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A dark shadow looms over Ponyville. Thankfully, Pinkie Pie goes out for a midnight stroll.

Nothing is quite as it seems for both the darkness and Pinkie Pie.

Chapters (1)

Clover the Clever, student of Starswirl the Bearded, one of the Founders of Equestria, hopes to solve the riddle of her age. Do earth ponies have magic? She is determined to find out, and to aid in her efforts, has taken in an earth pony as a student.

Will Clover find what she is looking for?

If this receives any sort of interest at all, I might add more chapters. Otherwise, it will probably remain an incomplete one shot. So if you actually want more, tell me. I'll oblige.

Chapters (3)

Nightfisher, known as Mare Imbrium when on duty, watches over Canterlot. Her peaceful night of brooding on a ledge is rudely intruded upon by a visitor she wishes would just go away.

Part of a collection of stories that all tie in together. Please see my story list and check them out!

In this story, I delve into the differences between the solar pegasi and the lunar pegasi, AKA, the bat ponies.

Fangs for reading!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Alicorn Academy

Nighttime. Stars. The moon. A midnight snack. An adventure past bedtime. Ivy and Luna spend some quality time together in the Foal Mountains, with Luna giving little Ivy some vocal instruction.

The night will never be the same.

This story takes place at some point during the Alicorn Academy. A delightful little side story, one of many that I hope to release. I hope you enjoy.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Alicorn Academy

Hoodwink, Minerva, Ivy, and Brimstone return in this story. The Crystal Empire has been sacked, the enemy has control of the Crystal Heart and the love that it radiates, and those within the Crystal Empire are feared lost.

Can four foals make a difference?

Reading Mail Order Orphan and the Alicorn Academy are very much encouraged. Otherwise, you might be a little lost.

Chapters (4)

A pegasus pony trapped in stone is found by the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Who is he and what has happened? How will he adjust to being set free from stone and all the changes in the world around him?

How will he face this new world alone?

This story stands alone from my other works. I hope you will enjoy it. Feedback is greatly appreciated. This idea has been rolling around in my head for quite some time.

Yay! Featured on 5/2/14. Danke!

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Mail Order Orphan

The epic saga of Brown Note the unicorn, cursed with the most horrible talent ever. Will he ever find respite? Read to find out!

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy, feeling that motherly need, secures herself a mail order orphan. Will she be up for the challenge of mothering one of Equestria's most unique creatures that defies classification or description? Will her friends be there for her as they always have? And what about Discord, Fluttershy's long time friend and the one indirectly responsible for all of this confusion... Will he find something that he wasn't aware he was looking for? Will Spike finally find somebody he can relate to? All of this and more...

An important note. The stories in the sidebar all tie in with this story, providing background elements and filling in characters and settings. Reading those will cause a number of things to make a lot more sense.

This is mostly going to be a slice of life story, with elements of fitting in, finding your place in the world, and the need for unconditional positive regard.

This takes place in an alternate verse, at some point in the near future. It is going to start out rated "E" for everyone, but might get some interesting humour in there later, which may require a "T" rating. We'll see. Tags will be added as the story progresses.

Beware when checking a box that states "other."

I'd love for some feedback. Thanks! And I don't have a good cover image. I'm sorry.

Edit: There is now a side story. Delivery Interrupted.

Chapters (17)

Twilight Sparkle, loyal student of Celestia, awakens one night to a terrifying dream. A dream that she can neither fully remember, or fully forget. What she would so quickly and normally pass off as just a silly nightmare, seems to shadow her thoughts and play at the back of her mind. She cannot shake the feeling that this dream was something more, something dark, meant to be hidden away and lost to time. As she seeks out the reasoning and cause for this dream, she is visited more and more by these unwavering night terrors. With each step she takes to uncovering their secret meaning, she is set back even more by her mentor and friend, Celestia. With no other choice but to turn to the Princess of the night, Twilight hopes to rid herself of these visions and finally decipher the message they contain.

Chapters (1)

Spike's stealing again. He's not sure what caused it, but that doesn't really matter much. What matters is getting a solution.

Fortunately, there is one: Cogitin, a drug that numbs the influence of one's own magic, silencing any compulsions that might arise from it. Ponies use it all the time when they have problems with their talents.

And the drug is perfectly safe, with no side effects.

In principle, at least.

(May rustle some jimmies.)

Chapters (5)