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Ms. Cheerliee assigned her class to write about their favorite pony ever, and this is Dinky's report.

Friends that read over it: ToixStory, Lynked, JustAnotherTimeLord

Editor: Aqu

Audio Reading By Scribbler

Audiobook Reading by Pony&WolfProductions

Chapters (1)

I lost a friend today. Slain in cold blood, and left upon a Ponyville road. I don't know what sort of monster would do this, but I need to find out. For vengeance? Sure. That's part of it. But also because my hide might be next on the slab.

Somepony killed my friend today, and I need to know why.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Darkest Secret

Twilight can see the living hell that awaits her in Tartarus and has to escape, but how can she do it without her magic?

* Written for RockstarRaccoon's Nightmare Night in April horror write-off contest - go check it out! *

There is some gore in Chapter 2, and an ‘E’ rated summary is provided as an author's note at the start of the chapter so that readers can skip over this part without missing out on the storyline.

With special thanks to a_m_sketchbook for the artwork, reproduced here with permission.

Chapters (10)

Ponykind has been peddled a lot of myths. Sometimes they were old mares tales, but sometimes it was because the truth was too awful to consider.

Twilight finds herself accidentally drawn in to the darkest secret in all Equestria.

Will she survive?

* Submitted into RockstarRaccoon's Nightmare Night in April horror write-off contest - go check it out! *

There is a small amount of mild gore in this story, and the gore tag has only been applied to ensure that those who may be offended have been warned.

This can be read as a stand-alone story or continued to its sequel Escape from Hell

Chapters (3)

Princess Luna was always known as the solitary princess. She spent much time in her room, attached to none else other than her sister for their trade of the heavens. She was a very lonely princess, even if it appeared that she preferred the isolation.

Twilight Sparkle found an odd book in her shipment from Princess Celestia. Hoofbound and unlabeled, reading it opens a door she cannot, and will not, close with the youngest diarch.

She will not let one of her friends hurt alone, not on her watch.

Coverart is temporary until I can make my own.
(Featured 2/24-27/22, huzzah!)

Chapters (1)

Luna has some rather strong opinions regarding punishment inside Equestria. These come to a head when Tempest Shadow's fate is to be decided.

My Little Pony: The Movie spoilers

Thanks to Tired Old Man for his input and Nova Quill/Firimil for her input and edits!

Luna vector by speedox12.

Chapters (1)

Ask Sweetie Giraffe anything! || Even more What Ifs!
What would happen if Sweetie Belle became a tyrannical giraffe hellbent on destroying all that was shorter than her?

How 'bout Equestria being ruled by literal potatoes?

Ever wanted to see an author clawing at his remaining shreds of sanity at two in the morning, trying to figure out what the actual heck he's writing?

Well, guess what? This is the story for ya! Enjoy the noises of short-circuiting brain cells. :)

Reached the 1000-chapter hard-limit of Fimfiction!

Suggestions for chapters are open, but remember to leave space for others! Keep in mind that I decide whether or not to use idea suggestions, and if you want a crossover, or are asking something about the show itself, then check this big ol' Twilight-grade list first!

Check out What If's new sister story!

Now with an anti-recommendation from Posh!

Other what if(s):

Chinese translation by OMPG!

Chapters (1001)

You've probably heard of the Ten Commandments, and the Seven Deadly Sins. Some pony philosophers have their own list.

In a few days of sweetness and fluff, sixfive good-hearted ponies break all the rules and EARN all the Red Tags.

Can they do it in a story you could show to your mom, and maybe to your little kid sister too?

This is partly the fault of several people who...encouraged me, including Estee and Spectrumancer.

(Story cover image is from an MLP show screencap.)

Chapters (1)

At the end of the world, Twilight must convince Celestia to let go.

(Originally written for the Twilestia is Bestia Lightning Round, expanded upon and made into a one shot.)

Chapters (1)