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Spitfire and Soarin are perhaps the most well known elite flying duo in Equestria. They have performed for kings, queen, diplomats, and children's birthday parties. So how do they spend their time OFF work?

By going incognito into a major event, of course!

Deciding that Soarin deserved a break from his constant heavy work out routine, Spitfire invites him to go with her to the Rainbow Falls Trade Exchange. However, what starts as a peaceful trip to get some new stuff may very well end with Soarin and Spitfire realizing a little bit more "truth" about each other...


Alright! After a good few weeks hiatus, I have completed my newest entry into the Writer's Training Ground practice. This time around, I tried to focus more on plot development and a strong, emotional ending. So please enjoy and never be afraid the criticize!

Chapters (1)

Hey, sweetheart.

Magic fixes everything. That's what they say.

First place in a Quills & Sofas Speedwriting Quiz Panic. The prompt was "What Magic Can't Fix", out of a collection of other prompts determined by a quiz.

A huge thank you to hornse, Snow Quill, Silent Whisper, Master-Thief, and rainsilent for reviewing the fic during the contest, and to the Q&SS group for hosting it!

Chapters (1)

"Hey, you used to be Celestia's student, right? Did you know Sunset Shimmer?"

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara has always considered Silver Spoon her best friend, yet she's questioned that lately - sure, they still do all the things they've normally done, from going out for ice cream to studying for class, although something feels different. Having grappled with strange new feelings for weeks on end, she finally decides to ask the one young mare she trusts most about the matter...

Artwork by Mcsadat

Now with a reading reading by StraightToThePointStudio!!!

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has an idea to help tie up one of the loose ends leftover from her and Luna's friendship problem. But she's going to need Luna's help.

Warning: contains lots of hugs!

Chapters (2)

Though it has been weeks since the Elements of Harmony have purged Nightmare Moon from her, Luna is wracked by guilt and depression. Though the Elements purged the nightmare, they cannot purge the feelings of guilt and self-loathing, nor can they heal the scars wrought by jealously, anger, rage and madness. Though everypony forgave her, Luna cannot forgive herself and seeks penance through suffering.

My thought process on this follows, I tried to put myself in Luna's figurative shoes when coming up with this story and how would I cope.
The inspiration for this story come from the songs Hurt by Nine Inch Nails, Long Hard Road Out Of Hell by Marilyn Manson and my own personal struggles with mental illness and self harm.

This story contains thoughts and actions of self harm, depression, negative self talk and self loathing. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapters (1)

Twilight wakes up the day after her coronation, ready to rule. But uh... why is she in the Dragon Lands? Why is everyone calling her 'Ember'? And what's this about a year-long war between dragons and ponies...?

Finally, who is the other Twilight Sparkle now? Questions, questions, but no answers. Not at the moment, anyway...

Chapters (1)

Everyone wears a mask. A sweet, charming lady can hide a verbally abusive gold digger behind the smile. The foulest looking hobo can have a heart of gold, and for Diamond Tiara this is a lesson she knows all too well. There will be consequences for her little outburst. Consequences that are far larger than she can imagine

Takes place immediately after Crusaders of the lost Mark. So, ya know, spoiler alert

Contains: Some darn near deadly Daaawwww's and some horrific depictions of child abuse. (really, which depiction of child abuse isn't horrific?

Chapters (8)

The Tree of Harmony loomed large before Gilda.

This was her one shot.

Taking a deep breath, she began her case. "Harmony, I have come to bargain."

Featured 8/19/2021 - 08/23/2021!

Chapters (1)

Spike's unfaltering desire to be "Helpful", especially to Rarity causes him to incur major injuries that will take time to heal. It is throughout his recovery that he learns the true meaning of friendship as his pals come to his aid by proving he is appreciated as more than just an assistant. He further comes to learn how having limitations doesn't mean he is any less useful and/or appreciated.

Chapters (2)