• Member Since 17th Feb, 2014


Don't worry, things are always in the works with me.

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Five years ago, a storm brought a strange winged pony to The Village. Now, she lives at the edge of this small society, cast out, but unable to leave. As a year of terrible misfortune befalls the Villagers, they look for somepony to blame, and long-standing tensions begin to come to a head.

Soon, one side must break, for in The Village, there is neither friendship nor magic.

* * *

Special thanks to Sabrina "Sibsy" Alberghetti, for granting permission to use her character.

Thanks to GaryOak, AugieDog, Bad Horse, v-invidia, Derpmind, Randomreader-001, Reia Hope, and A-hardie, for editing and proofreading.
The Royal Guard

Chapters (1)

"Nopony exists but you, and you are but a thought."

Twilight's life as she knows it harbored a sense of security, but all that changes when Princess Celestia then arrives to deliver a message. To reveal the truth about Twilight's world that the mare's conscious mind has long since forgotten.

As her memories return, she is forced to come to terms with the fact that she was never Twilight Sparkle at all, but rather a structured thought experiment whose knowledge expanded through lives she herself requested to live in order to harbor a greater understanding of existence.

But sometimes there's one life among many that's the hardest to let go of...

Inspired in part by a "Three words" game in The Writer's Group, and Mark Twain's "The Mysterious Stranger".

Edited by Breath of Plagues

Featured on Equestria Daily!
TV Tropes page.

Chapters (5)

More than 1000 years ago, something catastrophic happened that would change the course of Equestrian history forever. A young Princess, angered by injustices committed against her, will give in to her jealousy and rage and be transformed into a Nightmare.

This is a tale you will not find in any history books. This is a tale of betrayal, sorrow, and so much bloodshed. The unsetting moon was not a singular event. It was a war. An ashamed Princess Celestia had censored and altered the tale so that, whenever her sister did return, she would not immediately be hated.

This, however, is the true story of Nightmare Moon.

Chapters (13)

Twilight lives a comfortable, expected life with the security of being surrounded by her mentors and friends. As she grows into a model unicorn, a dangerous being takes hold of the volatile Brood and drives them to war, breaking a long period of peace. After years of preparation for a higher order, Twilight is chosen to ascend beyond that of a typical sorcerer in a mysterious plan to counter the impending conflict.

During her dark, trying mission Twilight will discover a caged soul and unknowingly set them free, gradually acquiring an affinity for the darkness as a result. As she struggles within deepening conflict, she must push on and fight for what she believes in. With manipulation, deceit, and betrayal storming around, will she be able to contain herself and protect those she loves, or will she succumb to the creeping darkness and abandon everything she stands for?

*Warning: Comments may contain spoilers.*

Chapters (59)

How would things be different if Twilight had never made it to Ponyville? Twilight Sparkle finds out just how different things could be when she is forced to travel to her own past while chasing down a mystery; a plot to erase Princess Twilight Sparkle from history.

Landing in a time just weeks after the one thousandth Summer Sun Celebration, she finds a world shrouded in an eternal night, where the Elements of Harmony were never recovered. Can she fix the things that should have, but didn't happen? Or is this Equestria destined to head down a different path?

Chinese Translation by Hell Organist

Chapters (25)

After working on a major project for the betterment of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle brings her work to her mentor and princess for approval and funding, and her proposal is rejected outright without explanation or sympathy.

Devastated by Celestia's refusal, Twilight tries to determine whether she has failed her work or her teacher - and wonders what her special status and talent is worth.

Chapters (1)

"Her thorns dragged holes deeper into her soul. She was irreparable. They would never know of her pain. They would never understand her depression. Her life was a void of solitude and imperfections. She was alone, except for her thorns."

Depression is an internal struggle Roseluck is forced to experience, but her misery is reflected in the one thing that makes her life meaningful. Now, all that is left of her is emptiness and despair, and she cannot force herself to live like that.

-"The story was phenomenal. I loved it." -Ectopulse
-"This story was like a rose: beautiful yet sharp... The story is simple, but the theme carries throughout everything said without getting overstated. Bravo." -Garbo802

Cover art by: InuHoshi-to-darkpen


Chapters (1)

A long time has passed since Twilight and her friends first discovered the Elements of Harmony, and she has since become a full-fledged alicorn princess. In that time, she's done many great things.

But the one thing she hasn't done is tested herself. She's never seen the full extent of her powers.

Growing bored of Equestria, and seeking the ultimate challenge, Twilight decides to see just how powerful she really is by attempting the impossible.

Creating her own world.

Idea taken from a brainstorming thread and used with permission from Kapuchu.

Special thanks to Conicer for the epic cover art!

Chapters (6)

As an ancient dragon prepares to sleep, he embraces memories of time long past, and begins to reminisce on the great lives of his friends and the changes he has seen throughout his life.

Originally written for The Collab Cage's September monthly collab, but I wasn't happy with it, so I never submitted the final version. I've since edited it and decided to post it as a standalone one-shot. In the original collab, authors were simply tasked to write a story involving change.

Chapters (1)

On the eve of the Coexistence Carnival - one of the most important celebrations in the world, where each and every kingdom comes together one night in peace to celebrate unity - Celestia (and Luna, I guess) accidentally reveals a secret about themselves.

Or, rather, reveals an accidental secret.

Rated teen because of one utterance of the f-word and one utterance of the b-word.

Wow! What a great response! I also went through it and changed a few wrong words here and there, an awkward sentence at another spot. Nothing major.

I can't believe this got featured! Celebration!

Chapters (1)