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It happened again. Bubble Muffin, AKA Derpy Hooves, has been fired from yet another job, and this time it has dealt a serious mental blow. At her wit's end and wishing for her life to be over, Rainbow Dash arrives to check on her. Can she help Muffin in her most desperate hour?

Content Warnings: Attempted suicide, self-harm, depression, self-hatred, verbal abuse, bullying, ableist slurs

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Spike are up late once again. Starlight, however, isn't having it tonight.

Inspired by the cover image, drawn by dSana.

Chapters (1)

Marble's life on the farm is simple and idyllic. She helps out Pa and Limestone, and in her spare time carves and sculpts rocks. She has it pretty great, she thinks. It cannot last.
Pa thinks it's high time she get married and settle down to focus on more important things, like family, and work. He doesn't see her sculptures as a way to make a living, and insists she visit the Pairing Stone for a match.
Reluctantly, she agrees.
She meets her suitors, but the Pairing Stone says all three of them are a good match. Marble thinks they're all equally unsuited. She refuses to marry any of them, and will go to great lengths to keep her freedom.

Chapters (6)

Twilight was never comfortable with the decision made on that day. After a decade of cleaning up the messes her predecessors had left behind, she couldn't in good conscience leave another behind for whoever followed in her hoofsteps.

Written for the Thousand Words Contest II in the Horror category because sometimes you just gotta.

Featured 6/27/23-6/29/23
Well, okay then

And apparently A dramatic reading by StraightToThePointStudios
Think that's actually a first for me.

Chapters (1)

Tirek. A centaur who could harness vast amounts of power broke free from Tartarus, seeking revenge on Equestria's forsaken ruler.

There had been such little time to formulate a well structured, reliable plan to avenge their little ponies. Even after having the minds of the three oldest alicorns together, only one idea stuck out from the rest. But this plan was the most dangerous one of them all, the one that could go really well, or really bad.

However, they chose to follow that idea. They thought it was the best option available. Yet that one single order, that one single idea may have been the worst mistake they had ever made.

Authors notes:

-This could go under the theme of Twilight being Celestia's daughter role model, as the solor monarch makes it clear she feels a connection like that.

-Also the art was created by me of course. It's not the best but its something I guess :rainbowderp:

Chapters (1)

There is no such thing as a gut feeling, not really. If you suddenly start to feel afraid for no apparent reason, it's very unlikely to be anything serious. But it doesn't make it feel any better does it?

Twilight is up burning the midnight oil again, when suddenly every sense she has tells her that something is terribly wrong. There can't be anything really wrong though, not in reality.
Can there?

A short experiment in atmospheric horror.
Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library on 26/04/19
Now featuring readings by ColonialPone here, and by MrSnarky here.

Chapters (2)

It has been rougly one year since the 'Cupcakes' incident, everyone has suffered as a result. Nothing can ever be the same, ponies live in fear, wondering when it will all be over. But in the darkness, there is a spark, desperately trying to stay lit, a glimmer of hope. Amongst the darkness can there be light again? Can the fallen be redeemed? Sometimes the will of a single pony can bring a spark that ignites a fire, burning in the hearts of others. But is the fire strong enough to overcome the darkness that rests in the heart of Twilight's once close friend?

(inspired by Ask Pinkamina, Ask Paranoid Twilight, and Ask Lil Miss Rarity Blogs of Tumblr, As well as the Fanfiction "Cupcakes" by Seargant Sprinkles.)

*Cover art by Stalin The Stallion on Deviantart*

Chapters (13)

Trixie and Spike get stuck in an old well. 'Nuff said.

Commission for Swashbucklist, Spike's number one fan.

Chapters (1)

My pride has been killing me ever since I started down this path, and I have helped it along all the way. With every decision I've made, with every boast I've shouted, with every crime I've committed, it's strangled me more and more, it's cut out the foal my parents once knew and the mare that I could have been. Maybe, if things had gone differently, I could have been useful with my life, I could have helped somepony. Maybe I could have been truly great.

Now, though, it's too late. I can't take back any of the decisions I've made, I can't rewind time and warn myself of how I was destined to fail, of how I was poisoning my mind with fruitless hopes and vain reasoning. All I have left is this paper on which I can jot down my final thoughts, this pen with which I can make a record of my sins. As pitiful as it is, this is all I can do to redeem myself. This is my only way to atone...

Cover art by AFL316.

Proofread by BloodLord and seeker9709.

Chapters (1)