• Member Since 17th Feb, 2014


Don't worry, things are always in the works with me.

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After the most important night of her career is ruined and its saboteurs not even so much as punished, Octavia's life changes. She begins to pursue a path that has never been seen before in Canterlot, where concertos and rhapsodies give way to controversy and rebellion.

A path where symphonies are composed with cans of spray paint.

Cover art used with permission by LuGiAdriel14

Chapters (20)

Princess. Alicorn. The pillar of all ponykind, against which so many ponies often judged themselves. Celestia hates having to constantly be these things, and it's past time for a break. Luna will watch over Equestria while her sister is gone, but taking a break from your duties and taking a break from how the world sees you are two very different matters. Enter Prominence, a quiet pony who nopony really pays much mind to. Perhaps because she doesn't exist.

Aided by this disguise, Celestia will find her peace and relaxation in the home of one of the few ponies who know Prominence's true identity: Princess Twilight Sparkle. But when Twilight begins to see Celestia as a pony, and not a princess, can she deal with the feelings that arise? And are the feelings for Celestia, or for a pony she knows is not actually real?

EDIT: I've been featured, July 19th, 2014. I have no words to express how terrified and humbled and terrified and proud and happy and terrified this makes me.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Hearth's Warming is a time for friends and family to come together, celebrate harmony, and welcome the new year. Nyx is looking forward to just this as she rides the train to Canterlot with Spike and Twilight. She's going to meet her extended family for the first time and wants nothing more than to make a good impression. Yet, the sheen of the holidays can't hide the trouble caused by meddling grandparents, relentless reporters, and a paranoid uncle.

Chapters (12)

Luna's last letter let her let her love-laden lamentations live.

Inspired by a chat/brainstorm with Closer-To-The-Sun on the way back from EFNW. And of course, the awesome song by The Who.

Twilight's Library approved.

Chapters (1)

The Dragonborn, a legendary warrior capable of absorbing a slain Dragon's soul, and knowledge, directly, forever killing it. The Last Dragonborn had defeated the first, stopped the plans of a Vampire cult, and built his own lakeside home, before finally slaying Alduin the World Eater and fulfilling his fate. Now, after all the challenges he has faced, the Dragonborn is sent to a realm where Friendship is Magic, and there is no mead. Finally, to cap things off, he kind of... well...
Became a Dragon.

Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna challenge each other to a staring contest.

* If you enjoyed the story, would you kindly leave a like and if you really enjoyed it, a favourite would be much appreciated.

Extended version added as new chapter. Features deleted scenes, new dialogue, newly added scenes and more words that were not in the original.

Featured on 7/9/2014
Thanks to all the people who read this story and liked it enough for this to get featured!

Chapters (2)

Luna's disposition worsens after Twilight Sparkle once again outdoes the Princess by fighting back another evil foe. Princess Luna wishes to speak with somepony, and finds that a therapist is her only possible choice.

Cover photo by Leyanor.
Featured on Equestria Daily (somehow) on 12/19/2012.

Chapters (14)

Ever have one of those mornings where you are sleeping with your husband and your disguise starts failing and have to run from said husband because he wants to bash your head in thinking you stole his wife? Cadence is having one of those mornings and she is not amused.

In her escape from her husband, she stumbles upon the caves. It was wandering in them while she was trying to find a solution that she walked into it, literally. Though, it was one she wasn't expected and might have wanted to avoid.

Chapters (1)

The world has ended, and yet still the moon rises.

Now with its own reading done by Dasponi!

Rejected by Equestria Daily on 18 May 2013.

Chapters (1)

The depths of Luna's loneliness drive her to create a creature that never should have been. But the nature of her companion, and the dark methods used to create it, may lead Celestia to commit an unforgivable deed of her own...

Written for World-Building Alliance's January Writing Contest. Credit, as always, to NorsePony, for his wonderful editing work.

Chapters (1)