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Princess Celestia has been in love with Twilight Sparkle for years. The rescue of her sister had been the start, but since then Twilight has saved Celestia, Luna, and their kingdom countless times. However, Celestia's true feelings have remained hidden, even from herself.

That is, until the day her love is revealed to her through a dream. But Celestia is determined to keep her feelings to herself. She has no idea how Twilight will react, and would prefer things remain they way they are, with the two Princesses as friends.

Unfortunately, Luna immediately finds out. A small group of ponies is quickly gathered, all with one goal: to force Celestia to confess her feelings and end her thousand-year relationship drought.

This causes so much chaos that Discord goes on vacation and will not be appearing in this story.


Edited by ShutterflyYay from chapter four onward.

Chapters (13)

It was a rainy day and Rainbow Dash stayed at Twilight's castle. After some reading together Twilight falls asleep. Then she has this weird dream where everything seemsto be fine at the start but in the end it's totaly not how she expected.

Chapters (2)

Twilight is getting ready to move from Crystal Prep to Canterlot High School, but there is one thing she would like to do before leaving. The words are on the tip of her tongue, but instead of using them, she decides to move forward.

Featured on August 5, 2016! :twilightblush:

Chapters (1)

Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash really enjoy each other's company. So much so that some ponies are beginning to wonder about them. Twilight and Applejack are a couple after all, so its a bit unusual that Rainbow always seems to be invited along. But sometimes, a couple is more than two.

Thanks to Steel Resolve, Lycan_01 and Macdjord for editing and brainstorming!
Cover art by Graystripe64.

Chapters (8)

It's been a week since Twilight became an alicorn and a princess. While walking around Ponyville, she meets each of her best friends, but they didn't act like usual. Twilight tries to figure out what is the reason behind it, she wasn't prepared for the answer she got. How did this happen? Which would be the best way to deal with this problem?

Chapters (10)