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Side Story of: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Off the Record

After finding out a horrible secret concerning Rainbow Dash, Alex loses face, and makes the decision to run away back to earth, in hopes of recovering from the pain he had been caused, and so he could catch up with the family he had deserted four years before.

However, while studying to finally finish the high school he had skipped out on, he finds himself being dragged back to that magical pony world, and the pain it now represents to him.

The inner conflict boils down to a tug of war between his feelings, and his duties.

Also, it doesn't help that he has a jackass in his head that won't stop talking.

But, sometimes you need to smile through the pain, and think about the people that need you. Plain and simple.

Chapters (11)

A normal day was all it took.
A simple failed prototype, a missed experiment.
There was an explosion, and I woke up. I don't really know what happened between those two events, but I'm fairly certain I shouldn't have awoken in a small, dark box.

I'm scared.

Cover art by the amazing Avatar of Madness!

Chapters (5)

In the far future, the alicorns are gone and ponykind continues on it's own. In the capital city of a new nation, a young university student has a chance encounter with an old librarian.

Sent to study the past, the lesson he learns will help unlock his future.

Friendship is Magic.

A big thank you to Luminary for pre-reading!

Chapters (1)


"My lady once wrote in her very personal and very secret diary that I have problems appreciating personal space. I beg to differ on that sentiment." - A Butler commenting on Professional Discretion -

I'm a Butler. My friends, the imaginary ones at least, call me Butler. My job, looking after my lady, can be...challenging at times, but rewarding. Lately the job's become a little more difficult, especially after my lady's sister returned from the moon and the parliament decided to try and pass an entire bill just to be able to legally get rid of me. But managing the chaos is part of the job description, even if it means I must secretly become my lady's knight captain of her personal bodyguards in order to keep my job. Though even I could never have anticipated having to train knights cunningly disguised as maids to stay one step ahead of the nobles. Ah, the things I do for my princess.

Featured 9 - 12 August 2014. Many many thanks to everyone who kindly made this possible! You guys have doubled the fun!

Now featuring the editing talents of our resident editor Dumbgamer99. Be sure to thank him by checking out his page and giving him a follow!

Butler tag kindly made by undead003. Many thanks! (You'll find it actually works if you click on it.)

Cover Art: This picture totally contains ninjas. You just can't see them, cause they're that good.

Chapters (10)

We all know the story of how the Princess’ young student and five friends defeated Nightmare Moon and brought Princess Luna back to our lands. But what if the tale were false? What if the young Twilight Sparkle on the event of her entrance exam had not been rescued by Princess Celestia, but instead lost her mind among the power of her youthful surge and had to be sent away, far away before she could destroy all of Canterlot with her newfound power. Now the feral unicorn prowling the Everfree Forest only vaguely remembers her past, slipping away from constant terrifying attempts to capture her.

And she is beginning to remember what true power felt like.

Editors include: Peter, Justin, Featherprop, Mitch H, and Bad Horse
Featured on Equestria Daily
Reviewed by Chris on One Man's Pony Ramblings and by Paul Asaran on his review blog
Now with a TV Tropes page

Physical books are available on Lulu.com
Monster in the Twilight (Paperback) 272 pages
Monster in the Twilight (Hardback)

Chapters (35)

One day Celestia finds herself being asked out on a date by TD, a human famous for punching her in the face.

You know what to expect.
Or not.

Set in a Universe where TD did not go on his Journey.
Intended to be a non-canon side story.

If you want to understand this story better, you'll want to read No, I'm Not A Brony. GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!!.

Big shout outs to BronyWriter who wrote the original story and is the editer of this one.

Chapters (20)

Becoming a princess means you get a lot of power. However, what happens when the power you have was obtained through dark means? Twilight battles with an inner force, driving her to a goal.
The question is... Which voice is best to follow?
Her Mentor's? Or the one that has led her this far?

Chapters (15)

Inexperience is a foreign concept to Celestia. At least she thinks it is. Right up until the moment a rash decision leaves her with a student who is a dozen years younger than what she's used to.


Chapters (16)

A dragon has lived alone for centuries in a cave far beneath the earth. When a pony trespasses on his domain through no fault of her own, what will become of her?

Are you the kind of person who would rather experience this story with your ears than your eyes? You're in luck! Here's a reading of the story courtesy of Thornquill!

Chapters (1)

This stories is redone and continued in: The Student of Sun and Shadow

King Sombra's attempt to reconquer the Crystal Empire may have been thwarted, and he himself cast back into the shadows, but it will take more that that to stop a being who endured a 1000 year of imprisonment in ice and darkness. Especially now that he has set his sights on a new conquest. Twilight Sparkle's effort to save the Crystal Empire may have gone unrecognized, but not by Sombra. She has earned his interest, and his admiration. The implications of which Twilight fails to appreciate. And will regret.

This story was inspired by the fan comic A Somber Meeting by Omny87

Chapters (6)