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Twilight Sparkle has always bargained for things. Whether it be books, or pleas for help. But this time, there really is such such thing as "getting more then you bargained for." When Twilight had attempted to dig into King Sombra's past, somehow, he had just enough of his soul left to enter Twilight's mind. Now feelings Twilight shows toward her friends are cold and distant, and she wants to take over the world. Because she knows the existence of Sombra, she thinks he is making her feel these things.

Or were they awakened?

Chapters (1)

On a dark and foggy night, Twilight receives some visitors. That is the last anyone ever hears from her.

All of of her friends and family go on a desperate search to find her, but it is all to no avail and they give up on the search. Years turn into centuries, eventually adding up to a thousand years since her disappearance, but Equestria has never forgoten her.

After a thousand years, Twilight returns with no memory of who or where she is. Her captors give her a new name and title for her, but not only that, but she has also been given an assignment, to destroy Princess Celestia.

But is there something much more to her captor than just ruling Equestria? With the help of a group of friends, one princess will see just how magic can be used, whether for good,

or evil.


I would like to thank 1Jaz for this great drawing. Well done man!

And a big thanks Ephraim Blue for editing this story!

Chapters (17)

Long ago Stella disappeared from Equestria, now 900 years later, she's back and Apparently she's royalty. Along with her own drama, Celestia and Luna become ill, and Stella has to take charge. Rule Equestria find a cure and deal with a new threat along with other.

Trust me it's a lot more interesting than it sounds.

Chapters (2)

All things come to an end; but this never should have... Twilight has had 10 years with princess experience and is only now noticing the utter pain that comes with it. Twilight can’t stand everything that has happened in the past two weeks; she can’t handle it anymore. This morning Twilight has found her opportunity of escape and takes it while she can. From the top of her prison all the way to the back of flower garden, only to reverse her actions. With nopony around, there will be nopony to witness the fall of the princess.

Thank you, again, for the cover art Ask-tilly1152010

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia never knew what it was like to be feared. Sure, she knew of the anxiety of those meeting her for the first time, but that was a given. That wasn’t true fear. She knew of the fear of defeat shown by past villains she had brought down, but it was never true fear of her or her actions.

This colt, though? This earth pony who just appeared in her castle? He fears her. He fears her above all else, even death itself. Not even Nightmare Moon was feared this way. So why, oh why was this little colt so terrified of her? What had she done? How can she ever hope to alleviate her little pony of his pain, if her very presence causes him to lock up in terror?

Just where did this colt come from?

(So imagine a character from a grimdark story (ideally the victim) ending up in canon Equestria, and you pretty much have the premise behind this story. Do be warned though; this is much darker than my other stories, mostly because of the setting the aforementioned character came from. Seriously, when I thought of a victim of a grimdark story, I really wanted his old home to be as grim and dark as I could make it.)

Chapters (2)

When Twilight is about to try her new baby spell on one of he park squirrels she messes up and hits all of her friends. For days the fillies go wild. Spike has to take care of them while Twilight finds a counter spell. Will they both survive the filly version of their friends?

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle: perfect student, lives in Ponyville, has great friends, and the newest princess of Equestria. That was her life before the tragic event happened.
She is transported to a new universe where she never met her friends and lived alone in darkness. Alone in a new universe with some memory problems, Twilight must find out who she is, before losing herself entirely.
Life in Equestria was perfect for Rainbow Dash. Her mentor, Princess Celestia, has given her a lovely home in a town called Ponyville. She and her friends helped keep harmony in Equestria by restoring Princess Luna to her rightful place as princess of the night.
There have been no problems in town, until a strange alicorn appears and claims to have no memory of anything but her name before appearing.
Rainbow, along with a strange stallion named Blue, wish to help her, but how can she help somepony who doesn't even know who they are themselves?

Chapters (9)

Swan just wanted a quiet visit to the bookstore. Instead, she finds trouble in the form of a generous grey unicorn, a pervert, and a brown-noser. Also, the books are quite troublesome in their own right.

This is sort of a prequel to this story. Everything sort of connects so far, fleshing out various characters.

Chapters (1)

Sugarplum takes pride in doing her job, finding a home for foals and delivering them by train. But this job is one that she is having trouble doing. The foal in question has a destination, but it isn't one that Sugarplum wants him to go to. A terrible future awaits the foal after the tragic accident that left him an orphan. Sugarplum meets Glowbug, a unicorn, who makes her an offer to change the foal's fate, causing a terrible conflict as Sugarplum must try to figure out what is right for the foal and right for other ponies.

A side story to Mail Order Orphan and part of a larger still expanding 'verse.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mail Order Orphan

Celestia discovers a new magical prodigy. When she takes on Hoodwink as her personal student, the other Alicorns find themselves taking on students as well, with each Alicorn having a different lesson to teach as they exchange their students among one another.

Climbing Ivy returns from Mail Order Orphan, and is now part of a much larger story arc. For other characters, like Brimstone, it is important to read Delivery Interrupted. Everything will all tie together eventually, so I suppose all of it is important.

Enjoy reading.

Important fact to note. There will be no new alicorns introduced into Equestria. This is not that type of story. Don't get the wrong idea. Thank you. Have fun, and pleasant reading.

Chapters (37)