• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?

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  • Favourites 285 stories - 27 unread chapters
    Created by xTSGx
    - October, 2014
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Twilight Sparkle had to use King Sombra's Dark Magic to solve various puzzles. She claims that Celestia showed her how, but how is she perfect at the spells at the first go? Something stinks of a nefarious plot....
I hope everpony likes this! I had this idea after watching the Season Three premier, and it wouldn't go away until I wrote it! I'm sorry if the writing isn't up to your standards, but I'll appreciate and constructive criticism!
Also romance for eventual shipping.

Chapters (1)

Ever since she burst into flames trying to discover Pinkie Pie's sense, Twilight has had terrible feelings constantly tormenting the back of her mind. Nightmares show visions of her burning everything she has ever loved to the ground, and she is enjoying it. Desperate, she searches for anything that can help clear all of these terrible thoughts. Twilight then discovers that a unicorn whose coat was white and hair writhed in flames tried to destroy Equestria in the past. To her horror, she learns that she is destined to be the reincarnation... and there is nothing she can do about it

Featured in the group Authors Helping Authors

Special thanks to Thardoc for editing this along with several other of my stories.

This was inspired by the amazing story 'Inner Demons' by SapphireLibra3.

Artwork belongs to Tsitra360.

Chapters (20)

Love is the most sacred of magics, possessed by all but commanded by few. It is the driving force behind life in Equestria, the lifeblood of pony civilization.

But when a new kind of magic arrives in Equestria, it is up to its bearer, Twilight Sparkle, to decide its fate...
or perhaps it's up to the magic to decide hers.

Featured on Equestria Confidential: 8/30/2013

Special Thanks to iOctavia for being an awesome bro and prereading for me! He also does writing of his own, so go check him out!~
<New Coverart provided by: Link>
<Old Coverart found here: Link>

Chapters (24)

Everypony has a dark side to them. Something they fear, something that could destroy them. As a certain purple unicorn is forced to use dark magic, she finds her fears threatening to consume her...Along with the darkness inside.

This story occurs directly after the end of season 3: episode 2. If you haven't seen it yet, go and watch it before reading this story. (This story is my take on where i think they're going to go with that dark magic we saw, it wasn't used nor explained nearly enough in that episode.)

Chapters (1)

A sequel to Twidark.

Everything went back to normal after Twilight Sparkle had her little "episode". And nopony got hurt. Except Pinkie, but she's gotten over it. Well there might have been a few nightmares. And therapy. Actually quite a lot of it. Most of it consisted of lots of hugging and sugar. It's not every day that your closest friend tries to torture you to death while under a curse and thinking that you're only a weird hallucination brought forth by the embodiment of all things chaotic. Some ponies might take it a bit personally.

The raging rioters also went home. Some of them actually bonded over mugs of cider and formed life-long friendships. The construction crew was found with only minor bruises and were not going to press charges. And Applejack and Rarity assure us that the CMC will make a full recovery from their burns.

But MOSTLY nopony got hurt.

But when a burning mare bearing Twilight's cutie mark walks out of the likewise burning library, flanked by two mythical creatures and shouting for her old friend, something might be off. Even by Ponyville standards.

Chapters (4)

Sometimes, evil can hide in the most innocent things... but what happens when the inner good is covered by an appearance of evil?

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle stood on her hind legs, her forelegs to her side swaying back and forth as her scythe dropped to the ground. Tears welling up in her eyes, she looked down at the corpse that laid before her, still young, but ready to die. It wasn't her fault she was chosen for this, all because she became fascinated with new powers.

"I can't believe this."

Twilight stared over the horizon, gazing on the city of Ponyville in the distance. It's inhabitants, who once saw her as one of their best friends, now barely knew her. She could walk the streets to Sugar Cube Corner, or help her friend Applejack on the family's farm. She could even sit in her Library with Spike and read her favorite books.

But none of it would be the same.

"I am evil."

Chapters (11)

Twilight and Princess Celestia are in love. That's great... isn't it? But as they begin to tell their friends and family, how do they reconcile their relationship with the vast gulf in their experiences and the distance that an immortal alicorn princess must keep between herself and her subjects? Maybe this was a bad idea after all. Maybe their friends will just make things worse. Particularly since some of their friends are having their own relationship problems. And a secret society of masked ponies with their eye on Celestia's throne are looking to make the whole question irrelevant.

The followup to Correspondence and including the events of Moonshy. Includes pony makeouts, breakups, hookups, crying, flirting, melodramatic plots, political intrigue, OCs, and the occasional magical beatdown. I regret nothing.

Chapters (1)

Waking up in an alternate universe in which you are a supervillain can be hard.

Finding out your friends are rebels trying to kill or overthrow you isn't very easy to deal with either.

But trying to solve the situation? That's a real horn cracker.

Chapters (7)

Coming back to Canterlot shortly before Cadance's wedding to Shining Armor, Celestia and Cadance soon grow bored on the train ride and decide to have a bit of fun...at the expense of a sleeping Luna. Needless to say, the princess of the night is none too pleased with this development and decides to enact some revenge of her own. Hilarity ensues, and bananas may or may not be involved!

Had this idea when I first saw LoCeri's comic, and finally have some time and enough ideas to make a proper story out of it. Just a bit of random fun, not meant to be taken seriously!

Picture used with artist's permission, and seriously, if you haven't already seen his stuff, LoCeri has some awesome and hilarious comics and is definitely worthy of a follow! (Or at least a cookie)

Chapters (4)