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A handful of pages recount a remarkable journey to Equestria by someone who sought only a little peace. The story continues in Justice, and concludes in Hope.

Chapters (1)

So yeah, went to Comic-con with my girlfriend and cosplayed as a Tyranid Swarmlord. And I saw this creepy merchant selling some legit stuff. I bought a set of Bone Sabres to complete my costume but ended on some girly show land called Equestria filled with xenophobic ponies. So my plan? Run to some random ass town with a squad of Tyranids and open a diner!

Hey look a cupcake. *picks it up and eats it and spits it out* THIS *BLEEPING * CUPCAKE IS SO *BLEEPING* SWEET, IT GAVE KOBE DIABETES!!!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Sun Also Rises

Sunset Shimmer, following the aftermath of the Fall Formal, finds herself with new friends and need of a new place to live. Each of her new friends find themselves offering her an extra bed, and as time passes, she finds herself getting to know them better. All the while, she reflects on her life and what led her to coming to the human world, and finds herself wondering where she'll go from there.

Other stories will be referenced within this one, credited on a chapter-by-chapter basis and done with the original authors' permissions.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to An Act of Random Kindness

Since meeting Princess Twilight Sparkle, Quiver Quill's life has seen little improvement either at home or at work. Work, however, gives him the chance to move to Ponyville and reconnect with Twilight and the other ponies he's met there. But many things are easier said than done, chief among them finding a home.

Cover art by Alyssa Hartwick.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash usually had her head in the clouds, but she always thought she knew up from down. When an incredible revelation sends her life into a tailspin, she finds herself at the mercy of emotions she never thought she had, faced with hard questions and impossible choices.

Life is full of changes, but none of them are quite as disturbing as having a horn pop out of your skull…

Original Lauren Faust canon; non-alicorn Twilight, non-alicorn Cadance, no ascension. Diverges from the cartoon after season 3, with nods to later continuity wherever possible. Contains mature themes.

Chapters (12)

For better or worse, characters are defined mostly by context. A horrible monster in one story might be a hero in another. A minor hurdle in one world could be an insurmountable problem in another.

So a gap that allows characters between two contexts might be more of a problem then it first appears...

No knowledge required of A Certain Magical Index, or A Certain Scientific Railgun. (Hopefully...)

This story can also be found on Spacebattles, Fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own.

Chapters (11)

“Location. Unknown planet. Objective. Survival of the Swarm.” I am Abathur, or at least I have his body, brain, abilities and a part of his mind and memory. My real name is James or short Jim. Yea I know, not really the most creative name but you can chose you friends but you can't chose your family. Well you all know how this goes, I go to a convention and meet a guy who has a lot of fun messing with people and the universe. He must be a real asshole to think this is fun. Yeah and this is my story. And the story of the Swarm and its future allies.

Something is controlling Equestria, out of the shadows, not there, but history shows its power. Many have fallen and crumbled under his power, but now that its most important tool is back it becomes more active again. Equestria will be consumed by a war that started long ago in another universe. Will they fall or will they rise? Many factions exist in in Equestria, what will they do.

Tags, rating and Charactertags can change over the time.

First, English is not my native language. So my grammar and spelling will be bad, at least I think so. I hope you will enjoy this story even with all the errors. Let me know what you think about it and leave a review, critique is always welcome.
Second, yes it is a Displaced story.

Oh and I own nothing beside the idea.
My Little Pony is property of Hasbro.
StarCrarft 2 is property of Blizzard.

Chapters (7)

A woman named Marsara Semmeture goes to a store to get the final piece of her costume but gets sent to Equestria as a Zerg Broodmother.

I have been meaning to make this for a while now, and Bronyparasite got me to start making it as well as helping me by editing, so thanks a lot!

Unofficial tags: Displaced, StarCraft II spoilers.

Status: Undergoing massive editing.

Chapters (7)

I wish I didn't bought that helmet. But who cares about that! Now I am in Equestria more importantly I'm the current ruler of the Crystal Empire ruler also have a couple Protoss Templars and others with me. But those who dare threaten our new home shall face our wrath!

Chapters (2)

Applejack comes across a Pinkie duplicate hiding beneath her barn wreckage. But, somehow, this one is different than all the others. She calls herself Pinkamena. Takes place right after Too Many Pinkie Pies.

Review by MixMassBasher

Edited by Razalon The Lizardman

Chapters (1)