• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?

Favourites 285 stories
  • Favourites 285 stories - 27 unread chapters
    Created by xTSGx
    - October, 2014
Found 251 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 7,380,353
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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When Spitfire, Soarin' and Misty go to judge the 'Best Young Flier' competition, Spitfire only expected to be bored to tears watching amateur fliers peruse their casual hobby; but things take an unexpected turn when two ponies fly onstage for the last performance. For the Wonderbolts, unexpected is usually a very, very bad thing.

Thanks to crazypsychowoman for the cover art.

Chapters (1)

You know the story of Nightmare Moon. Or so you think. What many do not know is that before she was banished, she had a foal of her own. Many people do not know, not even the Princess. Which is good otherwise she would have seen right through my disguise. My name is Shadow Moon but everypony over the past thousand years have called me Twilight Sparkle and this is my story.

Covert art by Giulia Beck

Chapters (3)

Sometimes, there are words that were never meant to be said and ideas that were never meant to be known. When the truth exposes those things we wish left hidden, what happens then? Does that truth set you free or utterly damn you?

A/N: Innumerable thanks to Aatxe360 for his assistance. Twilestia. Lunajack also based off of "What The Night Remembers". Marked "Teen" for content. Considered prior to the end of Season 3.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle is practicing transformation spells one day when she messes up and unintentionally kills a good friend. What is Twilight to do now? How can she live with herself?

This is meant to be a short little story so I'm sorry if the description is short >.<

Chapters (4)

After the events of King Sombra's attempted revival and his continued reign on the Crystal Empire, the Mane 6 fall back into their mundane lives among the citizens of Ponyville. However, as the Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle undergoes another assignment from Princess Celestia, she begins to see things going amiss in her beloved town, among her friends, and even the land of Equestria itself. Will she be able to understand the complex series of events that are befalling the land? Or is the more important question this: Is she able to stop it?

Chapters (1)

Discord has been defeated, and Twilight and her friends are eager to get back into the swing of everyday life. Shortly after the end of the victory ceremony in Canterlot, Celestia asks a favour of Twilight, to put Discord back where he belongs, and the ever-faithful student accepts.

By noon of the next day, however, Twilight has both a startling revelation, and a terrible new secret to keep. Otherwise, the last thing she sees may in fact be the statue garden.

Edited and test-read by DreamVirusOmega (aka PoisonClaw) and Nonagon
Heavily inspired by and adapted from Garden Party: Petrified by PumpkinHipHop
Cover art used with permission by DocWario

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Factory

Cloudsdale Weather Corporation has been running without incident for over twenty years. That is, until two foals manage to avoid being processed and find themselves in the haunted bowels of the massive facility. Can they make it out of the abandoned factory with their sanity intact? Will they uncover the secrets even a company as dark as the CWC is ashamed to keep? And what of the workers who help ensure that, in the end, not a single soul gets through...

Love the series? Buy the book!

[TVTropes Article][Plagen Shiki's Reading][The Song Inspired by the Story]

Chapters (5)

Bon Bon's voice is funny, and that's about all that anypony who meets her notices, as her marefriend Lyra soon steals the spotlight with her explosive personality, strange obsessions, and curious beliefs. And why not? Bon Bon is, after all, a perfectly ordinary, boring pony in every way but two: her voice, and the carefully kept secret that she isn't really a pony.

(Edit:) Now with an annotated version, courtesy of the incomparable Shoggoth Lord!

Chapters (13)

The oral account of the Twilight Crisis. Reported by Namby Pamby of the Canterlot Gazette.

Twilight Sparkle decides to try the Alicorn Amulet. the results lead Equestria through horrors not scene since Nightmare Moon.

read the accounts and discover the truth to the events of the Twilight Crisis.

I'm sure there are already stories to this effect out, or on their way, but here is mine. prepare for horrible events because this is a dark story! bwa ha ha -eyes shimmer red- P.S. this is modeled after the WWZ book format, so be ready for that.

Chapters (4)

Ever notice how all these death fics look exactly the same? I should know, I wrote some. This is basically how each character's death usually plays out, only completely and utterly exaggerated.
A trollfic written by someone who really likes sadfics. Don't get offended, and if you do, come on man. Really?

Chapters (1)