• Member Since 6th Apr, 2014


She/her. Life's a monstrosity but spiders make up for that.

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The words here are suppose to interest you into wanting to read the story. I'm not going to type anything like that; I'm only paid to narrate this human in Equestria story (fifty bucks a story ain't worth it) so anything I say in bolded quotes will become the story. I've been doing this for years and these stories are starting to become a bit of a bore to me. If something new doesn't come around, I might just change one of the stories up.

This story is just that, a story. This is a Human in Equestria story that is being told to you by the narrator; who can be identified by italic paragraphs and just as he stated above, anything in bolded italics quotes will be part of the story. Everything else that isn't an italics paragraph is the story progressing normally. Think of it like 'The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh' but with an irritated narrator that wants to throw problems for the characters instead.

Made for the 'Body Swap Writing Contest' so you can guess what it entails.

Chapters (1)

My name is Twilight Sparkle.
I am three hundred and seventy five years old.
Except for Spike, all my friends are dead...But not for long

Betrayed by Celestia, and isolated in her castle with only Spike for support, Twilight Sparkle enacts a powerful spell to reincarnate the element bearers through her own body.
Her friends will be reborn, and, with the trials of being a mother to her friends ahead of her, an unraveling secret from the past following her at every turn, and the possibility of a brand new life so close in reach, Twilight just might be reborn too.

Credit for both the inspiration for this story and cover picture go to
Crystal Leviathan

Chapters (11)

When King Sombra is defeated by the main six, his soul still remains. That very soul re-enters Equestria as a foal, a filly to be exact. What will happen to the peaceful world, when its biggest menace is reborn?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia always knew that Twilight Sparkle was destined for great things, but she never revealed the source of that knowledge, not even to those closest to her. When the day of Twilight's true destiny finally arrives, can Celestia fulfill an ancient promise to save Equestia's past, present, and future, even it means saying goodbye to Twilight forever? How can Celestia refuse her mother's last wish?

Art by the inimitable Harwick

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo writes a story on her life to win a contest to get a flight lesson from the Wonderbolts, however she is totally honest with her life no closed life, she tells about the moments of her life that the Wonderbolts weren't ready for.

I ask something from you guys. If you favorite this story, can you click the like button too now?

Chapters (5)

The truth isn't always easy or pleasant. Something Twilight Sparkle has to learn. After she fixed her friends cutie marks with help of the element she has to learn that lesson.

//This short story is based on a theory I had a while back. Don't take it to serious, but I think some things make more sense this way.

Chapters (1)

For Discord, it's not easy being a chaotic god. When mother's day roles around he tends to ignore it, or, if reminded about it, forgetting it even exists. Today would be no different if it weren't for a certain yellow pegasus who wants to meet her.


Trixie roams Equestria as a showmare extraordinaire. The bits don't flow like water, but they do pay the bills. Each year however, the showmare stashes away some bits for a special day. Today has come and her bits are spent. It's time for her greatest show of all.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Solar Child

After the events of Solar Child, the royal family makes some changes that will change the way the public views them, but they don't give a damn! Meanwhile, a group once thought gone rises from the ashes Celestia left it in and plan their attack on the royal family.

Previous: Solar Child
Sequel: Solar Child: Past Demons

Chapters (20)

Silver Spoon is a grey filly with a braided mane who has a preference for wearing glasses. Despite having exceptional grades she is constantly getting in trouble along with another filly named Diamond Tiara.
She is the best friend of Diamond Tiara, a filly that not many ponies can claim to actually like. They are very close and even live in the same house.
Silver Spoon isn't actually a pony, nor is she technically alive.
And to a certain child, that fact could not matter in any less.

Special Thanks to SunX and Espeon_in_the_morning for their services.
Artwork by thresha8 check them out!

Chapters (2)

Its been 1000 yer since Chrysalis has seen her mother Luna but only to find out that she has lost her memories. Chrysalis is trying to help her but also trying to figure out why Celestia left her to fen for her self something happened that night and she detriment to find out.

Chapters (7)