• Member Since 17th Feb, 2014


Don't worry, things are always in the works with me.

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A normal day was all it took.
A simple failed prototype, a missed experiment.
There was an explosion, and I woke up. I don't really know what happened between those two events, but I'm fairly certain I shouldn't have awoken in a small, dark box.

I'm scared.

Cover art by the amazing Avatar of Madness!

Chapters (5)

Princess Celestia always knew that Twilight Sparkle was destined for great things, but she never revealed the source of that knowledge, not even to those closest to her. When the day of Twilight's true destiny finally arrives, can Celestia fulfill an ancient promise to save Equestia's past, present, and future, even it means saying goodbye to Twilight forever? How can Celestia refuse her mother's last wish?

Art by the inimitable Harwick

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Ultimate Alicorn

For thirty years, Twilight Sparkle has ruled Equestria single-hoofedly. For thirty years, she has managed the sun, the moon, the weather and the production of food all over Equestria. For thirty years, she has barely aged, with the combined might and extended lifespans of the deposed former triarchy, and the power of the Alicorn Amulet in her possession.

While the self-appointed Queen of Equestria continues to hold the population in a vicegrip of fear, and the land and seas begin to deteriorate, a secret uprising will form. Unbeknownst to Her Absolute Majesty, new foals are growing and developing their natural magic in secret. After a vision of the future by their mentor, and aided by an elderly recluse, a small band of young fillies and colts will scour the land of Equestria and beyond in search of the one remaining method to restore the world's magic.

Equestria has had enough. The reign of the ultimate alicorn must end.

Winner (long-runners category) of the Twyrant's Kingdom Competition.

Pre-read by JustAnotherTimeLord, The Albinocorn, NightWolf289, PaulAsaran, Comet Burst, MissingLink, Dash The Stampede, and FamousLastWords. Edited by NightWolf289, JustAnotherTimeLord, and Dash The Stampede.

Now featured on:
Fimfiction.net Feature Box (08/01/14)
Equestria Daily!

Rated teen for violence and dark themes.

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (8)

After a strange awakening, a concerning shower, and a rough scrubbing with a loofah, Twilight Sparkle finds herself with a new palette of colors. And she thinks she knows who’s responsible…

A collab with CosmicAfro! Check out his page!

Coverart provided by the wonderful ArgonMatrix!

So this red and black alicorn fic got accepted into Twilight’s Library on 8/30/2014. Madness, I say.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Factory

Cloudsdale Weather Corporation has been running without incident for over twenty years. That is, until two foals manage to avoid being processed and find themselves in the haunted bowels of the massive facility. Can they make it out of the abandoned factory with their sanity intact? Will they uncover the secrets even a company as dark as the CWC is ashamed to keep? And what of the workers who help ensure that, in the end, not a single soul gets through...

Love the series? Buy the book!

[TVTropes Article][Plagen Shiki's Reading][The Song Inspired by the Story]

Chapters (5)

Sparkler loved her daddy. While mommy worked, daddy played. He made her smile, laugh, and enjoy even the simplest things in life. Yes, Sparkler was happy. With a mommy who is a beautiful princess, and a daddy who knows how to make her smile, what more could she ask for? Life was perfect... Until other fillies at her school tell her just how awful her and her daddy were.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Under A Luminous Sky

In the wake of the Mbwun killings , Spike seems to be better off then he was before: his large, muscled body is a far cry from the chubby baby he was, and he no longer has to go through his hundred-year wyrm sleep. Life, however, is rarely so simple. As he and Twilight move back to Canterlot, Spike finds that his new body may very well mean the end of his old life.

Chapters (9)

For more than a millennium, it was believed that the princesses were immortal. But as time marched ever forward, it become clear that even the alicorns won't live forever.

Princess Celestia is at the end of her life.

While Equestria must find a way to cope with this new reality, those that are truly suffering are those closest to her. None are struggling as much as her sister, Princess Luna. Not only is she forced to handle the duties of ruling Equestria and taking care of the transition, she must also cope with the imminent death of her beloved sister.

Image source.

Warning: comments may contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Distance can drive us apart. It can also bring us closer together.

After all is said and done, and the ponies have gone their separate ways, the only way they have to keep in touch is through letters.

Original Equestria Daily post is here
Russian translation
Chinese translation
Polish translation
Spanish translation

Now with music and audiobook

Chapters (1)

Luna learns a secret about the moon. A secret that Celestia never had the heart to tell her.

Cover art done by Nyarmarr.
Edited by Cerulean Voice. Thank you so much.

Chapters (1)