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The story is generally the same. A group of ponies go on a quest to stop an insane alicorn who had escaped banishment, learning about friendship along the way and mastering the Elements of Harmony. But the details...

It can be Trixie Lulamoon leading the Elements of Harmony against Corona.
Rainbow Dash could be Celestia's student and go to Ponyville.
Equestria could have a deep connection to three young people in its distant past.
The Elements of Harmony could have been moved to Manehattan for the ponies to quest for.
Princess Cadance might rule over an Equestria of music, with Octavia as her prized protege.
Or Spike and Twilight might have their roles reversed, the former a stallion and the Element of Magic.

And each one has been chosen by Discord, an Element removed to a seventh Equestria for purposes as yet unknown. Can they survive? Can they get home? Read and find out!

The Lunaverse was created by RainbowDoubleDash and is used with permission. Opening segment was written by Talon and Thorn.
The Hasbroverse was created by RK_Striker_JK_5 and is used with permission.
The Manehattanverse was created by Little Jackie Papercut and used with permission.
The Cadanceverse was created by GrassAndClouds2 and used with permission.
The Flipverse was created by Bed Head and used with permission.
The Dashverse was created by Trinary and used with permission.

And special thanks to dramatic_spoon for getting this all together.

Chapters (20)

Due to pitifully low long-term conversion rates, the PER has decided that the best way to 'save' humans is to convert them against their wills. After several large potion bombings, the world drives them back into their homeland until the barrier is constructed as Celestia's last-ditch method of survival.

Unfortunately, this short war only brings about more supporters for the PER in Equestria, leading to the potion attacks on Gotham. These attacks were unprecedented in scale and in results. Hundreds of thousands of the residents of Gotham were forcibly converted, and, unfortunately, Bruce Wayne (Batman) was among them.

Besides from leaving criminals with much more freedom, this act of the PER also led to another unforeseen consequence: enraging the Joker. After all, he had finally found that which would finally break the spirit of both the city and the Batman, but it had all been ruined by the accursed ponies.

Now, with a thirst for bloodshed, he goes about repaying the PER for what they have done, his sights set on anything walking on four legs. However, as with many things the Joker is involved with, it may just fall into the disarray and chaos he is known for.

But who knows, the city may even consider him a hero after what he has planned for the equines...

EDIT: Rewriting this stuff. Will post next chapter when done.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Just a dent in the plan.

Monsters and prisoners from Tartarus escape. All of them dangerous; especially one of them. It's up to a very secret, very special agency to deal with this new menace.

Grogar is back and ready to take back what is rightfully his. The only thing stopping him? Eleven so-called 'Special Agents'.

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*Sequel to this one*
**Again, references from OnePunch Man but not an actual crossover. Some things are modified for obvious reasons**

Chapters (2)

Tirek has won his fight against Twilight and decides to ensure his victory in full instead of storming off to destroy Equestria. Too bad there is someone that can stop him.

Now Spike is forced to act to protect his friends thanks to someone doing something that wasn't in the plans of Celestia. Rather impressive considering no one else had tried to do the same before.

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

Chapters (1)

A crossover between my currently in development original universe, and the Bureau verse.

In a universe where the beliefs of man become reality, there exist humans who gain supernatural powers while retaining their species.

These are the Incarnates, and for centuries they have existed in shadows serving their nations as intermediaries between man and the races of non-humans sprung up from the same process.

However, soon those who lived in the shadows must fight a new, public enemy when they appear on day, in the midst of a toxic cloud that begins to consume the Southern States. Even as they prepare to fight the invaders, all the while preparing to sacrifice one half of a divided Incarnate America to the invaders if need be, a question arises.

For the Invaders, don't even know quite why they want to fight them. In fact, the seem to just get oddly angry about anything involving humans, confusing even themselves.

Chapters (1)

I really don't know where this came from.

What if the teleportation was messed up. What if Equistria missed our earth but hit a different one. One scarred by nuclear fire and humans already fighting for their right to exist. Against machines. Skynet and humans must decide. Die by the ponies or band together and fight back.

Chapters (6)

October 3rd, YOH 1501: In the aftermath of Twilight Sparkle's mental breakdown (shown in S2E03 "Lesson Zero"), a shaken Princess Celestia reflects on how close she came to losing her Most Faithful Student, and wonders where she herself went wrong.

Chapters (1)

Ponies have spread to the stars thanks to advances in technology. In the advanced and luxurious Solar Explorer, Celestia travels to the first extra-solar colony world set up by her little ponies. Unfortunately, events elsewhere in the galaxy, unknown to them, have set in motion a cycle that has been repeated for countless eons… the reaping of sentient races. A Reaper dreadnought confronts the Solar Explorer, intent upon indoctrinating the leadership of the ponies and bringing them to heel.

Said Reaper quickly learns exactly why Celestia has earned the title Unconquered.

A Mass Effect crossover oneshot.

Now with a reading done by Scarlett Blade! Check it out!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is an expert in unicorn magic, but earth pony magic remains a mystery to her. The books in her library have very little information about the earth tribe's abilities, other than their famous strength. Twilight is determined to uncover their secrets.

What she learns will change her life.

And it just might change Applejack's life as well.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Culling of the Hives

It's been twelve years since Twilight awakened as a changeling. With Phoenix Roost's focus on economic and population growth, the hive has grown strong.

The rest of the changeling hives have been ravaged by war for years with Twilight's brood remaining aloof. Sphinx psyker immigrants have dispersed throughout not only Equestria but as far as the Griffin and Minotaur nations, eager for a new life away from the paranoia of their homeland.

Yet for all of Twilight's desire for leave the rest of the queens to their wars, the Home Guard's proclamation will force Twilight to return to the jungle of her rebirth.

Real cover art pending.

As always, big thanks to Boldish42 and A Bitter Pill for editing.

Chapters (31)