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This story is a sequel to Lines and Webs

For four long years, Celestia's apprentice Twilight Sparkle, once a model pony and a hero among heroes, has waged a bitter and secret struggle with her onetime mentor. Though she works from the shadows, directing her forces from the Old Capitol in the Everfree Forest, Twilight Sparkle is unable to gain any advantage,

Likewise, Princess Celestia finds her once-faithful student far more cunning and elusive than she had anticipated, and even now searches for a way to bring Twilight Sparkle's rebellion to its knees.

It is a game of greys, of knives in the dark and of poisoned wine, where pawns are moved and traded and exchanged for greater advantage, all the while drawing both sides nearer to the conflict which shall tear Equestria in two.

At the center of this conflict is a new pawn, one who only wished to see the truth for herself. Drawn into a deadly game whose rules she does not understand, Sweetie Belle must learn to survive in a world where all is darkened, and nopony can be completely trusted.

Because when gods play chess, all pieces are expendable.

A nation will crumble, old enemies shall return in the most unexpected ways, and regardless of who is victorious, only one thing can be certain.

Nothing shall ever be the same.

Followed by Stormsinger.

Chapters (62)

The Sun and Moon; both powerful symbols of magic. This is a constant that seems to hold true across many worlds. When a conjunction of the two brings the power they represent to bear and the walls between worlds is breached as a result, one young man's life is changed. Having fallen from his own world, he lands in a realm of magic and populated by creatures he once considered fictional.

Now fate has left him with the expectations of adapting to this new world and the trials and complications that come with it. Amid it all, his passage stirs up old memories that some would rather have left lost and forgotten, while the world itself is left with the scar of his arrival.

While it is true that coincidences are common and not every event is an omen, the line between the two can be paper thin.

Chapters (19)

Below her, the remains of the world, and everyone in it, spin slowly, around and around, in a sea of purple goo. But that doesn't mean Celestia's work is done. The Road lies ahead of her, and at its end—the most difficult decision of her life. Again.

How long can one pony keep hope alive?


2nd place in the "History Repeats" write-off.
Dramatic reading by AShadowOfCygnus.
Dramatic reading by Cherax.
On EQD Aug 12, 2014.

Chapters (1)

Almost everypony has a soul mate, one they are destined to live with and love for all their days. They give their body, heart, and soul to each other. Rarely do soul mates ever change, but occasionally there is the twist of fate that happens.

During their escape from the crystal caverns, a lose rock manages to almost impale Twilight before Cadence pushes her out of the way and takes the blow. Seeing her foal sitter dying, Twilight uses all her magic to save Princess Cadence with a very dangerous spell. It is not without a consequence as she, unknowingly, gives her own life energy to Cadence, tearing up the soul bond between her brother and her foal sitter. Instead, it makes a new one: one between the two of them.

With Shining Armor’s own bond broken, it attaches itself to the closest being it can: Queen Chrysalis.

A fic I was given permission to write from Rated Ponystar

Featured 28/7/2014. A Booya! Then again 31/3/2015. What?:pinkiegasp::yay:

cover art a combination of pics from here and here.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Wild Card

Back by popular demand, Ace continues his misadventures across Equestria and surrounding lands. Along the way he must deal with Black Brew Smugglers, the Equestrian authorities, an old foe returning and his quickly dwindling supply of tobacco. At the end of the day though, there remains only two important questions:
Can he get away with this?
How much fun can he have whilst doing so?

Part of the Chess Game of the Gods universe
Cover art is by the ever-awesome Kaze1121

Chapters (13)

Ace was a street magician with a lucky streak. His luck was legendary among casino owners and fellow magicians. Any risky trick would succeed flawlessly and any gamble would pay off for him.

After performing his greatest and final trick he is brought face to face with the entity responsible for his incredible luck. The goddess of fortune herself. Lady Luck.

She offers him a deal. To become her champion, her Wild Card, and go to Equestria to spread luck among those who need it the most. So he finds himself in a magical land, in a new form, and ready for anything that comes at him. To a reasonable degree.

(Part of the Chess Game of the Gods universe created by Rust and BlackWing)
(Cover art by Grusborg on deviantART)

Chapters (61)

Magic pervades the land of Equestria, aiding it’s inhabitants. Pegasus ponies are able to soar the skies with great speeds, moving the clouds and controlling the weather. Earth Ponies are more down to earth, having a natural connection to the land, making them the green hooves of the world with an enhanced strength capacity. Unicorns have direct control of the magic pervading Equestria, and it channels through their horns, making them better organized and able to do bigger tasks. Alicorns, who have the abilities of all three races, and use them to their fullest ability. No other species have ever been affected by this magic however, so only the pony races are affected, making many other species jealous of the ponies magic.

Everypony knows this, along with every other species on the planet. But what happens when a member of a brand new species comes to Equestria, and is also affected by this field. This new species isn’t affected like the Pegasi, Earth Ponies, the Unicorns, or even the Alicorns. This new species has survived for 200,000 years, using their greatest talent…

Their Minds.

Featured on 6/11/15. You guys are amazing!
Characters and Tags will be added as the story progresses.
Will have both slice of life and adventure themes, FIMfiction's tagging system doesn't let me tag both though.

Chapters (4)

A take on Humans Acting Villainously: Celestia has won, the barrier and conversion bureaus have wiped away everything humanity had and was.
But uneasy rests the tyrant's crown.
The Newfoals remember legends of things that go bump in the night, and they have decided that now even Celestia must know and fear them too. That there are beings to give even Luna nightmares.
Celestia is merely a Princess, and he is the King.

Yeah! Featured 8/7/14, 8/11/14, 8/12/14, 8/14/14 and 8/21/16. Thank you all.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Hope

Here you will find the stories about the residents of Pasofino, and the ageless realm of Equestria in which they live. Each chapter is meant to take but a moment to read, and may or may not be in chronological order. I have made an attempt in every tale to highlight the time period.

(These are side-stories to the trilogy of Order from Chaos, Justice, and Hope.)
(image magicalness courtesy of alexstrazsa and snowdrop and skyshine courtesy of wentox / wento)

(Psst. It liiiiives.)

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Justice

Worker's dreams have taken a turn for the worse. Feeling trapped, unable to talk about his experiences and unable to stop the near-nightly terrors, he wonders if he should reach out to the Princesses. It never occurs to him that these nightmares might be something more.
This is the final story of a trilogy. The first part is Order from Chaos, and the second is called Justice.

Chapters (8)