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After the battle that took place during Royal Canterlot Wedding, Princess Celestia is starting to feel the side effects of the fight, slowly making a horrifying transformation. About a year later when she confines herself to her quarters, Twilight must help Celestia overcome her new form and find a way to turn her back to normal, but is it too late?

Team project with notramjet97.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle: a name often associated with magic, friendship, harmony, and most recently, ascendant princess of Equestria.
Nopony, not even herself, could have thought that she would be a changeling.
Especially not a changeling princess.

*I may add more tags as the story continues on.*
*There will be no romance/dating relationships whatsoever.*
*Thanks to you readers, who managed to get this story into the Popular Stories box.*
*Old cover can be found here: http://mojomcm.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-Sparkle-Changeling-Princess-443381533*

Chapters (3)

Princess Twilight is in her library and she finds a spell called Destinies For A Day. Twilight finds no harm in the spell...once she casted it of corse. It turns out that nothing happened, until she sees her friends. They have all become alicorns!!! Twilight is very confused as she flips through the book that she found the spell in. The next morning they are all back to normal, but to Twilight's surprise, they want to be alicorns again! (Yes even Rainbow Dash)

Chapters (3)

Spike was left alone in Manehatten, blamed himself for the breezies and Twilight, his practical big sister, completely ignored him when he was scared to death in the Everfree Castle. Realizing that no one may care about him anymore, Spike thinks that he is no longer needed and tries to kill himself.

Chapters (4)

Six years after her ascension to princesshood, Twilight and Spike have started to grow apart. Spike starts to fear what age will do to him, and he comes to the realization that he must tell Twilight a shocking truth before it's too late.

What he doesn't know is that his decision will change everything.

Pre-read by: Skeeter the Lurker, Alexmagnet, Flint Sparks.

Edited by: SpaceCommie, Abcron, Prak

Whoo! Featured on 3/31/14. Thank you all so much for reading and giving me my first ever story feature on this site.
Story has been updated as of 4/7/14

Chapters (4)

(A MLP and W.I.T.C.H crossover)

Twilight has been having nightmares of late. Visons of four young mares trapped within the four elements of nature: Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. The one constant in these nightmares is a voice that tells her to protect the heart. One day, she finds a young mare with the power over lighting, but without a clue to where she comes from. Just a name, Will.

The returns of an old enemy heralds a looming threat and a darkness that will eclipse them all. What is the connection between them, and what is the link between the mare and the visions.

What is the heart of worlds.

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to A Filly's Guide to Not Making Headlines

Sometimes it's so difficult, being a princess. Every innocent word you say is translated a thousand times, every action you take is scrutinized by Equestria and the Principalities. So unfair, it's so hard to be a benevolent ruler.

For Princess Twilight Sparkle, it's all taking some getting used to. Thankfully, Celestia is there to show her how it's done.

Chapters (1)

Twilight never thought anything would come of her adventure in the magic mirror. She and her friends had saved Equestria again, period, end of discussion. It wasn't out of the ordinary, not for her.

Then, months later, a member of the Royal Guard arrives with Sunset Shimmer, broken, humbled, and ready to become Twilight's slave... forever.

Twilight's life suddenly becomes a myriad of new complications, not the least of which is explaining all this to her friends. Everypony has a different opinion, but one thing is clear: none of this will be resolved easily. And it may just tear the Elements apart before it's finished.

Chapters (6)

Adapted from 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' Season 4 Episode 15: Twilight Time, Nyx and her friends took advantage in using Twilight Sparkle's fame in becoming popular at their school while dealing with their new member: Ronald the Squire. Twilight Sparkle must make impression of her teachings and skills to Princess Celestia's old friend: Azure Phoenix.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle has been sentenced to exile, she has no memory of the last two or three days. But there is evidence that she had a meeting with Chrysalis and tried to well, kill the princesses. Was she tricked? Was she totally aware of what she was doing?
Disowned by her family, friends, and country; Twilight makes her journey to the one person who can explain things to her. What she finds isn't exactly what she expected though....

Chapters (8)