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The Main 6 live their Immortal lives, doing all they can to make their Dragon friends last few years as happy as they can.

Featured August, 22nd, 23rd, 24th 2020
Edited by - Lightstruck

This story has a Sequal - Reincarnation

If you like this story and would like to support me feel free to buy me a Ko-fi

Chapters (6)

The first Nightmare Night with Princess Luna was fantastic. Big Macintosh had finished his cart rides, and was ready to mingle with the rest of Ponyville. When Cheerilee comes rushing up with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in tow, they learn Applebloom went missing from Pinkie's little herd. A search begins, and a creeping dread comes over Big Mac, as he can't help but notice a strange scent in the air, as they draw closer to the Everfree Forest...

Art -- http://imalou.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

Ditzy arrives at my boutique one fine morning to ask for a special dress for her little Dinky. I end up having a long talk with the mailmare about what it's like to lose somepony you love.

Rated Teen for dark themes

Pre-read and edited by the glorious mwap flops Swan Song and Nordryd

Cover art not by me, only blurred

Chapters (1)

The life of a mail-delivery pony definitely has its ups and downs; today is very much a down as far as Ditzy is concerned, and she can't wait to get home, put her hooves up, and forget about everything that's gone wrong for her in her life. On the way back to Ponyville, she runs into Rainbow Dash who, it seems, is also struggling with a bad day of her own.

Chapters (1)

This is a collection of classic zen koans retold with Friendship is Magic characters.

Koans are small questions, poems, or stories used in Zen Buddhism to bring about enlightenment in the reader.

Rebooted April 2018. I'll remove this message once we're caught up again.

Chapters (15)

I got that new app game "My Little Pony: Friendship Quest", you know, the one where you go around as Twilight Sparkle and have to make new friends to win coins and prizes? Maybe it's just me, though, but I've been getting a lot of glitches in my game since the new update... Snuzzle won't leave me alone.

Chapters (1)

Granny finally admitted to Apple Bloom that Bright Mac and Pear Butter were just "missing". So she's taking things into her own hooves, with the help of her two crusader friends of course! The three brew a "Finding Spell" that will lead them to her long-lost parents at last, but she might not be completely prepared for what awaits her at the end of her journey...

Be sure and check out the fanfic reading/production here:

Chapters (1)

Sunny Starscout was ventured far and wide and accomplished her dream of uniting the three tribes, bestowing a new era for Equestria.

But her hunger for adventure was far from complete. Just a few days after the ending of their journey, she huddled her friends and supplies to travel to the far west to uncover ancient ruins that were once a critical location to Equestria's lost history.

If her father's research was correct, the town's name was Ponyville.


Chapters (1)

Special talents.
That thing that sets ponies apart from each other and gives them a path in life. The one thing that they excel at, broadcast to the world by their cutie mark.
The spectrum of special talents is as wide as the day is long and twice as varied as you think it is.
But, interesting talent or mundane, everypony needs a job to put food on the table and not every talent lends itself to one.

After all, not everyone can be blessed with specific high-demand talents like "growing plants" or "cleaning" or "flying". Even less often does a pony get a particularly nebulous concept or multi-faceted skill like "magic" or "partying" that can apply to any number of jobs.

Sometimes, no matter how good you are at what you do, it's just not something you can make a career out of.

But for those unlucky few, there's a group filled with other ponies who face the same problem that they do.


Editted and proofread by the wonderfully helpful NecroHorse!

Chapters (1)