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With a fierce storm raging around Ponyville, Twilight sees it as an opportunity to get some serious relaxing done; Rarity, taking shelter at the Castle of Friendship after being caught outside, hopes to have some one-on-one time with her friend. Both of their plans are foiled, however, when they realise that somepony very dear to them both hasn't come home yet ...

Chapters (1)

Most Pegasi can fly. Some can't. I'm one of them. Oftentimes this fact gets me down. Other times it crushes me. I try to make the best of it. When I can't, I pretend I do. Fake it 'till you make it.

There's nothing I can do to change that, but at least I have friends to help me through the rough spots. Even if they don't know just how bad it actually is.


This was inspired slightly by PrinceWhateverer's song "Promises", partly by a few different pictures I saw off Google... :twilightsheepish:
I just can't seem to find them again to use as cover art.

Chapters (1)

Twilight falls asleep at her desk and Spike remembers all the reasons he loves and cares for her. Shortly after, Twilight returns the favor.

My tags: Heartwarming Relaxing/Descriptive

"Her Faithful Companion" artwork by SpainFischer. Definitely check them out!

Audio reading by Clever Hooves:


Chapters (1)

Spike is despondent after the revelation that Sludge was not, in fact, his father. He begins to doubt his place both as a dragon and as a member of pony society.

Luckily for him, he is not alone.

Chapters (1)

Living fast and loose, that was basically what it was for Vinyl. Of course, all that came tumbling down when she got kicked in the throat, and as it is now, the local clubs are lucky if they see Vinyl once a month. Was it a wake-up call for her? Possibly, yes. Still, Berry Punch is... concerned for her friend, at any rate seeing how devoid of energy the formerly party hard mare is now. Mind you, maybe she needn't have worried as Vinyl does seem to be distracted by that cellist who pops in every so often...

After all, they did say love gave you something new to live for, right?

Featured on 8/30/19

Chapters (1)

Spike angers Twilight too much and feels useless so he runs away, when Twilight finds out she feels guilty and goes off to find him.(Takes place before The Last Problem)

Chapters (9)

Rarity is honored to have been sent a special VIP ticket for a prestigious pre-opening performance of "Out Of Her Shadow," the latest musical that her friend, Coco Pommel, has made the costumes for. Oddly enough, though, she seems to be the only one in attendance.

Thanks to Auramane for convincing me to write this!

Chapters (1)

After being given the short end of the stick by the Mane 6 once again, Spike wonders if he's worthy to be called their friend. When an unexpected visitor arrives, he decides to voice his opinions.

Just a one-shot I cooked up in my spare time. I always feel bad that Spike is constantly neglected or mistreated, even if he is the comic relief.

Cover art vector by: kapicator

Now featured on EqD!

Chapters (2)

Many years ago, when Equestria was still young, was a young princess, who struggled living in the shadow of her older sister.

History will tell us about Nightmare Moon rebelling against her sister, and threw Equestria into what she wanted to be eternal night. History will note the captain of the Luna guard standing by his mistress's side, until she was defeated and exiled to the moon. Then he fled, forever in exile, and dishonor.

Now, with the return of princess Luna, and the defeat of the shadowy entity known as Nightmare Moon, we learn that history, was wrong.

At least in one BIG detail..

Inspired by: NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE | Tangled The Series

Editor/Old Equish language expert: Mornings Dew

Coverart made by/belongs to: TheDracoJayProduct

Chapters (3)

The image was created by my good friend EMostie: https://www.deviantart.com/emositecc

After realizing Smolder has not been attending class at the School of Friendship for a day, Spike tries to get to the bottom of her personal family problems.

Author's Notes: I know I said my last fanfic was the last one, but this one is very short! It's about a theory I've been having! As far-fetched this theory sounds, I believe it could work in the main series!

Chapters (4)