• Member Since 20th Apr, 2014

PlayStation Brony

A lazy gamer, I love playing games wanna play with me? PSN:RedCannonFodder

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Anon In Equestria Story.

Flying and defending one’s own nation is a respectable not to mention impressive job. So it comes to no surprise that you out of all people would be the one sitting in the seat of a F-22 raptor. The sky’s the limits, and on May 31st you find yourself on a mission that will not only brake these boundaries, but change your perspective on the universe, when you find yourself crash landing in the Ponyville river.

Anon X Rainbow Dash Story

Read the comments at your own volition

Chapters (19)

Comedy tagged for some comedic elements, but overall, it is still a serious story
Long ago, the entire planet was dominated by a powerful, and cruel race known as humans. They enslaved all other beings on the planet, and consumed their flesh. These beings had strange powers. But one day, they simply disappeared, without a trace as to where they went.

Thousands of years later, ponies search the abandoned ruins of a human structure, and find something they never thought possible; a baby human.

Chapters (5)

It's been a year and a half since a failed experiment brought as a result the human invasion to Equestria. After having lost absolutely everything, the ponies seemed to be in crossroads, and didn't seem to find a solution. At least, that's what they thought until they put down their hopes on an unexpected ally.

Translated to English by djr3b3l, Sweet Letters, Robertii U and FALG
Edited by warewolves (Since prologue to chapter 4), ShadowblazeCR and VitalSpark

Chapters (13)

No one has seen Sunset Shimmer in a week after the Fall Formal. Principal Celestia is getting worried. She doesn't really know much about Sunset Shimmer, but she is aware that she is alone in this world. When Celestia finds Sunset it is worse than she knew. Now, Celestia moves to heal the heart of the girl from another world. It is to be a difficult and hard fought battle against Sunset's own perception of self.

Can Sunset turn her life around from the downward spiral that it is in? Or is she right to believe that she is only a demon and deserves only the worst in life? Sunset's journey to forgiving herself starts with allowing her mentor's alternate into her life, but does she deserve to have the chance to disappoint two Celestias?

Now being edited by devas and The Albinocorn

Featured! August 18th 2014! For all of 10 minutes! Still counts!
Freatured again! September 15 2014! For a much longer time! Last time I update this bit though.

Chapters (4)

Sequel to Battleships are Magic-

A few years have passed since first contact between ponies and men. The gap between worlds has secretly been bridged and it is possible to travel between the United States and Equestira.

The President hopes that the American public will be receptive, but on the way to the press conference something goes terribly wrong.

Chapters (5)

It is year 2145. It has been 3 years since the beginning of the war. Since then Titan production has increased tenfold. Titan vs Titan warfare was now an extremely common thing meaning more advancements had to be made. Both EU and PAC have found the secret to cross-dimension travel hoping to find a warmer planet with more resources. Both armies quickly ready up to be the first ones to claim land in this new world. What they don't know is that the planet is already inhabited by a sentient race. More specifically, ponies. This is the story of Lt. Harrison of the EU marines, an all around jack of all trades specialist. He is accompanied by his squad of Sgt. Callaghan- Weapons expert, Cpl. Nicholas- Demolition expert and finally Pvt. Ford. Mechanic/ Tech specialist. Follow them through an epic journey through Equestria.

This is a crossover fic with content from Battlefield: 2142 and MLP:FiM. I do not own either. All rights respectively go to EA/DICE and Hasbro.

Chapters (6)

30 years of war, 30 bloody years, 30 years of death and destruction. The human-Covenant war as pushed humanity back to the edge extinction and humanity hope lies on the planet knows as REACH. But after months of fighting on and off planet the human fortress world of Reach as fallen and somehow in the chaos sent two Mark 3 Spartans named Ghost and Ice to Celestra's and Luna's front door-step. with no way home for now Ice and Ghost have to try a live in world of harmony. (MAKE SOME F*** FRIENDS) How in Equestria will Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Spike now have to deal with reforming the battle harden Spartans?

this my first story so it is not going to best and i am shocking shit at spelling and grammar but i will rewritten bit by bit to try and fix the spelling and grammar just give me time so please don't hate it because of that.
(side note- will try and add a new chapter every 2 to 3 months because i am a slow writer and because i don't have a lot of time on my hands on the best of days)

This story is being proofread by James Monson he is a good guy and a good friend.

All my little pony friendship is magic characters belong to Hasbro and halo to Bungie
(front cover was made by me.)

Chapters (5)

New Author; Minibinaz
Go Here to Read Continuation
2 Delta Force Operators, SFC David Grayson and Sgt Elliot Lee, find themselves in the Everfree Forest after a helicopter crashes. After a day of recon they decide to become Ponyville's silent protectors, only coming out at night, stopping the criminals and saving ponies. During the day they watch over the town with binoculars, hunt, fortify their base, and search the forest.
For weeks ponies have been reporting seeing 2 tall figures looking out over Ponyville from the Everfree, walking the streets at night and stopping criminals before leaving them outside the headquarters of the Ponyville Guard, unconscious and tied up. Tune your radio to a certain frequency and you may be able to hear chatter between 2 creatures.

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo always wonder who was her mother was. She always thought she died along time ago, but it turns out her mother was there in front of her the whole time.

Editor- Vale Decem

Sequel- Daddy http://www.fimfiction.net/story/211413/daddy

Featured in popular stories

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle had a bad dream, and woke up somewhere she would rather forget. The bright lights called to her, however, and waking up she realizes a dream is better then her eternal nightmare.

Chapters (1)