused, afraid, and guilt ridden, Diamond Tiara find herself desperate for both redemption and true friends. Luckily, Twilight has three potential friends for her in mind. But can the Cutie Mark Crusaders bring themselves to befriend the pony who has tormented them for so long?
This is meant to play out like an actual episode of the show, theme song and all.
Also, featured here is a special parody song of "I'm a Dentist" from the movie "Little Shop of Horrors". Enjoy!

Chapters (4)