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This story is a sequel to Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness

Second season of the adventures of Dusk Shine, with more characters, more villains, more drama and more romance

Chapters (33)

Magister Twilight Sparkle, the most intelligent pony in Equestria, is also the most unspeakably bored. But a certain white-coated unicorn might be the perfect distraction.

Chapters (1)

Dusk Shine is sent to Ponyville to discover what is friendship. But could a colt that doesn't recognize the friendship, recognize love?

Another story about Dusk Shine and his Harem, but with my personal touch, with more humor, romance and adventure.

ps: This story contains some drawings made by me. It's not a comic, each chapter has one or two sketches showing some particular fact from each chapter.

See my other works: BigSnusnu

Chapters (57)

Rainbow Dash didn’t know she’d be on the precipice of the biggest change in her life when she nonchalantly agreed to help Pinkie Pie. Throw a party, make a lot of foals happy, go home. That was the plan.

So…why does she keep going back? Why does home…feel so empty?

Unable to shake the one foal that refuses to leave her head, Rainbow Dash is ready to jump into the greatest change—and greatest challenge—of her life.

And that, my friends, is only the beginning.

Chinese translation by luhcow:
无光,无声 Unseen, Unheard - FimTale

Chapters (24)

After Dusk's official graduation from Celestia's tutelage, the Princess invites him for a quiet dinner to talk. Just the two of them.

Chapters (1)

Dusk finds Sweetie Belle skimming stones by the creek while he's out on some public service work. The familiar mare looks troubled by something, so he decides to ask her what the matter is.

Chapters (1)

After miscasting a spell Twilight's friends begin to feel differently about her. When Luna and Trixie show up in town things really start to get crazy. It seems a new competition has begun on who can win the purple unicorn's heart. Meanwhile Twilight struggles to understand why everypony seems to be falling head over hooves for her. Well not literally everypony, but you know what I mean.

WARNING: This pretty much ignores Season 3 entirely. Well Trixie's part anyways.

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle is an amazing pony. She's smart, talented and beautiful. I'm sure her all of her close friends would agree. But, after they find out they all love her, they're not sure the fighting will ever end.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Under the Heavens Above

Twilight has never been one for making mistakes; in fact, up until now, she's been doing pretty well with her life. She is an Alicorn Princess, has had a successful academic life and has wonderful friends. But perhaps she has been a little too successful... Now, with her two hidden relationships now exposed to both of the Royal Sisters, Twilight must now face two angry demigods and explain to them just why she did what she did.

Rated T for very light references to affairs and conversations concerning adult situations.

This story is the 'morning after' for my previous fanfic:→ https://www.fimfiction.net/story/293054/under-the-heavens-above

Chapters (2)

Canterlot lies steeped in chaos, a virulent and deadly plague still boiling away after a decade of suffering. The city, and the ponies in it, still feel the effects, still feel the bite of the times. The lower city, cursed as it is, is mostly partitioned off, leaving each and every pony left stranded and without help. Ponies struggle day by day just to stay alive.

Even as the ponies suffer, politicians toil away, plotting and scheming, machinations rumbling just below the surface. The city is fevered, sick and bloated, ready to pop at any moment. A single pony may be enough to make it all erupt.

And make it erupt Twilight Sparkle shall.

One small step, one lucky break is all she needs to turn the city on its head and take her rightful place by the Queen's side. But even she may not be prepared for the shark tank that is Luna's court.

Chapters (25)