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Celestia's morning has been difficult enough, between hearing Twilight's confession of love, and then breaking her heart as gently as possible. Mere moments later, her private chambers are rocked by the shockwaves of a time-traveling spell. This marks the arrival of Celestia's alleged lover from five thousand years in the future, Princess Twilight Sparkle—or as she insists on Celestia referring to her, Glitter-Flanks.

Armed with thousands of years of knowledge of which buttons to push and how to make her squirm, Glitter-Flanks has traveled back to this date for one singular purpose: to establish the closed time loop that sets the two of them up as a couple.

Chapters (2)

When Rainbow Dash receives the verdict that her final grade is in jeopardy, she enlists the help of most eggheadiest person she knows.

Unfortunately, she encounters a problem. A naked problem.

A very naked problem.

A comedy of the nudist variety.

It brings me great pride to say that this fic inspired the Nudists and Nudity group. Go check it out for all your barebacked needs!

Rated "T" for trigonometry.
Sex tag is for lewd jokes and language, not sex scenes.

Chapters (4)

Jeane Mallio born wealthy but meek doesnt have an easy life. his childhood friend has decided to take ownership of him, is mother is always working for the government and never home, and he cant even tell someone what he wants because he is too afraid to act. all that changes when a normal trip to the library ends with an explosion and jeane in the hospital. what will this explosion awaken in our boy and who will stop the raging Iron will who is causing mass property damage and being a menace to society. This is an Infamous X EQG story with my oc. this is also an OC X harem fanfic which includes the mane 7, EQG Starlight glimmer, the dazzlings, and some crystal prep girls of course that is all slow burn and will eventually have lemon scenes but not for the first couple books.

Chapters (10)

The purpose of Friendship? It eluded Dusk Shine during his time at Crystal Prep. The Friendship Games allowed him a chance due to Cinch convincing him to join but at a devil's bargain. Everything for CPA's reputation. Now what will Dusk Shine learn? Does he gain something? Or will he lost a part of himself to becoming something different? Who will help or corrupt him?

This is my personal touch on The Friendship Games with head canons, OCs and characterization for several characters. Some characters need it.

The tags of the story will be subjected to change as the story develops. Plus I'm putting some tags in advance just to be safe since this is my first time posting on this site.


Chapters (21)

Dusk Shine is completely fine with being a stallion.

Sure, he doesn’t like it, but I mean who does, right? He isn’t good enough to be a mare, like his friends are, so there’s no way he could be transgender.

Feeling out of place and alienated around his closest friends has to be some kind of friendship problem, and that is what he’s here to study after all.

Maybe once he fixes this hole in his heart, he’ll understand why his friends seem to want him around. Maybe he’ll even be somepony who deserves them.

Content Warnings: Moderate internalized transmisogyny and associated gender trauma, detailed depictions of panic attacks.

Sex tag for: Some very saucy cuddling and kissing, and vague discussion of genitals in a transition context.

Proofreading and editing by our lovely partners, Kataponies and FlutteringLillies.

Cover art by ourselves. Find more of our art at humanwhodoesstuff.com. Title lettering graciously provided by Kataponies.

Chapters (8)

Hello there! It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m guessing you’re here because you want me to tell you about… well, about how all this happened.

You know. This whole, ‘turned into a fictional pony and smashed full-speed ahead into the plot of said piece of fiction’ thing.

I know, I know. Kind of cliche, really. But let me just tell you, it doesn’t feel cliche when it’s your life.

So as I was saying, it’s nice to meet you! My name is Sunset Shimmer, and this is the story of how I got transported to Equestria through this huge portal, turned into a pony that isn’t even the most like me and loved it, and helped save Equestria and the world along the way.

Yay, me?

An attempt at a semi-realistic TF/Self-Insert, with a few twists.

Chapters (1)

During a traumatic event, an outsider finds himself flung violently into Equestria. His physical form is warped into that of the inhabitants but will his mentality follow? And even more importantly, will anypony truly accept him for who he is? Take a journey alongside this inexperienced youth as he finds himself in a strange new world with very different customs and tries his hardest to find a place for himself where he didn't before. A pity he can't even remember his name...

Okay, the basics. It's first person almost entirely. Very, very long chapters. I try to wrap them up around twelve to thirteen pages but a few slipped over that, especially towards the end. I'll release them slightly stagnated, as I'll be making final revisions as I go. Character tags are NOT final. I'll add more main characters as they show up in each chapter. Expect an update one or two times a week, probably. I adore reviews and structured, constructive criticism. Even if you just want to say you like it, that's fine too. :) I write stories to entertain peoples, so any evidence I get that it's working will encourage me. I hope you enjoy the story!

Chapters (17)

Princess Twilight Sparkle was nothing but diligent in her studies—from arcane history to forbidden spells, her knowledge knew no bounds. Of course, one thing remained entirely foreign to her, and that was the concept of a social life. Queen Celestia, dead-set on correcting this in one way or the other, sends her daughter to the quaint town of Ponyville to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration and perhaps make a friend or two, setting in motion a series of increasingly more unlikely events that will change the young princess’s life, as well as the lives of those around her, forever.

Chapters (1)

Twilight lives a comfortable, expected life with the security of being surrounded by her mentors and friends. As she grows into a model unicorn, a dangerous being takes hold of the volatile Brood and drives them to war, breaking a long period of peace. After years of preparation for a higher order, Twilight is chosen to ascend beyond that of a typical sorcerer in a mysterious plan to counter the impending conflict.

During her dark, trying mission Twilight will discover a caged soul and unknowingly set them free, gradually acquiring an affinity for the darkness as a result. As she struggles within deepening conflict, she must push on and fight for what she believes in. With manipulation, deceit, and betrayal storming around, will she be able to contain herself and protect those she loves, or will she succumb to the creeping darkness and abandon everything she stands for?

*Warning: Comments may contain spoilers.*

Chapters (59)