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*Collab with Twilightclopple, first fic, enjoy:)*

"It's been three weeks. Three weeks, but it may as well have been three years, a lifetime, an eternity."

When her oldest and dearest friend falls ill, Twilight is forced to cope and reckon with the guilt and heartache that comes with the dwindling life of her favorite little dragon.

Chapters (1)

Applejack has always been one to give great advice without taking it herself. She's always told her loved ones to come to her when they need help, yet she's never done the same. She never needed help from anyone.

Chapters (1)

After receiving her first correspondence from Princess Twilight, Dragon Lord Ember decides to embark on a journey to Ponyville to help bridge the two cultures. Accompanying her, is the cantankerous Garble, one who Ember believes could benefit most from this foreign Pony concept of "friendship." Shortly after arriving, however, Ember learns that this supposed teacher of friendship is just using Spike as her personal servant. Such indignance will not stand. Not if Dragon Lord Ember has anything to say about it.

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming is a time for coming together, whether that means an estranged grandfather, a new very special somepony, or the distant cousin who you lost touch with after meeting said somepony.


Uh oh.

Originally written for kairipancakes as part of Jinglemas 2017.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sweet Dreams

Princess Celestia gets put to sleep by her loving sister.
Hng occurs.
(Knowledge of Sweet Dreams is not needed)

Chapters (1)

(Takes place after "The Road to Friendship". Proofread by Smity91 on Fanfiction.net.)

Starlight and Trixie have just gotten back from a very brief roadtrip to Saddle Arabia that didn't pan out. The trip may have been a bust, but their friendship still stands.

However, the two unicorns soon find themselves confronting an unexpected visitor, Starlight's father, Firelight. He's come to Ponyville to see his daughter, largely because she hasn't visited him in months.

For Trixie, this is the first time the magician has ever encountered any family of Starlight's. But Starlight worries that her father might unintentionally embarrass her in front of her friend. Are her fears justified?

And what will Trixie think of her best friend's father's... unusual behavior?

Chapters (1)

After a long day of peril and danger, all Twilight wants to do is cuddle up with her baby dragon, who, for only a brief minute, had been the ruler of all dragonkind in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Spike has a nightmare. He grows into a monstrous dragon, destroys Ponyville, and burns Twilight to a crisp. Convinced he has to leave Ponyville before this dream can become reality, he secretly boards a train bound for the Griffonstone Station and resolves to live the rest of his life away from the ponies he has come to know and love. As night falls, Princess Luna must visit his dreams and persuade Spike that he needs to go back for the sake of his friends, himself, and all of Equestria. How far must she go to convince him?

This is a fairly dark fanfic is inspired by a short MLP comic titled Fear for the Future by Batlover800 and Charles Dickens' timeless story A Christmas Carol (although this story has little to do with Christmas I'm afraid). This was another idea I had buzzing around in my head that I just wanted to share. Hopefully, I can get it written before other tasks overtake my life.

Link to the comic: http://batlover800.deviantart.com/art/fear-for-the-future-389293223

Now rated T due to some dark themes.
No longer classified as Slice of Life due to stakes.
Now classified as alternate universe due to future dystopia.

Chapters (8)

Discord does not particularly care for Fluttershy's friend, Tree Hugger. So when she comes over to have her monthly mane treatment session with her, Discord directs her to the one mane stylist that could possibly make her mane worse: Zephyr Breeze.

Written (overnight) for Freglz for Jinglemas 2021.

Audio Reading by Admiral Stoic Rum

Chapters (1)