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Love changes relationships, though not to the point where they are no longer recognisable. Twilight loves to go flying with her marefriend, but sometimes... sometimes her marefriend can still be her teacher.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has a secret: her mind is not hers alone.

King Sombra, tyrant of the Crystal Empire, was spared from his destruction. Twilight Sparkle welcomed his severed consciousness into her own, and began to learn from and hopefully teach the fallen unicorn. No one knows what she has done, and now fate has thrown a wrench into her plans.

Back in Ponyville after her coronation as Equestria's newest princess, Sombra refuses to ignore Twilight's new station in life.

One hundred percent approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mournful Sunsets

Five years passed by quickly. Twilight's foal was born, Cadence passed her torch to another so she could support Twilight in Canterlot, and Luna watched it all go by with a sad gaze.

Five years have passed, and the Night Goddess finds herself in a position that she had waited long for. Death.

Chapters (1)

Spike travels into Saddle Arabia at the request of Twilight Sparkle, who came across a group of scrolls gifted to her by A.K. Yearling. He ends up coming upon the fabled Sand Wand, a magical artifact that is capable of controlling the forces of sand. As he comes back home, he was given another request by Twilight to take the wand out for a field test or in his mind, have fun with the Sand Wand.

Contains heavy details from The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, which is owned by Nintendo.

Chapters (1)

The nightmare of that evening haunts my every waking moment.

A flash of light.

Her powerful form with wings spread wide before me…

She was not just my mentor.

She was also my best friend and for that I will always be grateful for knowing her not as a Princess of Equestria, but as Celestia… The only one who really understood me...

But now? Now I can never tell her how much I truly loved her and how much she meant to me.

They took her away from me.

So I will take everything away from them.

There is a sequel! D=S-M2 and side story! D=S-M: Emerald Mirror

((Somehow Featured on: 12/03/2014 and again on the 06/07/14... mad.

Much love and all credit to the artist: Ventious who owns that picture and is all kinds of awesome. While I have yet to get permission (working on that one at some point), I will remove the picture if the artist demands it so.

And much thanks to these guys for helping me edit/proof and generally bounce ideas about this monstrosity: Grammar Nazi Tach, Discorded Discord,Curify, Lord Inquisitor

Chapters (14)

In other lands, the title doesn't hold nearly as much power as it does in Equestria.
But then again, being an Equestrian Princess comes with many more responsibilities than you would ever imagine. Other than the expected political responsibilities and the like, a Princess must be kind, loving, and as strict as a mother, for all of Equestria are her foals. She must spread a sense of peace and unity across the land, and protect her citizens with her life.
It is not easy being a Princess in Equestria. Especially since it comes with the burden of immortality.
Of course, most would see that as a blessing.
But not the Princess of Magic. Not the embodiment of Friendship.
Not when all her friends are long gone.

How can she uphold her duty as Princess when she simply doesn't care anymore?

Chapters (1)

It's always been Cloudy's dream to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle for as long as she can remember. When Cloudy finally gets to meet her, it's the most perfect day! She lives her dream- it's too good to be true. She gets to go see Starswirl the Bearded and gets to go to Pinkie Pie's party! And to finish it all off, they get to watch the sunset together. It's (literally!) to good to be true.

Chapters (1)

After yet another failure to get their cutie marks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders return to their clubhouse in low spirits and no ideas to test out
But after an incident involving a song with a mysterious magic to it, Sweetie Belle finds fate thrust upon her that no one expected.

Note: This has no correlation with the novel by Rosalyn McMillan which I have not, and probably will not read.
And yes, the cover is drawn by me.

Chapters (2)

A time spell gone wrong not only sends Twilight and Spike to the wrong time, but to a new dimension entirely. They'll have to work with this universe's mighty heroes, The Bravest Warriors if they ever want to see Equestria again.

Winner of the first 'The Good Crossover list' story competition.

Chapters (2)

All that is left is darkness... hatred... insanity... and no harmony. One unicorn fights desperately to help. How can she if all hope is lost?

Chapters (4)