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Shortly after getting his wings, Spike decides he doesn't know enough about his own kind, and goes off to the Dragon Lands for a little vacation. His absence is keenly felt, which is why Twilight has six unwilling volunteers in mind to fill his role...

This'll definitely end well.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Going Through the Motions

No pony said that pregnancy was easy, still the whole ordeal catches them both by surprise.

Chapters (11)

Starlight says she's pregnant, and that she wants to keep it.

And in no way does Sunburst consider himself ready to be a dad. Or so he thinks.

Having a baby is an amazing tool for persuasion, and an effective way to drag them both, kicking and screaming, from their world of self-absorption and to think about some pony else for a change.

Written for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting PANIC! FICTION! with "Reunion" as the prompt. Edited to reach the word count.

Chapters (1)

Glistening Spear is caught in a storm, only to be saved by a breed of dragon thought to be long extinct, wiped out by a historical plague. In return, she is asked to deliver an item of high importance to safety.

Preread by FamousLastWords and Adda le Blue

Proof read by Sky_Wolf

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and Spike share an almost mother-son relationship. This relationship is reflected in a brief scene as Twilight tucks the young dragon into bed for the night.

Chapters (1)

Princess Ember, daughter of Dragon Lord Torch, would never admit her feelings to anyone.

She's not hurt that her father would rather scour the whole Dragon Lands, and find a stranger's child to become the Dragon Lord, than raise his own daughter. No way. Maybe a bit mad.

Dragons don't do heartbroken.

The core events of this story are arguably compatible with the TV series canon, but a buttload of implications made in the third chapter are only compatible with Reverie Equestria.

Image produced by me specifically for use as this story's cover image

Chapters (3)

Spike finds Twilight awake in the middle of the night, unable to sleep, worrying about her upcoming elevation to ruler of Equestria. As usual, he knows what to say to put her mind at ease.

Written, appropriately, in the middle of the night. Edited by Tranquil Serenity.

Featured on 30th June 2019! Thank you!

"Extremely engaging" - My Little Reviews & Feedback

Chapters (1)

This story takes place after "Secret of my Excess". After Spike causes a rampage in Ponyville and is turned to normal, there's one gift that Spike realized he forgot to open.

Title Card is not mine.

Chapters (1)

After years of back and forward between Twilight Sparkle and her brother Shining Armor, the final round of the Sibling Supreme Competiton has ended, and the true winner has been decided.

And in the end, that honor went to neither of them. Rather, it went to none other than Spike, the young dragon finally gaining recognition as the little brother Shining and Twilight have always had.

A few hours later, Twilight and Spike take the time to ponder how the day's events have changed their perception of the past, and how this new revelation will affect their future.

...Also, Starlight is there.

Written by TheAncientPolitzanian
Special Thanks to "Spooky"
Cover taken from S9E04 "Twilight's Seven" (It gets a thumbs up from me!)

"Familial Words" is wholeheartedly dedicated to the art and comics penned by dSana, A.K.A. Stainless Key (Thanks for the memories!)

Chapters (1)

Luna hates herself, she hates the pony she's become, she hates how she hurts others, especially when it's her sister,and she's sick of the nightmares and the guilt, and she can't take it anymore. Will Luna do the unthinkable or will the pony she cares for the most stop her and remind her of how much she is loved.

Rated T for suicidal thoughts and a bit of gore but not much.

If you every feel suicidal or super depressed , talk to someone or call the Suicide hot line. Remember that you aren't alone and that you are an amazing person.

Chapters (1)