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Twilight is receiving an invitation to Hogwart’s school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As expected, she could not make herself refuse this offer.

Books upon books, reading, studies and the opportunity to make new friends.

Twilight is making her way to the Pub known as the Leaky Cauldron, and from there onto the Diagon Alley.

With her saddlebags stuffed to the brim, she sets off on a shopping spree.

With a list of required items, she is stepping out on the street, looking for the items listed.

While some of the items appears to be strange, other items will be just up her alley.

--- --- ---

Illustrated by: ??
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Chapters (22)

For millennia Princess Celestia had ruled over the lands of Equestria in peace and harmony, and in doing so the ponies of Equestria have lived a thousand years of peace and prosperity with their mighty Princess being a beacon of harmony and peace. Now Celestia's reign nears a millennia and ponies look forward to another millennium of prosperity. That is until one event that would change Equestria forever bringing back ancient dark evils and terrible secrets that could reveal a hidden dark history of Equestria and their mighty Princess.

But it may also bring hope for one ancient alicorn...


Chapter Types
Normal Chapters: These are just normal chapters and are the main core of the story, and will progress the story.
Lore Chapters: These chapters will mainly go over concepts in more detail or concepts that I want to go over more. These chapters are completely OPTIONAL, you can skip these chapters and still understand what the story is about.
Flashback Chapters: These chapters will dive into the past of the three sisters and sometimes there will be large time jumps. While these chapters are optional, I would recommend them as they will really dive into the world, help define the sisters, and explore certain events.


Hello there! so just wanted to say that this story is more than likely going to have a very infrequent update schedule (if you could even call it that) and that I am sorry if there are long pauses. I am doing this for fun and with school, my laziness, and just getting distracted by everything I see there are going to be gaps between updates. BUT I will try my hardest to work on and hopefully finish this story as I know the feeling of a story that never gets completed. So some final thoughts are well leave comments if I screwed up anywhere and your opinions and well I hope you enjoy this!... Oh also this is my first story so I'm trying :twilightsmile:

Chapters (16)

What can you do when the girl who falls into your life, changing everything for the better. Suddenly breaks your heart and leaves?

Chapters (7)

Follow the world of My Little Pony through the eyes of two creatures unheard of. One is Stolen Royalty, the other is an unknown man of faith. Will they survive the challenges? Win or Lose? Only time and the powers above know.

Shadows moved in the dark, golden eyes follow, yet they go unseen. Why?

(First fic)

Sequel: Wargs of Fire and Blade Book II (lol, I don’t know why I didn’t add this earlier)

Chapters (58)

Twilight Sparkle is a successful mare - it's hard to do better than a pair of alicorn wings and a crown! Which leads her to wonder - why is she still single? Perhaps Rarity, connoisseur of all things romantic, will hold the answer?

Now has a reading thanks to StraightToThePointStudios!
Now has a reading thanks to Cloud 9!
Now translated into Chinese thanks to xieyuesanxing!
Now translated into Russian thanks to GreatDragonLord!
Now translated into Spanish thanks to SPANIARD KIWI!

Lovely cover art by VladiVoices commissioned by Cloud 9 for their reading (link above).

Top spot in the Featured box 1/2/20 - 1/5/20!

Chapters (1)

In 2185, during his campaign against the Collectors, Commander Shepard discovered a previously unknown species whose origins predated any other race in the modern galaxy. Following a daring rescue from their ancient sanctuary, the Equestrian Herd was brought back into the galaxy where, for the first time in eons, they must walk their own path.

Knowing full well the terrible threat that lingers on the edge of the galaxy, the leader of this newly freed race fights to secure her people’s future while attempting to prepare for the storm on the horizon.

This is her story.

The long awaited Sequel to Mass Effect 2: The Equestrian Equation This is a reader directed story. Your choices will shape events.
If you favorite, also like! It's one little button click that makes all the difference.

Also, this series has its own TVTropes page now! (Special thanks to user CrowMagnon for setting it up).

Chapters (11)

[This story has been rewritten, link to it is here ]
Canterlot is getting ready for the wedding of the century, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is marrying the Captain of the Royal Guard and part of the draconic royal family will be in attendance. In addition to helping prepare the most high profile wedding Equestria has seen in living memory, Celestia has tasked Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Elements of Harmony with befriending the future queen of the Dragon Empire and her entourage, the first Sorcerer the Empire has ever had. One thing is certain, this will be a wedding that nobody ever forgets.
(New description has be made by none other than DoomManta)

(Story has been inspired by This picture) Go check out the person who did it Zig-Word

New cover art is drawn by http://akerabronzpaw.deviantart.com/ It may say a different name but same person.

Note to all: This story has been made before the season 6 ep 5 "Gauntlet of Fire" was made but may have some details about it. ;)

Also this story got Featured, a lot... thanks everyone xD

Chapters (10)

Ponyville school decide to make a program to bring in a dragoness (Emerald) a female Changeling (Yarrow) and a Griffon (Gabby) it's to see if ponies and other creatures can learn and live together. It turns out to be a little bit difficult, when fillies and colts alike are unable to trust Emerald and Yarrow.

With Scootaloo being caught in the middle, having the dragoness, Changeling and Griffon living under her roof, while the orange filly started making an accidental harem in the process. Well... Oops.

Cover Art Done By:
OmniWriter (FIMFiction)
OmniWriter (Deviantart)

Chapters (12)

(Pre-season 9)

If a better world was in reach for you, if you could reach someplace that was better if it meant leaving behind everything you've ever known, would you take that chance?

A new pony arrives in Ponyville, someone kind of odd, but nice enough. At the same time, Twilight's discovered a disturbance in the fabric of reality. But these two events couldn't possibly be connected...right?

Cover art created by NixWorld

HOLY SMOKES, I GOT FEATURED! (4/30/20) Thanks, everybody!
(And again on 5/4/20!)
(Again on 5/14/20)

Chapters (15)

Twilight's life changes when she is accepted into a new college: the Canterlot College of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

There, she will make new friends, but also enemies, who will help her fulfill her destiny. One that she was not expecting.

Based on the firts movie of "Harry Potter" film saga

Chapters (6)