• Member Since 6th Apr, 2014


She/her. Life's a monstrosity but spiders make up for that.

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Fluttershy is spending the weekend with her mother Kind Heart. Things become interesting when Kind Heart wakes up Saturday Morning to see a tinier, cuter version of her little Fluttershy. Rated teen to be safe.

Prequel to Pinkie Pie Cake and sidequel to A Miscalculation Gone Cute.

Warning!!! Warning!!! This story contains diapers, breastfeeding, cuddling and cuteness. If you have a fragile heart, beware. You have been warned.

Chapters (3)

Spitfire has taken time to show Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust around after graduating at Wonderbolt Academy. When she has them try something new she brewed up, something happens none of them saw coming.

Warining: diapers, age regression and cuteness involved along with some comedy. Do not read if your heart is not strong enough to take it. Please read and give me positive comments and constructive criticism as always. Hope you enjoy the story.

A special thanks to ShadowBlades for the image to this story. Another special thanks to Maroonlover for editing my story.

Chapters (7)

It's just another normal day at Sugar Cube corner. That is until Pumpkin Cake finds something no pony even knew existed. What happens next, no pony expects?

Caution: Age regression, pregnancy, diapers, comedy and cuteness involved. Do not read if you can't stand the cuteness. You have been warned. Also warning: Mrs. Cake will be pregnant with Pinkie Pie for a short while, but there will be No Pinkie Pie point of view during this. If this strays from your comfort zone, please do not read.

Chapters (3)

Luna has called Applejack to the Crystal Empire for something that she needs her for. What Applejack finds out will change her life if she goes through with it. Rated Teen to be safe. Sidequel/sequel to The Royal Crystal Family, Always Calm is Flutter's Mom, Pinkie Pie Cake, and A Miscalculation Gone Cute.
Links to all the connected stories of this one:
A New Style For The Most Fashonable Pony
The Royal Crystal Family
Always Calm is Flutter's Mom
Pinkie Pie Cake
A Miscalculation Gone Cute.

Attention!!! Attention!!! This is not a test........This is an Emergency Cuteness Transmission (ECT)......... Age regression, Breastfeeding, Diapers and Cuddly Cuteness involved......... Do not read if story strays from your comfort zone or is too cute......... This message will stay posted as long as possible.

Chapters (3)

Fancy Pants and his new marefriend, Emerald Star have come to see Rarity in her home town and arrived just in time to wait out the storm that rolled in. Emerald receives a gift of brand new de-aging lotion from Fancy Pants' old marefriend, saying she has no hard feelings. Once they make it to Rarity's boutique, Emerald decides since Rarity is the host, she should have the first try, both unaware of the side effects soon to take place. Rated Teen to be safe.

Attention!!! Attention!!! This is not a test........This is an Emergency Cuteness Transmission ......... Age regression, Breastfeeding, Diapers and Cuddly Cuteness involved......... Do not read if story strays from your comfort zone or is too cute......... May cause weak hearts to fail...........This message will stay posted as long as possible...................................

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to What I brought back from Manehattan

Apple Bloom was expecting to find out about the niece she never knew existed. What Applejack shares with her, a secret she held for so many years, threatens to shake Apple Bloom’s world.

Cast: Apple Bloom
Supporting Cast: Apple Family, Zecora (because I am a masochist), the CMC, Dinky Doo & Berry Pinch, and Cheerilee

Edited by Level Dasher (who, along with my wife, helped tremendously through the brainstorming process)
Prereaders: Manes, Stormy Skies and The Fanfic Crusader.

Chapters (13)

Applebloom makes a terrifying descovery that she is pregnant. How will she tell her family and friends about it? And, what will she do?

Chapters (9)

Sometimes, we are not as strong as we believe ourselves to be. Some things may better remain shrouded by night, where others should be revealed regardless of time.
Occasionally, it may simply be the strength of our stomachs that is not up to expectations.

Very fluffy, very light (hast thou observed what We have performed yonder?), very something.

Part of the Timeshift Project.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom's parents died years ago in an accident, when she was only a baby. That's what Applejack and Big Macintosh have always told her, and even though they must have suffered a great deal they still managed to raise her properly and give her all the love her parents couldn't.

But her brother and sister have been hiding a secret, through shame, ever since their parents' deaths, and now the time has finally come to tell Apple Bloom who she really is. But how will the youngest Apple react to what really happened? Can their family bonds survive the truth?

(Credit to the author known as Somber, who wrote the fantastic "Simply Rarity", for the inspiration for some minor details about Sweetie Belle's family history.)

Chapters (23)

The Alicorn we all know and love; Twilight Sparkle is the result of a wish made a thousand years ago. Her birth was really what brought about Nightmare Moon. How will Twilight react when she finds out who her real mother is.

Prologue heavily inspired by the song Hijo de la Luna.


Chapters (8)