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On what seems like any other day, Sunset Shimmer stumbles upon an older woman that looks shockingly like her. Believing this to be her "human world" counterpart, she tries to connect with the woman, only to find that she has little interest in what Sunset has to say. While that does save Sunset from a few potential issues, it also raises an interesting question:

Why doesn't she care?

Chapters (1)

New York City's a good place for a pony to start over. There are plenty of opportunities available, such as pulling a carriage around Central Park. it's not that different from pulling a carriage in Equestria, after all.

Except for the regulations. So many regulations. The law is complicated, and it's not really set up for an Equestrian pony.

Pre-read by AlwaysDressesInStyle

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is fine.

Written for the Quills and Sofas Poetry Slam Contest on 9/9/22. My prompt poem can be found in the authors notes.

EDIT: FEATURED! Told you I’d make it, mom.

I've decided not to tag a key story element for the purpose of keeping spoilers down. This tag is not anything conventionally disgusting, anything to do with snuff, or any fetish. If you are sensitive to dark content, please view the tag below:

Trigger warning: Suicide

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle let curiosity get the best of them and they enter an abandoned house. What they discover is more than what they had bargained for.

Entered in RockstarRaccoon's Nightmare Night in April Writing Contest: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214288/the-cult-of-raccoon/thread/398722/nightmare-night-in-april-horror-write-off

Chapters (4)

(Featured on 10/11/2019, thanks!)






Suddenly it’s colder and damper, and the smells are all different.  And suddenly she can wonder ‘Why?’

This is inspired by Lauren Faust’s recounting of her private story for Zecora’s origin at the Stories and Experiences Panel at Bronycon 2019, August 3rd. It was commissioned and edited by Dragon Turtle.

Over-thinking mundane objects ensue. This isn’t meant to suggest that there are no zebras native to Equestria’s world, but in this fic, Zecora isn’t one of them.

This commission is on hiatus unless the commissioner is able to continue it. If you want to commission extra chapters published as an alternate story, that might be possible though when I'm open for commissions.

Chapters (1)

"To every corner of Equestria, I'll spread harmony and equality. And the evil of cutie marks and the misery and pain they've brought to ponies throughout history will end. Isn't that right, my Elements of Equality?"

An alternate ending to the Season 5 premiere. You can guess that the premise is Starlight Glimmer succeeds at indoctrinating the mane six, who are now eager and willing to bring the gift of Equality to everypony Ponyville, their friends, their families, no pony shall be left behind. All bow before Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Sameness.

Made to the Popular Story section!

Fanfic based on fanart by TheCheeseBurger and Cutie Markless. thecheeseburger.deviantart.com/art/Equality-is-Magic-525287479

Does not have to do with the Pony POV Series.


Song mod by Persona22

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, pulling another late night, is finally confronted about by Spike and Starlight Glimmer. She reveals that she's been studying one of the realities she saw, specifically the one seemingly ruled by Flim and Flam. She just can't figure out how those two con artists could be as much of a threat as, say, Tirek or Nightmare Moon.

And then Discord shows up, telling her that she's looking at her information wrong. He volunteers to show Twilight, Spike, and Starlight what that reality is really like...

#1 in the Featured box on 4/25/2016. WOW. I'm... honestly surprised that so many people like this little dialogue heavy stream of consciousness fic. Thank you all very much!

Chapters (1)

When Cheerilee sees Treehugger teaching Rumble yoga in the park, she knows it's her duty as his teacher to step in. After all, there are impressionable minds at stake!

Written for a Cheerilee x Treehugger rare pair contest. Rated T for weed mention, just in case.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom is a very cheery pony. She spends her days trying to grow up as fast as possible by getting her cutie mark double as fast! One day, she finds herself waking up as Granny Smith! With no way to know how or why, she must do her best to seize the day Cutie Mark Crusader style!

Proofread by Superc80.

Part of the Leo Collection.

Chapters (1)

My name was Sparkler. I was a pony with dreams and goals and ambitions. What am I now? A pebble rattles at the other end of the alley and my head jerks upright. Nothing visible. But then they never are, are they? Not until it’s too late.

This was written as part of the third Quills and Sofas Extended Universe contest, wherein we write sequels to each others stories. This is technically a sequel to a story titled The Hunt by Otter, but it's unpublished and honestly you don't need to read the prequel to enjoy this story. It's also something of a spiritual sequel or AU to this old story of mine, My Little Sister. It's definitely not the path I'd want Sparkler and Dinky's lives to take, but this is definitely my versions of those characters in a dark AU.

Chapters (1)