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This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The twentieth story in The Journey of Graves

The drama should have been over. Rarity and Graves should have been well on their way to a happy ever after. However, when a piece of the marshal's colorful past comes rolling into town, sparks start to fly as Rarity wonders whether it was all a fairy tale after all.

Chapters (10)

Reading an epic tale of one of the Third Hokage's missions, a 6 year old Naruto sets himself on getting some awesome summons of his own. Unable to find a contract on short notice, and not understanding why a contract is required, he goes through the necessary motions anyways and winds up in Equestria. Can Naruto convince the locals to let him be their summoner? Is the ninja world ready for the likes of Pinky Pie? Just how much will a young Naruto benefit from the Magic of Friendship?

Chapters (42)

History said that one thousand years ago, the younger sister of two sibling princesses grew jealous of her sister's day when ponies shunned her night and that she was banished to the moon for a thousand years through the power of the Elements of Harmony. However, only half of the truth has been recorded into books and ponies' minds. There was one other who aided the princess in sealing away Nightmare Moon, who without his help and his ancient magical power, would've meant eternal darkness in Equestria.

Warning: There will be some swearing used in later chapters. Also, as I been pulled up a couple of times, the beginning chapters are sub-par. I'll go back to the chapters at a later date to fix them. But, or now, I ask you to continue reading if the first chapters are what's putting you off.

This is a fan-based story, Fairy Tail, MLP and any references all belong to their respective owners. I own nothing.

Featured: 6/09/2014 Best birthday present ever! Thank you all so much guys!
Featured: 30/11/2014 Wow. Seriously, wow. Not even five minutes after submitting it and you guys got it into the featured box again. Thank you all, seriously, it means a lot to me.
Featured: 8/09/2015 Again. Seriously, this is amazing. Thanks everyone or making into the feature box again.

Chapters (10)

Dear Discord,

I'm sure you have found yourself rather bored as of late, seeing as you have given up your true nature to stay reformed. So I have a project for you.

I'm awful curious to know what you do in your spare time, so I'd like you to keep a journal from now on and update me weekly. It will be a good way to kill some time, and it will help me keep tabs on you as you adapt to your new lifestyle. Think of it like a sort of Reformative Exercise.

You can send me your letters via dragonfire, which I do believe you are more than capable of doing so with your own magic. (If not, I'm sure Twilight will always let you borrow Spike,)

I'll be expecting your first letter soon!

- Celestia

Chapters (11)

Imprisoned on the moon, the Princess of Eternal Night passed the time in any way she could, usually plotting her revenge.

But when someone else finds their way into her prison, she finds a new way to pass the time, and soon revenge is no longer on top of her list.

She returns to Equestria, but she's not alone, and the Royal Family has a new member.
A little something I wrote on a forum for a thread called Hogwarts Rejection Letters. As you may infer, it is a crossover with Harry Potter.

Chapters (2)

Naruto's life has been taken and is given a second chance at life due to certain circumstances. However, what he didn't realize is that he would be living in a world of ponies and magic, not in his own world. Will Naruto learn to put his past life behind and accept this strange new world as his home? Or will he reject it outright and find a way back to Konoha?

Rated T for Blood, Violence, and Language.

Image is from a user named VertreV from Deviantart. Give 'em a round of applause!

Chapters (30)

Naruko (Female Naruto) thought she knew a bit about these bonds the Hokage always talked about. However when she tries a mysterious Jutsu she is sent to a new land. In this new land, she will come to learn the truth about friendship and bonds, and at the same time realize she had no idea about such things before in her life.

She will learn a lot from this land and make friends while she and the others go on adventures and learn more about Equestria's past in the process. She and Twilight will also learn of a threat which puts all of Equestria in danger. Naruko will do all she can with the others to save their home, but what of Konoha? Will she return there? Will she even ever want to go back? This will have to be seen as the story unfolds.

Naruto and My Little Pony crossover.

Chapters (36)

I've had my fair share of critics in my line of work. It's understandable—someone with the power to invoke fear in those he touches? Yeah, that's someone I want to watch over me and my children.

But that's what I am now; a Metahuman Agent, using this and the other 'perks' of my unique condition to help my team in taking down the baddie of the day. Of course, it was while taking down the baddie of the day that I fell victim to his malfunctioning machine; a Rift that tossed me, randomly, to a head-scratchingly insane world of magical, talking ponies...

All I can do now is wait, pray I can get home, and try to show them I'm not the monster I appear to be.

(Dread's homeworld is based somewhat on the Little Victory comics by jollyjack; an Earth where metahumans are enlisted and trained by the government to defend the populace from threats, big and small.)

Chapters (21)

Note: The rewriting has started!
Magnus is the sole survivor of a colony ship headed towards Betelgeuse. The ship gets thrown off course when a huge asteroid slams into the ship, which is then pulled into a black hole.

When the ship exits on the other side, he finds himself alone and in an unfamiliar shape. His only companion, an advanced A.I named Ana keeps him slightly sane during their six thousand year voyage through unknown space in a nearly derelict ship.

Everything changes when they find a small blue planet teeming with life.

The old version can be found here: Link

Editing by: Lab
All art by: Mister Aibo, DeviantArt, Fimfiction Profile

Chapters (2)

When a simple small town Pegasus finds herself out of work, she takes up the offer of an old fillyhood friend to move to the big city. After all, it has been over ten years since the portals to the human world were opened, ponies do this all the time now right? All anypony talks about these days are all the Humans In Equestria, so what about the ponies looking for a better life in a new world?


This fic is a series of short, slice of life stories about a pony who loves soft clothing adapting to life in the human world.

I adapted this old fic of mine from it's horribly done greentext version into prose so I can stop being so ashamed of it and finally write some more. Hello PiE threads!

Chapters (6)