• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?

Favourites 285 stories
  • Favourites 285 stories - 27 unread chapters
    Created by xTSGx
    - October, 2014
Found 251 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 7,380,353
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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This story is a sequel to The Broken Mare

While ensuring that the Nightmare has once again been banished to the Moon, Luna is attacked while teleporting back.

A stallion has escaped from the lunar prison. Who is this pony? Is he controlled by the Nightmare? What is he after?

Is Twilight's daughter in danger?

Chapters (6)

Blessed be the Elements of Harmony, for they aided her. Blessed be the regents of the sun and moon, for they taught her. Blessed be her enemies, for they hardened her. Blessed be the Empress, for she saved us all from what had always been certain. - Prayer of Thanks to the Holy Maiden

Twilight Sparkle built this empire, saved us all from what was certain and final...
...Will she now cast us out?

Chapters (1)

The mission is in the name.

Reconnaissance - Detect and evaluate potential threats to Equestria, foreign and domestic.
Assault - Effectively attack & destroy targets of interest.
Interdiction - Interfere with hostile organizations' logistics support.
Demolition - Provide combat engineer support and clandestine sabotage capability.

Such is the mission of the Equestrian government's most secretive organization, RAID. Their precursor, the Royal Guard's 1st SOG-CAD, started the Wonderbolts to attract and evaluate potential operatives. Operating with near-total freedom, their actions have maintained the thin veneer of peace enjoyed by the citizens of Equestria.

Decades later, the Wonderbolts have fulfilled their secretive purpose once again, bringing the young pegasus Rainbow Dash to RAID's attention. Still hoping to one day fly before crowds, she reluctantly accepts the invitation to join. Soon after she completes her training, though, the organization is thrown into a shadowy international conflict that threatens to turn into all-out war if RAID cannot stop it. The coming fire will either temper Rainbow Dash's loyalty to a new strength or melt her in the flames of hatred...

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle finds a book in the library.

Twilight Sparkle reads aforementioned book.

Twilight Sparkle's life is thrown upside down, her view of her teacher shattered, and her friends pitted against each other.

Everything will return to normal.

One of these statements is false.

Chapters (1)

Octy's starting to get suspicious. Vinyl wears her shades everywhere, even at night. She refuses to eat garlic. She wears a hoody in 90 degree weather. She sits at home with the shades drawn. Vinyl's secret is at risk of being revealed, but she must hide the truth at any cost.

This story tells the tale of "My Roomate Is A Vampire" from the perspective of Vinyl Scratch.

Chapters (12)

Inspired by and based upon Statistics, by xTSGx.

Sometimes, one source of data isn't enough. Sometimes, another set of statistics is necessary to tell the whole story.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is anxious to teach Luna about friendship and Luna is anxious to learn. But as passions are ignited, mishaps occur.

To suggest pairings and for more information about Equestrian Shipping, go here: http://peacelovingmadman.deviantart.com/journal/Equestrian-Shipping-short-05-328948640

Part 2 is so much longer than part 1, sorry about that. Probably why it took such a gross amount of time to edit.

Chapters (2)

Spiders. Oh, how I hate spiders. And yet Luna insists on keeping one as a...pet.

Just a little fun story to keep my skills sharp, so don't expect it to last very long!

Chapters (6)

We know Twilight Sparkle as the silly little mare who didn't have any friends until she was sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia. However, the rest of Equestria knows Twilight Sparkle as poor number 107497, a number even foals are taught to be wary of. The filly was perfectly fine, until one last taunt pushed her over the edge, into her own imagination, where she made friends; each friend a part of her mind.

Five years later, as Princess Celestia sits with her comatose student, aforementioned student moves. Both in the physical world, and slowly from her dream world as well.

Rated Teen because... well... I'm not sure, it just needs a Teen tag.

Chapters (4)

After a pony falls in Ponyville, Princess Celestia takes it upon herself to find the culprit responsible. But when she enters the Everfree Forest, something is amiss.

From the ashes of the Ecplise Wars that ended near a millennium ago, an ancient evil will rise. They will hunt. They will kill.

Now Luna, still having not forgiven herself for her rebellion against the throne, must fight one more time. But this time, she fights for light and life.

This time, she fights not for a throne of a kingdom, but the throne of love and forgiveness.

But what pony can forgive the sins of a goddess?

Chapters (2)