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After returning from the Dragon Migration, Spike begins to feel even lonelier with an empty space inside him (even though he proclaimed the ponies as his family)... All he wants is one thing really and the only pony who can give him that is a certain lavender unicorn

Collab done with Darth Link 22 (Author of Post Nuptials and Families... big thanks to you man!)

Editted by Vozzlefox (Author of Lately and Unwanted... huge thanks to him, he's also my teacher)

Artwork done by Conicer

Chapters (2)

“Did you see that? She smiled!”
“Maud Pie is the best!”
“Maud rocks!”
“With Maud we can be the Mane 7!”

Spike heard it. He heard it all.

And it broke his little heart.


Cover photo by C-Puff

Chapters (1)

The friends we take for granted are often the ones that leave the largest impact on our lives. When Spike falls seriously ill with a mysterious disease and the ponies strive to nurse him back to health, Twilight Sparkle comes to grips with this very realization about her number one assistant--and friend.

EDIT: So this little story made it on Equestria Daily on 10/8/12. Now please excuse me while I pass out on Rarity's fainting couch while murmuring a soft Fluttershy "...yay."

Chapters (1)

Being a princess is stressful, but your peers and friends can certainly help.

That was what Twilight had in mind when she invited Luna over for tea one afternoon. A relaxing, friendly meeting between two fellow princesses where they can commiserate and share their experiences. An invitation to a stronger friendship than they had before, offered to a pony displaced in time.

What she got was an uncomfortable assertion about her relationship with her number one assistant, Spike. One that she is having difficulty refuting.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy wakes up in the night from a nightmare portraying her worst fear, and will need her husband; a certain draconequus, to rid her of those fears. She needs him to say that he will stay...

Sorry Dislestia shippers:trollestia:

Chapters (1)

Being a Wonderbolt doesn't mean you're infallible. It doesn't mean you always have to win no matter what. It does mean, however, that you have to set an example for other ponies to follow.

Spitfire doesn't feel like she did that at the Equestria Games tryouts. Even though her intentions weren't as callous as they appeared, she still feels awful about doing wrong by Rainbow Dash and Soarin'. Luckily, she has a great team that will hear her out even when she screws up.

My mini-epilogue to the episode Rainbow Falls.

Chapters (1)

Starting a new school in a new country is difficult but nothing Octavia can't handle. That is, if she could just stop crushing on that silent girl in the sunglasses ...

A collaboratively written story from the Interfic Forum. Want to see how it continues? Come and join us in writing the next part!

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle hasn't come home yet, it's getting dark, and her older sister is worried. Where is she? Is she alright? What happened to her? And just what will Rarity do when her questions are answered?

Chapters (1)

"Diamond Tiara has had a tough life but nopony notices. She's rich, popular, adored. She must be happy. Right? Not always. Diamond Tiara tells the true story of her life through a letter. A letter to nopony"

Chapters (1)