• Member Since 6th Apr, 2014


She/her. Life's a monstrosity but spiders make up for that.

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When Sunset Shimmer wakes up in a strange forest she doesn't recognize after seeing another her at her new school Canterlot High and finds she is now a pony, she doesn't know what's going on.

what's more, when she eats some glowing fruit because she's starving, it takes a strange turn she could have never expected.

And scootaloo, after running away from the orphanage, gets a second shot at life.

new cover art provided by Princess Glitzy, who you can find HERE and this plus her other wonderful works you can find HERE

Featured 27/10/2019. Fitting it get featured during it's final udapte. A kind swan song. thank you all

Chapters (25)

Rainbow Dash usually had her head in the clouds, but she always thought she knew up from down. When an incredible revelation sends her life into a tailspin, she finds herself at the mercy of emotions she never thought she had, faced with hard questions and impossible choices.

Life is full of changes, but none of them are quite as disturbing as having a horn pop out of your skull…

Original Lauren Faust canon; non-alicorn Twilight, non-alicorn Cadance, no ascension. Diverges from the cartoon after season 3, with nods to later continuity wherever possible. Contains mature themes.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

Bright Night, Prism Dash, Glimmer Sparkle, and Nympha Lulamoom are all daughters of some of the most powerful alicorns in existence. Now in their twenties, they are happily fulfilling their roles of learning the ways of the crown to one day take over for the Princesses. However, what will happen when a dark secret of their past resurfaces and not only threatens them, but effects their views of their regal mothers.

And what will happen when these demons free themselves upon the world?

Sequel to: Solar Child
Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

Chapters (10)

Celestia is dying. Or at least it seems so. Afflicted with a curse that is destroying her very nature, she sets a plan in action.
The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will take the throne in her wake... Not that they know that yet...

(Takes place as an Alternate Season 3)

Chapters (33)

Luna discovers something hidden from Celestia for twenty years, now, with emotions running high, she enlists the help of the Mane 6... but what seemed to be a single mystery, soon reveals a darker and much more complicated plot that will soon decide the fate of Equestria.

Check out the Empty Room TV Tropes Page (Warning: Spoilers!)

Revised chapters edits and proofing (with many thanks) by: lammy, Trevor, Nick Nack, Fifth Alicorn

Chapters (29)

Apple Bloom is overcome with emotion. A simple slip of the tongue in front of one of Applejack's friends leaves her wondering how to deal with this sort of embarrassment. Will she be able to face her fears? Or will she keep her feelings bottled up inside of her, as long as she can avoid telling anyone about her little slip up?

Edited by: Arcelia and Word Worthy

Chapters (3)

Just about everypony in Ponyville knows Scootaloo. She's your normal, carefree pegasus foal who crusades for her cutie mark, zips around town on her scooter, and looks up to her idol Rainbow Dash. But what if that's not all there is to her? Scootaloo worries that her friends will find out that she's not the foal they know and love, or that she's not even a foal at all. But, when her secret does come out, their reactions might surprise her.

Chapters (4)

(Originally published by Matt11, rewritten with permission.)

WARNING!: This fic will contain: Age regression, diaper useage, breast feeding, and cuteness! Do not read if you are allergic to adorableness and feels! Thank you.

Scootaloo isn't a bad filly, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy know that better than anyone. But when Scootaloo starts acting up in school, they find themselves wondering what could possibly be causing their adopted daughter to misbehave.

When Scootaloo's behavior continues to get worse, the young couple turn to the help of their friend Twilight, in the hopes of pinning down the problem.

As it turns out, Twilight has a solution. But it's one that will change the life of Scootaloo forever.

Chapters (13)

Who is Scootaloo? Everypony knows about her present, but when it comes to her past there are as many different answers as there are questions.

Is she the love child of two star-crossed lovers? The last hope for the future? The child of a broken home? A mysterious figure fighting a war no pony knows about? Or is it something else entirely? Is she even a pony at all?

Twilight Sparkle decides to ask everypony in Ponyville and find out about Scootaloo...and the stories, rumors and gossip she gets will leave her wondering how the truth can ever compete with fiction.

My thanks to Page Turner for the new story cover!

Now has its own TVTropes Page!

And has a featured page in the Non-Canon My Little Pony Funny Page!

Thanks to all my readers and fans for all the support and help I have gotten! I am truly touched.

Chapters (24)

Twilight finds Chrysalis a few days after the invasion, limping through the forest. As a result, she finds out the truth behind the changelings as well as something about Chrysalis she didn't expect.

Chapters (2)