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Celestia had a niece once, not an adopted niece like Cadance, an actual biological niece, the daughter of Princess Luna. Sadly when Luna became Nightmare Moon her daughter took her mothers side and led the their forces against Celestia.

Princess Twilight was killed during that battle, or so history tells us...

Featured on the 11/10/2015! Thanks so much!

Chapters (12)

A dragon prince, awakened...
A Princess, in love...
A plot to overthrow the Equestrian diarchy and break the very foundations of equine society...
And an embittered Sorcerer willing to go to any lengths to realize his vision for the future...

Ranma Saotome doesn't care about ANY of that. He's on the wrong world, in the wrong body, and fate seems as determined as ever to drive the world's mightiest martial artist to an early grave. As schemes come unraveled and dark magic tears Equestria apart, all he really wants is to figure out what happened to Japan and keep himself fed.
But, alas, he always seems to be in the wrong place at the right time...

(Ranma 0.5/MLP crossover; not an Age of Iron Story)
(Cover art by EZTP)

Chapters (13)

XCOM Record: Operation: Rising Star
11:52 am, 18th Febuary, 2016
Northwestern Territories, Canada.

Summary: Witness reports contact with extra-terrestrial creature. X-ray is unconcious and unresponsive. X-ray does not match description of previously observed species.

Response: Strike-One dispatched on high alert, orders are to recover X-ray alive. Alien Containment prepared for the new arrival.


The war ended. They were beaten back, their mothership destroyed, their command structure in ruins. Lost ships and soldiers continued in vain, but thanks to XCOM, humanity won, and the world was saved. The Volunteer saw to that - everything changed because of one man.

And then suddenly, everything changed again. Only this time, it's not a man's doing - it's a mare's.

Proofreading by the aweome Setokaiva, entirely without me asking!
Tagged Dark and rated Teen: Gore, because there is going to be some blood shed by the end of this.

Chapters (20)

It has been twelve years since Twilight Sparkle was shrunk to 1/100 of her original mass to minimize the damage caused by her uncontrollable surges. Twelve years of struggles, challenges and hard work as Princess Celestia’s student, in which the tiny mare found the joy and excitement of facing everyday adventures of a huge world.

One year before Nightmare Moon’s return, Princess Celestia sends her tiny student to learn about pegasus magic from professionals, the Wonderbolts themselves. Much to the princess’s pleasant surprise, Twilight forms strong bonds of friendship during her one month of studies with Soarin' and Spitfire while the Captain of the Wonderbolts, Impressed by Twilight’s talent in magical surgery after the crystal mountain incident, offer her a job as one of the Wonderbolts’ medics.

While Twilight accepts the offer with Celestia’s blessing, provided that it would not last longer than half a year, the other Wonderbolts are not too happy with this idea. Will Twilight manage to win their trust, and what kind of adventures and challenges await her so far away from her home in Canterlot castle? Only time will tell.


This is a sidestory that takes place in "Celestia's Tiny Student" between chapter 20 - "Camping Trip" and chapter 21 - "Birthday Party."

Chapters (26)

Equestria. On the surface, it is a kingdom of harmony where pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies live together in peace; a place where griffons, minotaurs, and many other creatures are welcome. However, few know that another race lives among them in hiding.

Fluttershy, the decades old pureblood thestral known as Mistress Flutterbat, was living with her family in Cloudsdale where her parents had done their best to lead the local clan of vamponies in peace for centuries.

While the Princess of the Sun kept a watchful eye on her kingdom, pureblood thestral clans across Equestria went into hiding, disguised as common ponies, for none had the power to challenge the alicorn’s might.

Will a vampony with a good heart and kind nature survive in a world that sees her as a threat?

This story takes place years before Nightmare Moon’s return. The story itself went through restructuring alongside many improvements to increase its quality.

Special thanks to MykeGreywolf for permission to use his art as cover for this story.

List of editors:
Top editor - ShipIsLove ShipIsLife
Secondary editor - Mikemeisers

This story takes place years before Nightmare Moon’s return. The story itself went through restructurization alongside many improvements to increase it’s quality. Special thanks to MykeGreywolf for permission to use his art as cover for this story.

List of editors:
Top proofreaders: ShipIsLove ShipIsLife

Editors: Mikemeisers
Seether00 F

Chapters (12)

During the entrance exam to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight completely loses control of her magic. Celestia tries in vain to calm her down, but having no other choice she's forced to use a shrinking spell on the filly in order to tone down her dangerous surge of power.

After the exam, Celestia takes the tiny Twilight as her personal student to teach the young unicorn control over her powerful magic, making sure that she will pose no threat to other beings.

Will tiny Twilight be able to step out into a world designed for someone far larger than her? And will her size impede her in the trials of life as princess personal student ?
Side stories: "My Little Twiny April Foals Day" and "My Little Medic"

[img]https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/109x149q90/138/zvuu.png[/img] [img]https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/136x137q90/843/7m25.png[/img]

Kydois (Audience <3!)

Frozen Ice King

Rated PonyStar

Chapters (35)

Twilight tests a spell in a journal that once belonged to Starswirl and disappears. Upon returning she changed in more ways than her friends can imagine. Now Twilight must protect everyone with the knowledge and power she gained while away.

Chapters (3)

What do you do when given the choice between your existence, and the lives of your friends? What would you give up? Your happiness? Your life?

Your soul?

Twilight Sparkle embraces oblivion for her friends, and awakens the Soul of Hope.

Formerly known as The Harmony League.Hero Souls: Awakening FAQ

1. I enjoy writing fight scenes, so this story will be more violent than most MLP stories you'll find... I think. It won't be grimdark violence, but still.

2. This is an Alternate Universe story. The content within this story may or may not match up to canon.

Chapters (55)

After learning that Equestria and the human world could come under threat from an old adversary, Princess Celestia must reawaken ancient powers to stop the advancing enemy. Friendship from one world alone would not be enough to stop the growing power, so she looks to the human world for help, hoping that the combined power of both worlds would have what it takes to take down the enemy once and for all.

It's Home Run's first day at Canterlot High School, having just moved over from Fillydelphia after the winter break. Before he can start things right, the baseball player is dragged into a whole new world, filled with aliens, guns, blades, and robotic suits. Trying to make sense of the events unfolding around him, Home Run soon comes into contact with Sunset Shimmer and the girls and even Princess Celestia herself. Will he be able to overcome the alien forces, or will the world forever change?

This story takes place in our Bloodlines Continuity.

Warframe Crossover

Chapters (54)

"Sunset, you weren't the first unearthly threat to come to this world, and you won't be the last. If we seem calm in the face of strange events, it's not because we're oblivious or indifferent to them. It's because they're not strange to us. The Fall Formal may have been the most important night of your life, but to us... it was Thursday."

(Slice-of-life adventures of Canterlot High's unlikely band of monster hunters.)

Now with a Tropes page, courtesy of AnoneMouseJr.

Chapters (35)