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Twilight Sparkle, the famed Alicorn Princess, after 3 years, grows tired and restless one fateful night. Going out for a late-night flight, she found plenty more than what she asked for, finding a home to stay at for good.

Chapters (1)

After a cruel twist of fate, Twilight discovers that Princess Luna is her mother after finding a dark power deep inside herself. For Twilight, her life shall never be the same, as secrets are brought to light.

Cover art made by Blossom Lily

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle, just like every other pony, thought King Sombra was over and dealt with, but she couldn't be more wrong. He returns, and plans to make Twilight his queen so he can take over Tartarus, and then, Equestria. As Twilight and her friends struggle to find a way to save Equestria and Twilight herself, buried secrets surface and hidden pasts are revealed.
Can Twilight be saved in time, or will her sanity break?

Chapters (3)

Twilight goes on another quest for Celestia. she finds something that would change her life forever, ruin her friendships and devastate equestria all from opening a box.

cover art by Dragnmastralex

Chapters (1)

"Leave now, Twilight Sparkle! Leave and never return! For I do not want to see you ever again."

Twilight Sparkle was a new princess, learning all there was to be about being Royal. After a big mistake she did, Twilight gets banished from Canterlot and Ponyville. On her journey, could she find something more valuable than Royal Life?

This story (keyword) was written for the Exiled Twilight Contest. I never got to finish in time for the dead line. :)
Disclaimer: I do not own the cover image!!
Rated Teen for minor language and some gore.
Attention! This story is now up for grabs. If you wanna keep this story going, please PM me! More about this is in my blogs and account. Thank you!

Chapters (6)

There’s nothing Rainbow Dash can’t outfly. Except her own ego. Find out how far she’s willing to go in order to break all of her speed records and plunge straight through the heart of her own sonic rainboom!

It’s an open question as to whether heroism and sacrifice will triumph over foolishness, fatal error, and pony frailty in Rainbow’s dangerous and ill-fated experiment.

UPDATE: Included in 'Twilight's Library', how cool!

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: 'Rainboom' has just been added to the elite 'Royal Guard' group of stories, huzzah!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to TiM: The Truth in Meanings

Story number two of the Twilight is Magic series. See author notes in first chapter for link to read order.

Note: this is largely a mindless fluff piece, if your expecting something deeper just move on.
This takes place six years after the events of TiM: The Truth in Meanings. It is a one-shot story detailing one day in Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle's new life of being parents.

This picture was my inspiration for the kids, change three things, Twilight is an alicorn, the unicorn is a colt with a rainbow mane, and Rainbow's wings are gold

Chapters (1)

While Twilight is testing a new long range teleport on the request of Princess Celestia something goes wrong and she is transported to a place where love and harmony is a thing of the past and killing is the way of life.

The Mojave Wasteland.

Now Twilight must find a way to get back to her friends in Equestria and survive her stay in the apocalyptic wasteland inhabited by everything that has learn to call this eradiated land their home.

(My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover with Fallout: New Vegas)

Editor: Grammer_Nazi
Pre-reader: Bum
Cover Artist: Wadusher0

Chapters (76)

This story is a sequel to Becoming One With the Night

It was supposed to be a good day. Twilight and Luna were sharing the news of their relationship with their closest friends and family. However, Celestia's largest secret yet finally came out. Now, relations are strained between Celestia and everypony else. After all, what's Twilight to do when she finds out her second mother is actually her birth mother?

On top of this massive bombshell, soon Twilight will be sporting a pair of wings of her own. If she thought things were complicated now, just wait until Canterlot gets wind of a new alicorn. Life is about to become one giant nightmare for Twilight. But hey, at least she has Luna, right?

As stated above, this is a sequel. I highly encourage you to read the first story (the writing is extremely rough early on, mind you), but it's not entirely required to understand most everything that will be going on here.

EDIT: Takes place during S3, when it was originally conceived, thus the Alt. Universe tag. There was no redemption of Discord. There was no ascension. Yes, the Crystal Empire is back, and Cadance and Shining Armor are the leaders there. This should cover the more critical aspects of the season in regards to the story.

Chapters (5)

After a hard day's work of being a princess. Twilight becomes annoyed from Spike's complaints about his duties, so to prove that her job is harder than Spike's, she decides to swap races with him and leave Spike as the temporary Prince of Magic.

Chapters (1)