• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?

Favourites 285 stories
  • Favourites 285 stories - 27 unread chapters
    Created by xTSGx
    - October, 2014
Found 251 stories in 71ms

Total Words: 7,380,353
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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Princess Celestia has had feelings for her faithful student for some time that go beyond a scholastic admiration. Imagine her sorrowful surprise when she receives a letter from Twilight detailing her foray into the world of romantic relationships, one that takes a sharp down-turn for the worse. It's up to Twilight's long-time mentor and friend to repair the anguish brought upon by a careless and, for all intents and purposes, faceless colt, who was too daft to appreciate somepony the princess would give anything to be with.

(Though tagged "sad", it's not that much. It's certainly a little sarcastic at times, though I wouldn't call it "comedy" per say.)

Chapters (2)

After a horrible accident, Twilight Sparkle falls into a deep coma. Will Twilight wake up? Will anything ever be the same?

Chapters (11)

Why does Equestria need a guided missile cruiser?
What made the US Navy sell it so cheaply?
How could Princess Celestia think this was a good idea?
Learn the true story behind one of the most controversial - and secret - arms deals in history.

Chapters (14)

"Kill Rainbow Dash." That's the story. An assassin is hired to carry out that single command.

With the idea that he can't kill unless he has proven to himself the pony deserves death, he sets out to end her life. However, when he finds himself incapable of finding any reason to kill Rainbow Dash, he ends up trapped in a moral dilemma with no way out.

Chapters (1)

First person view fic written from the view of Twilight
Got the idea for the story after seeing the pic that is the cover image.

Twilight grew up with Celestia, for most of her foalhood and looked up to and trusted her as a second mother.
But what happens when that trust is shattered when a horrifying truth is revealed about the one she loved so much?

Chapters (6)

A scientist seeks growth and despises stagnation. Five years in Ponyville has been long enough, and Twilight Sparkle is searching for an out. She jumps on the opportunity to travel under Princess Luna's personal tutelage. Things invariably go wrong.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle finds herself spending time with a local pegasus from the weather team, and may be developing feelings for her.

But when they stumble across a relic of nightmares past, Twilight must learn to cope with distressing new urges, and keep her friends and the rest of Equestria in the dark...

Chapters (2)

As Twilight Sparkle awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, she found she had been turned into a changeling.

How has she become a changeling? How will she adapt? How will her friends respond? And what new terrors will her metamorphosis bring?

Cover image by the fantastic Carnifex... or Siansaar... I can't tell which. You can find more wonderful works here: http://siansaar.deviantart.com/

EDIT: Featured... nearing 1000 Favorites... multiple pages of comments (swoons)

Thanks for everything guys. I never expected this thing to get so popular. I need to rework the second chapter, but it looks like there's going to be a blue moon every Friday for a while yet. Thanks again for your support and please keep reading and reviewing!

EDIT2: I've updated the character list again, a little preview of the second story arc...

EDIT 3: Just doing a quick character update to account for changes made to the next Arc...

Chapters (5)

Luna takes a personal day at the request of her sister and Twilight Sparkle, but whilst visiting they each find something hidden in their hearts they didn't know was there....

Chapters (13)

Late one night, Twilight receives a letter from an anonymous scientist to work on a top secret project with long-reaching implications. If they succeed, Equestria will be changed forever. But what if the mysterious benefactor has other plans in mind? Twilight has decisions to make: About morality and mortality, love and hate, friends and lovers.

Book two: The Ghost Of You

Chapters (22)