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Rainbow Dash, like many others, thought bat ponies were only a bedtime story to scare foals. After meeting the rather rude and fairly bitter Quick Silver, she wishes they had stayed that way. Tasked by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Rainbow must travel to one of the bat ponies villages in order to learn more about their culture and save them from prosecution from the Canterlot nobility. A simple mission made harder by their loyalty to Princess Luna, and their lack of guilt for their aid to Nightmare Moon so many centuries ago.

This was actually an idea I had ages ago during EQD's bat pony write off last year but never got around to writing due to overwhelming laziness. Bat ponies aren't out of style right?

Chapters (3)

You'd think things couldn't get any weirder in Ponyville, well you thought wrong. A group of humans that have been transformed and imprisoned in stone for over two thousand years stumble upon the very soil of Equestria for the first time.

Who are these strangers and how did they end up in Equestria? Celestia and Twilight ask but while they try to find answers darker forces approach to seek vengeance. While secrets and truths are revealed.

This story is inspired by New world, New way

This story is Sequel to Shadowblade in Equestria

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Negotiations

It's been five years since our surrender. Things have gotten better, but we have a long way to go before our home is repaired and our name redeemed. I have spent these five years working nonstop to fix all the mistakes my former teacher left us.

But now I have a chance to make up one of the biggest ones I've ever made.


She betrayed us and sided with humanity. I hated her for her betrayal. Called her a coward. Now I am cowering in front of her house, begging for forgiveness. I have lost so much. I just want to gain one thing back.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam ]

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, a young gifted Unicorn is given the opportunity of a lifetime, to be the personal student to Princess Celestia. After demonstrating her abilities at her examination, her first day of studies comes to a grinding halt when a predecessor comes back for revenge on her mentor and Princess. After a narrow escape, the young filly, just beginning to learn her powers finds herself in the middle of the everfree forest, alone and vulnerable with no one to help guide her back to the life that was so swiftly pulled out from under her hooves. Her adventure nearly comes to an end when a pack of timber wolves attack her, however she is saved by one of the most unlikely of creatures, a dragon. With no one else to help her, she immediately follows the disgruntled and solitary creature back to his lair, much to his annoyance. However, he comes to find out that the two of them are far more connected than he could have ever guessed...

In this alternate universe, Twilight is a filly and never hatched spike. He grew up as a wild dragon in the Everfree forest, however deep down past the scales and fire, he will come to realize that perhaps he is something more. The first of a series I plan to create where spike is the "Older Brother/Guardian" figure, however, the bond that they share is the same if not stronger than that in the show. I believe this is an original concept, correct me if I'm wrong, but the idea came to me and I have been excited to show this to all of you

This story has been in my mind for over a year now and I am excited to finally be able to publish it, I hope that you all enjoy, as I am proud to present to you "Friends by Fate"

The cover art was done by me, you can check out more of my work at me DevianArt page

Inspiration for this story came from this picture http://xonxt.deviantart.com/art/Role-reversal-475409314 from the tallented xonxt on DeviantArt, go check him out and give him some love

Make sure to leave feeback (I love to know what you all think) and I hope you all enjoy

Rated Teen for mild blood and gore, nothing too horrible, just light battle injuries.

Chapters (3)

My name is Kaen Gold I was just looking at new spell books all was good and fun, but the day I open the oldest spell book in my collection of books changed everything.

The next thing I know I'm on the floor with a fire mane and a familiar looking alicorn towering over me calling my Sunset Shimmer.

Now Life is going to get interesting.

Chapters (0)

Sequel to ‘Revelations of the Past’ and ‘Lost’, highly recommended that you read them both first.

Two years after Fluttershy was lost in the Everfree forest and was rescued by the human mage Grendel Emeric, and after Twilight Sparkle discovered that Equestria had been saved from the wrath the Dark God of Magic, J’skaar, by another human mage called Turil Tailclaw, something begins to stir in the old ruins of the Mountain Kingdom.

Whispers of an old enemy…

One who was feared by all…

An enemy…who was assisted by a Dark God…

When a patrol on the border of Equestria in the north where the Crystal Empire’s capital once stood disappears in a sudden snowstorm without a trace, Princess Celestia becomes concerned that a Dark Evil that was vanquished long ago might be returning. After a second squad disappears, she and Luna come to the conclusion that the spell Varlos, the God of Magic, placed over their world a thousand years ago to protect them, has been broken. And immediately rush to inform Twilight and the other Element wielders.

For the Capital of the Empire has returned…and with it…so have King Sombra and Malaskaar…

Princess Celestia and Luna must summon two allies to help them defeat this evil once and for all; it’s time for Grendel Emeric and Turil Tailclaw to return to Equestria…

…And finish what began over a thousand years ago.

[Cover art done by me.]

Chapters (4)

Prequel to Lost. (Some chapters are set in the present and others in the past)

It’s been two years since Fluttershy became Lost in the Everfree forest and was rescued by the human mage Grendel, curious to know more about humans beyond what Fluttershy told her. Twilight Sparkle decides to visit the Royal Archives in Canterlot but each trips goes without success. On one of her visits however, she is shown by the Royal Archives Scribe, Quill Pen, a secret room that contains an old tome. As she reads it she discovers that not only have there been humans in Equestria before, but what she and every pony knew about the rise and fall of King Sombra…

...Was wrong

(Cover art done by me.)
(Thank you to Cirrus_Brony for his editing.)

Chapters (14)

After his fifth year, Harry Potter tries to come to terms with what happened in the Department of Mysteries. He decided that he needs to do something with his life, other than wallow in grief and self-pity. And when one is in great need The Room of Requirement provides the best solution... Or so Harry thought at the beginning of his journey through Old Equestria, but maybe just once the wish fulfilled, will turn out to be a curse.

Chapters (11)

Months after Chrysalis's attack on Canterlot, Twilight and her friends are turned into changelings. And not just any changelings. Royal changelings. Royal changelings who've now inherited what's left of Chrysalis's swarm.

The cover was suggested by a friend and was made by 0ravensrequiem0

Chapters (11)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)